Amrita Party of Patria

Partí Amrita Patriaë

Amma's Voice in the 48th Congress

Vaxí Ammaë 48-ím Congressus Patriaë

Members of Congress performing Pad Puja (worship of Amma's feet).Om Amriteshwaryai Namah!  The Amrita Party of Patria was established in August 2001 as the offering of Patria's devotees of Her Holiness, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known as "Amma", "Ammachi" or simply Mother to millions of devotees worldwide who revere her as a divine being, guru, and spiritual mother.

The original intent of the Amrita Party was not to draw votes away from the now-officially-defunct Spiritual Regeneration Movement (SRM) and Chakra Party but to complement those parties in order to form an unbreakable spiritual bulwark against the secular right wing, the Rationalists and the National Union.  Following the 2002 elections in which the Amrita Party and SRM won 83 and 30 seats respectively in the 47th Congress, the two parties united under the banner of SRM-Amrita (SRM-A) and are now formally merged as the Amrita Party of Patria for the 2006 election campaign.

In the next four years, the voice of a living saint and incarnation of the Divine Mother will be heard in the 48th Congress.  Even if you do not support the Amrita Party (or the former SRM-Amrita coalition), you can be assured that the personification of divine love and compassion -- more than just a woman who has hugged millions of people -- will hold a seat in the XLVIII Con. Pat. representing the Precinct of Arboria, will speak on behalf of Patria, will offer love, blessings and hugs to all Patriens, and will even melt the hearts of the toughest National Union men.

Amma is far more than simply a spiritual leader.  In 2002, recognizing her lifelong work furthering the principles of non-violence in the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., Amma was awarded the United Nations' Gandhi-King Award for Non-Violence.  Shortly after the South Asian tsunami in December 2004, Amma's organizations in the U.S.A. and India pledged one billion Indian rupees ($23 million U.S.) in relief and reconstruction.

Highlights of the Amrita platform since 2002:

Amma meets her Congressmen    Amrita Party rally, during 2002 campaign

"Come quickly, darling children, you who are the essence of OM. Removing all sorrow, grow as endearing ones and become one with the sacred syllable OM."

"Veloxitíx van, snehatæ balæ, vosí quí bhuváti essentíeníx OMe.  Sustulínæ omnæ duxnícæ, grandán libímíxæ jivíxæ et devián uní sa sanctíx sillabilíx OM."

Ammachi in Devi Bhava

Amrita Party

Let's cut circumcision!
Patria united against genital mutilation
"All religions and nations should condemn such shameful practices as...female genital mutilation." - Amma

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DISCLAIMER: The Amrita Party of Patria exists only in the unrecognized country ("micronation") known as the Inner Realm of Patria (Antarbhumi Ramrajya) and has no connection whatsoever with the MA Center, Mata Amritanandamayi Math, Amma Foundation of Canada, or any actual Amma-related organization in any recognized country of the world.

© 2005-06,  Amrita Party of Patria.

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