Welcome to the Chakra Party Home Page for the 48th Congress election. The Chakra Party was founded in 1989 and appeared on the ballot for the first time in the 44th Congress election of 1990. The Chakra Party stands for "Transformation, not Transcendence". We believe firmly in an Eastern-based spiritual path, founded on some (but not all!) of the teachings of Yoga and Sanatan Dharma. Yoga is a way of life, a time-tested and officially government-endorsed spiritual path. But unlike the Amrita Party (née SRM) we are not bound by all the rituals and dogma of Hinduism or devotion to the person of Mata Amrianandamayi. What is more, Chakra's commitment is to the path of Transformation. We believe in living in this world, not transcending it, while growing spiritually. We are a New Age party, for personal, spiritual and supra-national growth in the 48th Congress.
What is a "Chakra"? The Chakras are centers of energy within the body, each center governing the citizen of Patria on an external as well as an internal level. From bottom to top, the chakras are as follows:
The first, second and third Chakras are connected with basic or survival needs, for living in the world, being grounded and centered, and even enjoying a fulfilling sex life. Money, sex and power. These needs must be met before progress can be made upwards to the higher chakras. We believe the Amrita Party is ignoring these base chakra needs in blind devotion to Amma and in its quest for cosmic consciousness, nirvana, samadhi, etc. Transformation requires a grounding in the lower chakras, not rigid adherence to dogma and rituals. The Amma-bots just don't get it. On Election Day, April 15, 2006, send a message to the Pandits, Gurus and Sadhus of the Amrita Party, and to all of Amma's mindless minions, that Patria is on the path of transformation, not transcendence. Listen to your Inner Guru! Vote Chakra!
For a basic primer on the chakras ("The Seven Veils") click here. For more information on working with the chakras, chakra balancing, etc. Click here.
Vote Chakra Party! A New Consciousness for the 48th Congress!On
Election Day 2006 take a stand for real growth, not Hindu dogma!
Chakra 2006!
no gurus...just right!
Let's cut circumcision!
Patria united against genital
The Chakra Party supports the all-party campaign to end
all forms of genital mutilation.
E-mail your comments,
messages of support, and even flames.
(Spammers will be larted)
©2005, Chakra Party National Committee, Castoropolis, FDC