Inner Realm of Patria OM Antarbhumi Ramrajya

Qama-maMi~maNDla (Dharmamantrimandala)

 Ministry of Dharma - Minsterí Dharmaë

The Ministry of Dharma, established in 1992 by act of the 44th Congressus Patriaë as a result of Patria's 1989-90 "Dharmic Revolution", is responsible for all aspects of Patria's spiritual affairs.

Upholding the path of Sanatan Vedic Dharma

Ministry of DharmaFirst and foremost, the Ministry of Dharma is charged with the task of preserving and maintaining Patria's Hindu character as both an organized religion or spiritual path (known in Sanskrit as the path of Sanatan Vedic Dharma), and as a cultural identity.  The Ministry's national headquarters at 200 Iota Street NW in midtown Castoropolis (Kashipura) is also one of the capital's leading Hindu temples and is open 24-7 for prayer and meditation.  The Ministry of Dharma's offices in the capital cities of all of Patria's 13 Precincts also serve the functions of Hindu temples.

The following are the Ministry of Dharma's main areas of responsibility:

Yoga Instruction

YoginiYogiThe Ministry is the guiding force behind all aspects of Yoga practice in Patria: Hatha Yoga (Patria's national sport), Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Jnana Yoga   The Ministry's main area of responsibility is for the Hatha Yoga classes that are offered within schools, hospitals, prisons, psychiatric institutions, military installations, and other government-supported facilities.  To ensure the quality of yoga instruction within the Inner Realm, all Hatha Yoga teachers in Patria must be certified and registered with the Ministry.  Graduates of Yoga teacher training programs offered by the major ashrams and yoga retreats in North America and Europe, such as the Kripalu Center and Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, are eligible for Ministry of Dharma certification.

Sanskrit Language

Om Namah ShivayaThe Ministry supports the implementation and teaching of Sanskrit as one of Patria's official languages.  The Shusha True Type Font for Windows 95/98/ME/XP is Patria's official Sanskrit (Devanagari script) font, approved by the Ministry of Dharma for use in Web pages and word processing.  It has been used throughout Patria's Web site.  Download the font (it's free!).

Education of Children and Youth

ChildrenThe Ministry is responsible for inculcation of the teachings of Sanatan Vedic Dharma to a new generation of Patriens, both in school and out.
In co-operation with the Ministries of Education in each Precinct, and the local school boards, the Ministry has developed the curriculum and non-academic code of conduct for the gurukulam schools.  These publicly-funded elementary and secondary schools offer traditional Hindu-based education from Kindergarten to 12th grade, including:

The Ministry believes that a solid grounding in the path of Sanatan Vedic Dharma is the best insurance policy against youth crime, drug abuse, and disrespect of parents and teachers.  In the long run these teachings will be far more effective than the strict discipline, curfews, and "lock 'em up and throw away the key" solutions that have been pushed by the National Union in Castoropolis.

Special Events and Celebrations

Millennium celebrationThe Ministry is the official sponsor of numerous special events.  Public Patria-wide celebrations of major Hindu festivals, such as Shiva Ratri, Janamashtami (Krishna's birthday) and Diwali, are funded and sponsored by the Ministry.  Although the arrival of Jan. 1, 2000 had no particular significance in Hinduism, the Ministry was the official sponsor of many of Patria's millennium events. Illustrated here are the nationally-televised Millennium celebrations that took place at the Columbia Street Arena (Patria's legendary hockey shrine, the home of the 1998-99 Kamala Cup champion Castoropolis Centurions) on the evening of Dec. 31, 1999.

Public Services (Education)

What is Hinduism?  How can I become a Hindu? The Ministry plays a leading role in public education about this ancient path, without any attempts at prosletyzation or conversion through coercion.  The Ministry produces radio programs such as What is Hinduism?, Teach yourself Sanskrit and Radio Yoga Class, heard on Ramrajyavani (Patria's national radio network), as well as television programs on Doordarshan (Patria's national TV service), such as an animated version of the Ramayana for children. In order to educate the general public about the teachings, deities and rituals of Sanatan Dharma, the Ministry presents the following pages:

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© 2000, Ministry of Dharma, Inner Realm of Patria
c/o Honorary Canadian Consulate
99 Wychcrest Ave.,
Toronto, ON
Canada M6G 3X8