Gajananam bhutaganadi sevitam
Kapitta jambu phala sara bhakshitam
Uma sutam shokavinasha karanam
Namami vighneshvara pada pankajam
I bow before the lotus feet of
Ganesha, the son of Uma (Parvati), the
cause of destruction of sorrow, who is served by hosts of angels, who
has the face of an elephant, who partakes of the essence of Kapittha
and Jambu fruits.
"I ___________ do solemnly swear that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties and powers vested in me as a member of the Forty Eighth Congressus Patriaë, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Inner Realm of Patria, and will to the best of my abilities preserve, protect and defend the Inner Realm of Patria and the 48th Congress against all enemies both foreign and domestic, so help me God."
"Imí _________ jurí sollemníx; ímí
bunímí et fidelítíx executabaí
sevitæ et potentíæ mirím investím
deputíx quädesí-octilíe Congressus
Patriaë; ímí sustilabaí et defendabaí
Constituxión Antíraterraë Patriaë; et
melissíxæ miríx capacitíxæ
preservabaí, defendabaí et raxxabaí
Antíraterraí Patriaë et
quädesí-octilí congredí contrí
sarvíxæ shatruíxæ, et videshíxæ
et grihastíxæ, Díu miræ sahayataquít".
Amriteshvaryai Namah. Om Aim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai
Namaha. Om Namah Shivaya. Members of the 48th Congressus
Patriaë, all those who served in the 47th Congress, fellow
Patriens, namasté, salutations and blessings of the Holy Mother
and the lineage of Divine Masters.
Let us begin by offering salutations to Lord Ganesha, the remover of
all obstacles, and a brief prayer to the Divine Mother or to our
Ishta-Devata for having preserved and protected Patria over the past
four years. By Her grace Patria has been spared the destruction
of the South Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and the other natural
and man-made disasters of the “dark times” that Amma had warned of as
early as 2003. Through Her divine protection, Patria is free of
pestilence, war and famine. By Her will, She has enabled us to
reach this special day in which we celebrate this peaceful transition
into a new Congressus Patriaë. May She give us the power to
discern clearly right from wrong, and allow all our words and actions
to be governed thereby, and by the laws of this land. Especially we
pray that our concern shall be for all the people regardless of race,
calling, or spiritual path.
Along with the peaceful transfer of power and the prayers for an
auspicious new beginning, over the years a spirit of jingoistic
triumphalism has pervaded these Inauguration ceremonies. But the
30th day of June is not a day of triumph but a day of
re-dedication. On each Inauguration day since 1818, Patriens have
renewed their sense of dedication to the Inner Realm of Patria.
In the 19th century, the peoples’ task was to create and weld together
a new nation. In the 20th century, the peoples’ task was to
preserve that nation from external forces such as two fratricidal world
wars and a cold war – that is, from disruption from without. And
now in the 21st century, the peoples’ task is to protect the nation
from internal forces – that is, to save Patria from disruption from
And what are these internal forces that threaten Patria’s stability and
security? Far worse than the external terrorist threat posed by
Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda minions who were responsible for 9/11,
as well as for 3/11 in Madrid and 7/7 in London, are the domestic
saboteurs. These domestic terrorists do not have to hijack
planes, blow up commuter trains or set fire to public buildings.
They do not have to profess radical fundamentalist Islam. They do
not even have to physically injure or kill anyone. These
terrorists seek to destroy Patria’s spirit by ruminating about past
decisions right or wrong, and pining for the “good old days”, be they
of the 43rd Congress or some other long-gone era. The irony is
not lost on anyone, that we may pray to Shiva for transformation, but
at the same time sabotage our transformation by clinging to old ways
and old beliefs for no reason other than that they seem safe or
familiar. Amma says, “the past is like a canceled check. By
worrying about the past you lose the strength to deal with the present.”
Nonetheless the pining continues. Virtually all efforts have
failed to patch up the damage of a handful of horrid, misguided and
totally shortsighted decisions made almost fifteen years ago.
There have been a few short-term successes, but in the long run, there
has been no long-term security and stability that would rival the
steady firmly-rooted growth of the 43rd Congress. The era that
was inaugurated twenty years ago today was the best of times, a time of
real growth, of putting down roots, or was at least as close to the
mainstream as citizens of Patria ever came.
As the longing for the old days continues, so does the feeling of “same
old, same old”, that there has not been sufficient growth over the
course of the past four years and there is little or nothing new to
offer over the course of the next four. This Congress will not
offer taxpayer-funded bread and circuses or dog-and-pony traveling road
shows just for the sake of “something new”. If there is to be a
new direction or real growth, it must originate from within and be
prompted by the inner voice. And if that inner voice says nothing
except “stay the course”, that must be the course to be followed until
this day in 2010 if necessary.
Once again, a new Congress will be called to address one of the major
sources of disruption from within, one of the major factors causing
pain and frustration in the daily experiences of law-abiding citizens:
the proliferation of gangs, guns and street crime. Ask any National
Unionist: the warm fuzzy liberal approach to crime as a social problem
or the result of childhood trauma or bad parenting is totally
discredited. No one ever stopped the Crips and Bloods or the
ethnic gangs’ turf wars by throwing more social workers at them.
No one ever disarmed teenage gang-bangers with after-school pick-up
basketball programs. The only thing the bad guys, from biker
punks and testosterone-fueled street racers to serial rapists and
AK-47-toting gang kingpins, will understand is enforcement: more police
officers on the streets to make more arrests and more PISS [Patrienish
Intelligence and Security Service] agents under cover to make more
wiretaps. The message must be clear: if you do the crime you will
do the time. Not only must the sentences be tough; every day
behind bars must be served, with no early parole or time off for good
behavior. While the presumption of innocence until proven guilty
in a court of law is a noble judicial tradition rooted in centuries of
Anglo-Saxon Common Law, it cannot adequately deal with the street
punks, let alone al-Qaeda. Requiring the state to prove an
offender’s guilt – rather than placing the onus on the accused to prove
innocence – only further clogs already overloaded courts, favors the
criminals, and delays or denies justice for the victims.
Therefore, the basic legal system in Patria should be changed to
“guilty until proven innocent”.
Along with the swift and sure justice that the National Union has
promised to mete out to murderers, rapists, gang-bangers and other
violent street criminals, there must be prison cells waiting for the
bad guys who wear suits and ties rather than baggy jeans and do-rags,
who operate out of boardrooms and office cubicles rather than dark
streets and decaying tenements, and who use mice and modems rather than
guns and knives to destroy innocent lives. Patria will dispense
tough justice and serious prison time to the corporate criminals, as
well as to the small-time cyber-scammers, spam lords and identity
thieves. Indeed, the justice for the non-violent corporate crooks
should be tougher than for the violent street thugs. A street
thug may only take your wallet or iPod, but as the conviction of the
former Enron bosses shows, the criminals in the executive suites will
stop at nothing short of your life savings.
Along with the war on street crime and the post-9/11 global war on
terrorism, the National Union would like to bring an American-style
“war on drugs” to Patria as part of its “law and order, tooth and nail”
agenda. But just as the “war on booze” was a failure during the
heyday of prohibition in the 1920s, some eighty years later the U.S.
“war on drugs” is also a failure. Americans have been waging war on
drugs for decades, and they have reaped nothing but drug gangs, drug
lords, robberies, thefts, muggings, murders, dirty needles, overcrowded
prisons, decimated families, record drug busts, government corruption,
infringements on civil liberties, violations of financial privacy,
massive federal spending, and, of course, ever-glowing statistics
reflecting drug-war “progress.” In the 46th Congress, possession
and sale of small amounts of marijuana for personal use was
decriminalized, a move that even the N.U. applauded as it helped free
police officers and courts to deal with serious violent crime.
Now, in the 48th Congress Patria should take the next step.
Patria must reject any “war on drugs” for the sake of “law and order”,
legalize, regulate and collect taxes on the manufacture, import and
sale of all recreational drugs, and treat drug abuse as a social issue,
not a criminal justice problem.
Patria will once again maintain its Hindu identity, while seeking unity
in diversity. But diversity does not mean multiculturalism, as
has been official policy in Canada since the Trudeau years. Can
Canada’s multicultural approach be considered a success or failure in
light of the home-grown group of al-Qaeda jihad wannabes recently
arrested in greater Toronto? Patria has one culture, one
identity, firmly rooted in Sanatan Vedic Dharma. The Hindu
character and Vedic heritage of Patria must be preserved above all
else. No one who immigrates to Patria is required to adopt
Hinduism, practice yoga or study the Vedas. But all immigrants
must adapt to Hinduism as Patria’s dominant cultural identity and to
Sanskrit as one of Patria’s official languages, just as – until as
recently as the mid-1960s – all immigrants to the United States would
defer to the supremacy of the English language, Anglo-Saxon heritage
and Christian religion. Those who do not accept and respect
Patria’s Hindu culture and do not make a sincere effort to assimilate
into the milieu of Sanatan Dharma – including renouncing violence and
terrorism – should return to their home nation or to a balkanized
multicultural mosaic, such as is found Canada, particularly in Toronto.
As we seek unity in diversity, let us stop using a particularly odious
made-in-Canada phrase “visible minority” to describe anyone whose skin
is not sufficiently white or whose appearance is not sufficiently
Anglo-Saxon. While it may be true that White people still
constitute a majority of the population of Canada, Australia, the U.S.,
U.K. or Patria, in the big picture the White race is the visible
minority. On the world scale of almost 6 billion people, White
people are clearly outnumbered, and in certain European countries the
population is shrinking as the White birth rate has fallen below
replacement levels. In this new Congress, let all Patriens of
non-Caucasian or non-Anglo-Saxon origin affirm their global strength
rather than their position of weakness in one country or another, by
replacing the term “visible majority” with “world majority”.
Patria must firmly maintain the credo “equal rights for all, special
privileges for none”. There must never be any privileged
minorities in Patria, visible or otherwise. No matter how much
power such minorities may possess in the U.S. or Canada, in Patria no
minuscule religious or ethnic group – particularly one that considers
itself intellectually superior, unassimilable to its host nation, or
even “chosen” by God – will ever be allowed to wield power so out of
proportion to its numbers, dictate the nation’s foreign policy, or
control the media and entertainment industry.
In this new Congress, Patria will once again be a beacon of free
speech, where even the most controversial, unpopular, unpleasant and
politically incorrect ideas and views may be openly and non-violently
debated. Against all forces of political correctness, against the
withering assault of feminists, liberals, leftists and neo-cons, not to
mention an assortment of busybodies and do-gooders of both the left and
right, Patria must preserve the fundamental human right of free speech
and non-violent open debate. But as fundamental as freedom of speech
is, it is almost useless without freedom of thought. While
physical violence and incitement to commit violence are criminal acts –
and those who commit such cowardly acts as vandalizing synagogues or
mosques will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law – thoughts and
emotions can never be criminalized. In Canada, it is actually
possible to be prosecuted for expressing non-violent or politically
incorrect thoughts that hurt the feelings of certain privileged
minorities – people whose skin color, immigration status, sexual
orientation or other factors somehow deem them more worthy of
protection than the bulk of the population. But in Patria, there
are no privileged minorities. And there can never be such thing
as a “hate crime”, “thought crime”, or criminal charges for hurt
feelings because no emotion, thought or feeling is illegal. No
one can ever be compelled under penalty of law not to harbor such “bad”
emotions as hate or to think only “nice” thoughts about his or her
fellow citizens.
Fears of economic stagnation and chronic underemployment were
hot-button issues during the 2006 election campaign, as they have been
for well over a decade. The new Congress recognizes that for many
Patriens these four years may deliver little more than a bare-bones,
subsistence-level existence on a minimum-wage salary. To end this
race to the bottom, Congress will not only raise the minimum wage so
that it may become a competitive living wage – through tax credits and
low-wage subsidies – but will take action to keep Patria’s jobs in
Patria. As economic patriots committed to preserving Patria’s
jobs and standard of living, we must end the job-killing practice of
outsourcing or offshoring, be it factory work, information technology
or customer service. Globalism is a failed policy that has done
little for the average Patrienish citizen struggling to make ends meet
and only serves to benefit the suits in the corporate boardrooms who
think nothing of trading the security of their fellow citizens for the
financial gain of their shareholders. This Congress must draft a new
made-in-Patria protectionism not only to fight the free trade-mongers
and trans-national CEOs, but also to encourage local manufacture of
goods and local provision of services, so that whole industries are not
exported to slave-labor factories in China or the lowest Third World
bidder. In this new Congress we can take steps to help support
Patria’s own economy and Patria’s own industries: search for a
made-in-Patria label, or at the very least, a made-in-a
First-World-democracy label, buy the products your neighbors help
manufacture, shop at locally owned retailers, and do business with
organizations that are committed to fighting outsourcing and keeping
jobs in Patria for Patrienish citizens.
Patria is committed to fighting another particularly disgusting import
and export business: human trafficking. An untold number of young
women and girls from Eastern Europe and South Asia are lured with false
promises of legitimate jobs in Patria, only to find themselves working
as “escorts” – really a fancy term for prostitutes – erotic massage
artists or exotic dancers. It takes only a glance at the unsavory
back pages of the free “alternative/entertainment” weekly papers or the
adult classified section of any major daily paper to appreciate the
extent to which this sick business of human trafficking is thriving
right here in our own backyard. The loathsome predators who
destroy young lives through human trafficking must be extradited to
Patria to face the justice they deserve. And those who are
unfortunate enough to be victims of this revolting trade must be
liberated from the slavery of the brothels and massage parlors and
given back the girlhood or adolescence that was so brutally
snatched. Sadly, there are a good number of spiritually
un-evolved, insensitive, maladjusted men who are willing to pay a few
thousand rupees for a few moments of venal pleasure. But where
consenting adults are concerned, Patria will not seek to outlaw the sex
trade. As with drug abuse, it is a social not a criminal justice
issue. Patria will not make common criminals of the low-life
degenerate men who patronize the so-called escorts. Patria will
not waste the human resources of our cities’ police departments by
disguising policewomen as prostitutes in order to entrap a few
unsuspecting johns. Patria will, however, take action to ensure
that the women who choose this line of work are legal residents of
Patria, aged 18 and over, are regulated and taxed like any other
for-profit enterprise, are not modern-day slaves, and are free to leave
the profession at any time they choose.
While we may argue the pros and cons of tax cuts or cuts in government
spending, there is one particularly painful cut that Patria is
committed to eliminating. During the 2006 election campaign,
almost all the parties and candidates endorsed the “Let’s cut
Circumcision” all-Patria campaign to end genital mutilation, not only
of girls and women – female genital mutilation has rightly been
condemned and banned in Patria for many years – but of males as
well. This Congress will challenge Jewish and Muslim
organizations to seriously reconsider condoning the barbaric practice
of mutilating baby boys. In the 21st century, the excruciating
pain inflicted by circumcision can no longer be justified by religious
tradition prescribed in the Torah or Koran. As was mentioned on
this day four years ago, boys face enormous disadvantages compared to
girls: higher rates of crime, mental illness, disability and substance
abuse, and poorer academic performance even in math and science.
Boys are more likely to drop out of high school, less likely to succeed
in university studies, and remain disadvantaged throughout their
lives. But in one small way we can close the gender gap by
offering every boy born in Patria at least one certain inalienable
birthright: the right to an uncut, intact foreskin and the right to be
spared needless trauma at only a few days of age.
Finally, to conclude this address we are duty-bound to note that the
best that this new Congress may offer is that daily experiences will
still suck, but perhaps not suck quite as much as in the last Congress
or in other previous administrations. There may not be any major
turnaround or any major transformational event in the days or weeks to
come. This new Congress may deliver little that is radically new and
different from previous administrations. For the first time in
more than four decades, there has been no crumbling of the old order or
any event that would be considered a major transition or melt-down
during the months leading up to the election of 2006. For the
first time in more than four decades, the inner voices seem to be
saying nothing except to preserve the status quo. The only growth
may be superficial; rather than true transformation such as a
caterpillar turning into a butterfly it is only becoming a bigger
caterpillar. Nonetheless, on this day of new beginnings and
re-affirmation of traditions, it is fitting and proper to re-affirm the
ancient prayer “Not my will, O Lord, but Thine”. OM NAMO
all beings in all the worlds be happy! May God strengthen our
hands and hearts for the work of the next four years and may God bless
The first act of the new
Congressus Patriaë, immediately following the above Address, is to
adjourn until September; as it customary that Congress recess during
the [northern hemisphere] summer months. The First Session of the
48th Congress -- 1·XLVIII -- convenes on September 18, 2006.
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Where were you in '02? (or '98?) Read the 47th Congress Inaugural Address (July
1, 2002) and 46th Congress
Inaugural Address (June
30, 1998).
The Akashic Record: News from the Inner Realm
Receive the blessings of the Divine Mother for the 48th Congress
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© 2006; Sergeant-at-Arms of the 48th Congressus Patriaë
and Undersecretary for Protocol, Ministry of the Interior of Patria.