For more than a decade, thanks largely to the Spiritual Regeneration Movement, Patria has been choked by Hindu dogma, guru personality cults and new-age hocus pocus. The latest atrocity is the Amrita Party, foisted upon Patria by Amma's groupies, and now merged with the SRM. The Rationalist Party aims to end the Hindu theocracy, take the gurus out of government, and return Patria to a foundation of secular, scientific thought.
Rationalists believe in scientific, rational thought -- not arcane rituals, prayers and chants in ancient, dead languages, and good-luck-charm idols. If God exists, we want verifiable proof in a laboratory. For a truly free Patria, for a Patria where Man not God is supreme, vote Rationalist.
What is Objectivism?
Ayn Rand named her philosophy “Objectivism”
and described it as a philosophy for living on earth. Objectivism
is an integrated system of thought that defines the abstract principles
by which a man must think and act if he is to live the life proper to man.
Ayn Rand first portrayed her philosophy in the form of the heroes of her
best-selling novels, The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged
(1957). She later expressed her philosophy in nonfiction form.
Ayn Rand was once asked if she could present
the essence of Objectivism while standing on one foot. Her answer
Metaphysics: Objective Reality
Epistemology: Reason
Ethics: Self-interest
Politics: Capitalism
She then translated those terms into familiar language:
“Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.”
“You can’t eat your cake and have it, too.”
“Man is an end in himself.”
“Give me liberty or give me death.”
Objectivism offers a radical alternative to the ideas which dominate today’s culture and universities: mysticism, altruism, and collectivism — and their results, such as nihilism, environmentalism, “multiculturalism,” and statism. Objectivism challenges 2,000 years of thought — and provides the basis for a new Renaissance.
Reason and Free Markets in XLVIII Con. Pat.
The Rationalist Party is not anti-religion but promotes atheism as public policy. Rationalists want religion to be confined to Patria's houses of worship, not halls of government. “I am an intransigent atheist, but not a militant one. This means that I am an uncompromising advocate of reason and that I am fighting for reason, not against religion. I must also mention that I do respect religion in its philosophical aspects, in the sense that it represents an early form of philosophy.” - Ayn Rand
In the 48th Congress, as in the 47th, the Rationalists' economic
comrades-in-arms are the Party for Personal Responsibility.
Like the PPR, Rationalists believe in the supremacy of unfettered free-market
capitalism, entrepreneurship, private enterprise, and laissez-faire economic
Although the Rationalist Party won only 23 seats in election of 2002, it is a start on the path of a truly free Patria and a remarkable showing for a new party offering an unpopular alternative to religion, superstition, liberalism, statism, and failed social engineering. With heroes such as John Galt and Dagny Taggart sitting in Congress, the Rationalist Party will only grow in 2006.
"Man cannot escape from the need for philosophy; his only alternative is whether the philosophy guiding him is to be chosen by his mind or by chance." - Ayn Rand
To learn more about Objectivism and Ayn
Rand, please visit the Ayn Rand Institute.
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©2005-06, Rationalist Party of Patria National Committee and the Ayn Rand Institute of Patria, East Castoropolis, Caesarea.