Spiritual Regeneration Movement

XLVII Con. Pat.

The Spiritual Regeneration Movement has merged with the Amrita Party of Patria, and will be officially defunct upon the expiration of the 47th Congress term of office, June 30, 2006.  This page is being temporarily preserved as a memorial to the SRM (1989-2006).  Thank you for your support of the SRM in the 44th, 45th, 46th and 47th Congresses.  On April 15, 2006, vote Amrita for the 48th Congress.  Om Tat Sat.

Radha  Krishna


Welcome to the Spiritual Regeneration Movement-Amrita Party's page for the 47th Congressus Patriaë. On April 20, 2002 Patria will elect a new Congress. Do we carry on the work of the Dharmic Revolution or regress back into a materialistic morass, new-age hangout, and/or personality cult devoid of the pure values of Sanatan Vedic Dharma?

All praises and pranams to the Holy Mother, Mata Amritanandamayi, but WE ARE NOT THE AMRITA PARTY!  Don't you believe the rumors of an SRM-Amrita merger either before or after the election.  The SRM is and will remain distinct from the Amrita Party and Ammachi's devotees.  We are disciples and devotees of many teachers and gurus, unlike the personality cult of the Amrita Party.

Well, the above paragraph was what we thought before election day. But in the days following the 2002 election, in which the National Union took 85 seats (two more than the Amrita Party's 83), while the SRM - badly hit by defections to the Amrita Party - could only manage 30, merger talks were initiated with the Amrita Party to broker a coalition of some kind that would stave off the N.U. and its rightist cronies. In May 2002, the two parties unofficially merged to form the SRM-Amrita (SRM-A) coalition. The SRM and Amrita will be officially merged in 2006.

The Spiritual Regeneration Movement, unlike the "spiritual" or "new age" parties such as the Chakra Party, is totally committed to the path of Sanatan Vedic Dharma, i.e. Hinduism, as taught in the Vedas, Puranas, Bhagavad Gita and other Hindu scriptures. These are the pure teachings that have endured for thousands of years, not amorphous blobs of "new age" teachings carefully laundered to suit the pop culture of the 2000's. The supporters of the SRM are the front line of Patria's spiritual warriors, standing shoulder to shoulder to defend Hinduism, not only as a religion or spiritual path but as the bulwark of Patria's cultural identity.  While the National Union may rave about "manly values", "tungsten tough", etc. and spew out propaganda applauding George W. Bush's every post-Sept. 11 move, we believe that real men chant Sanskrit, and we are committed to raising the Kundalini Shakti (much tougher than tungsten) of this Inner Realm through the practice of yoga.

History of the SRM: The Spiritual Regeneration Movement can trace its history in Patria back to 1968, when a group of University of Castoropolis students began to study the teachings of yoga and the Sanskrit language. From these humble beginnings, the SRM received its charter as an official political party in 1989. As the Dharmic Revolution was unfolding in 1990, the SRM contested its first elections to the 44th Congress and helped to put the final nail in the coffin of the liberal, secular parties that had ruled Patria for more than a century.  The SRM is founded on the teachings of the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the Devi Mahatmyam, etc. From the classic gems of Hinduism, a new political movement has emerged -- one that will defend Patria's Hindutva (Hindu cultural heritage) and lead Patria on to "the Kingdom of Rama" or Ramrajya. Whether your Ishta Devata is Krishna, Rama, the Divine Mother, Shiva, or any of the Devas and Devis of the Vedic or Puranic pantheon, or if you prefer to worship the unseen all-pervading formless Brahman, you will find a voice in the SRM!

sa%yaM iSavaM saundrma\
Satyam Shivam Sundaram
Re-elect SRM for the 47th Congress!

MAHA SHAKTI! was the SRM's slogan for the 1998 campaign, but is just as valid in 2002. What is meant by Maha Shakti? With the dawn of the new millennium, it is an auspicious time for the awakening of Shakti, the great primordial energy. Patria must prepare the way for Her coming, through willful spiritual discipline, be it Bhakti, Jnana, Karma or Raja Yoga. The SRM stands committed to achieving the goal of Ramrajya, so that the boons of Shakti may be available to everyone, along with the Divine Mother's choicest blessings! Jai Ma!


Visit the Divine Mother's Home Page.  A public service of Patria's Ministry of Dharma.

! BaUBau-va: sva: t%saivatuva-roNyaM Bagaao- dovasya QaImaih iQayaao yaaona: p`caaodyaat\
Om bhur bhuvah swah
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yonah prachodayat.
Repeat the Gayatri Mantra daily and the boons of Mother Gayatri will shower on you every day of the 47th Congress!


Lord Hanuman is the perfect Bhakti, Karma and Jnana Yogi. His love for Lord Rama (Bhakti), his selfless acts to rescue Sita (Karma) and his knowledge of every sloka of the Ramayana (Jnana) are a model for every citizen of this Realm to follow. All glories to Hanuman, who is the strength and protection of Patria!


Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya!  Get the point of Shiva's trident.  For real transformation vote SRM!

©2002, Spiritual Regeneration Movement National Committee
P.O. Box 108
Castoropolis, FDC 2001
From anywhere in Patria, call us toll-free: 1-800-SRM-2002
E-mail your comments and suggestions: patria1818@yahoo.com

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Sri Ram Jaya Ram! Maha Shakti!