An Anarchist Society is a voluntary non-hierarchical society based on
the creation of social and political structures which allow all people
equal decision making power and equal access to society's wealth.

The Wildcat Collective is a group which has recently formed in Adelaide
who believe that society needs to be radically changed for the better.
The environment is in a serious crisis, the earth is experiencing a
phase of extinction similar to that which wiped out the dinosaurs.
Politicians and national and multinational companies are busy helping
each other increase their wealth while workers and the environment lose
out. Politicians and the media serving their own interests have tried
to divide us, stopping us from working together against the real enemy,
those who have money and power. We must defend diversity and oppose
racism, sexism, homophobia, and bigotry.

Politicians allow mining companies to mine uranium on Aboriginal land
because they believe that profit is more important than the environment
and human rights. Democracy has turned into a joke, every three years
we get to choose between Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber while the usual
nightmare of poverty and pollution grinds on.

Many people work more hours than they get paid for, while others can t
get paid work at all. Those who do work are promised shorter hours in
return for implementing new technology. Such promises never seem to
eventuate and in fact, increased productivity often means job losses.

Some people say that capitalism is an efficient way to organise
production. Even if you accept that efficiency of production is the
reason for our existence, we should still ask who capitalism is really
efficient for? Billions are spent on military hardware, advertising,
and electric toothbrushes while people starve.

It is important for us not to merely replace one government with
another. This was tried in Russia and was an authoritarian failure.
Governments have a nasty habit of killing their own citizens,
particularly when those citizens try to gain freedom and equality. The
main outrages of history - war and tyranny - have been committed by
governments, while nearly every advancement of thought, nearly every
betterment of the human condition,. has come about through voluntary
cooperation and individual initiative.

We must learn to organise without hierarchy, the state, or capitalism.
We must defend what we still have and work towards a more equitable
distribution of societies wealth through organised community protests,
direct action, community education, and creating non-hierarchical forms
of organisation.

If you also want to change society in a positive way, or want to find
out more, then talk to us or come to our next meeting.