Geopolitics on the Web

The Central Asiatic Chessboard


 Last update: 11 May 1998




- Afghanistan


- Central Asia

- Central Asia and Caucasus Discussion Board

- Central Asia and Caucasus Update. A monthly update on news and events on conflicts in Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus, published by the Center for Political and Strategic Studies

- Central Asia. Counterpart International, Inc.

- Central Asia Conflict, Resolution and Change - A Collected Volume on line

- CENTRAL ASIA Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

- Central Asia Monitor. On-Line Supplement -- Sample issue -- No. 2

- Central Asian Experts list

- Conflicts in Central Asia [The Center for Political and Strategic Studies]

- Congressman Andrews and Tajikistan

- Deconstructing Constitutionalism: The Case of Central Asia and Uzbekistan By Rebecca M. Bichel

- Ethnologue Afghanistan


- Eurasia Research Center Message Board

- GeoNative - Former Soviet Union - Russia

- Interactive Central Asia Resource Project

- Interactive Central Asia Resource Project (ICARP) - Kyrgyzstan

- International Involvement in Tajikistan

- Kazakhstan

- Kazakstan

- Kyrgyzstan

- Kyrgyzstan

- Le Kirghizstan cherche sa voie, par Nur Dolay (Le Monde diplomatique)

- Links for the history of Central Asia

- One Small Planet Global Database - Central Asia


- Tajikistan

- Tajikistan 'Soros' Resource

- Tatarstan

- The Atlantic Council of the United States.

- Program on International Security. Project on Regional Transitions Central Asia. U.S. Relations with Central Asia

- The Atlantic Council of the United States. Alternative Futures in Central Asia. Summary of Gaming Exercises

- The Atlantic Council of the United States. New Priorities for the United States in Central Asia and the Transcaucasus. Report of an Atlantic Council delegation visit to Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan & Kazakhhstan

- The CENASIA Discussion List by date

- The Central Asia Institute. For the Study of Central Asia and the Caspian Region

- Turkmenistan

- Uzbekistan

- Uzbekistan

- US Policy on Tajikistan




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