Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons
2) The Jews ... will help in getting Arabs out of Galilee.
3) Palestine should be for the Jews and no Arabs should be in it.
4) Western Palestine should be handed over completely to the Jews, clear of Arab population...
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Theodor Herzl
Herzl's Diaries
Interpretations of Herzl's Diary Entry
Herzl's True Thoughts
Herzl's Letter to Al-Khalidi
Herzl's Charter
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David Ben-Gurion
Ben-Gurion's Transfer Proposals
Enthusiastic Reaction to Transfer Proposal
Ben-Gurion's Letters to his Son Amos
Ben-Gurion's Plan to Transfer Arabs to Iraq
The Early 1940s
Ben-Gurion's Path to Pragmatism
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Chaim Weizmann
Weizmann's First Transfer Proposal
Weizmann and the British Colonial Secretary
Weizmann's Letters
Weizmann's Hints at Transfer
Meeting with Leaders of the British Labour Party
Meeting at New Court
Attitude of Weizmann towards Transfer
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Nachman Syrkin
Dr. Arthur Ruppin
Leo Motzkin
Akiva Ettinger
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Israel Zangwill
Zangwill Perceives Arab Problem in Palestine
Lecture to Fabian Society
Zangwill's Conversation with Jabotinsky
Zangwill's Article of May 1917
"Before the Peace Conference"
Reactions to Zangwill's Article
Editorial Comments in "The Jewish Chronicle"
Lecture in Aid of War-Wounded
"Zionism and the League of Nations"
Zangwill's Address to Poale Zion
Zangwill's Address to the American Jewish Congress
Zangwill the "Most Consistent Advocate"
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Vladimir Jabotinsky
Baron Edmond de Rothschild
Felix Warburg
Menachem Ussishkin
Moshe Shertok (Sharett)
Abraham Sharon (Schwadron)
Berl Katznelson
Yitzchak Tabenkin
Dr. Jacob Thon
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Edward Norman
Three Successive Versions of Norman's Plan
Early Meetings
Meetings with American Government Officials
Bell's Second Visit to Iraq
Unsolicited and Unwanted Help
Norman and Rutenberg
Attempts at a Pilot Plan
Meeting with the British Colonial Secretary
Further Contacts with American Officials
Contacts with Bell
Request by Bell for Permit to Travel to Iraq
Change in Attitude of American Government
Further Developments
Remuneration to Bell
Contacts with the American Government
Resettlement Plan for Arab Refugees
The Saltiel Proposal
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Emanuel Neumann
Joseph Weitz
Israel Sieff
Ernst Frankenstein
Victor Gollancz
Eliahu Ben-Horin
Israel Ben-Shem
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President Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Ex-President Herbert Hoover
Hoover's Initial Proposal for Transfer
Hoover's Statement to "World-Telegram"
American Zionists' Reaction to Hoover Plan
Iraqi Reactions
Correspondence in "The New York Times"
Meetings and Proposals on the Hoover Plan
to browse
President Eduard Benes
King Abdullah and Prime Minister Ibrahim Pasha
Mojli Amin, an Arab
Ambassador William Bullitt
High Commissioner Sir Arthur Wauchope
Leopold Amery
Sir Norman Angell
Edwyn Bevan
Ely Culbertson
John Gunther
Walter Clay Lowdermilk
Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen
Rev. Dr. James Parkes
General Sir John Bagot Glubb (Glubb Pasha)
Reinhold Niebuhr
Senator Claude Pepper
Bertrand Russell
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Harry St. John Philby
The Plan and Initial Contacts
Zionist Efforts
Philby in Saudi Arabia
Discussions with British Officials
Discussions by the Jewish Agency Executive
Colonel Hoskins' Visit to Saudi Arabia
Further Discussions by the Jewish Agency Executive
Real Attitude of Ibn Saud towards the "Philby Plan"
The Namier-Baffy Plan
to browse
The Report
Jewish Agency Discusses Transfer
Reactions of American Jewish Press
British Government Reactions to the Peel Report
Bonne's Memorandum
Mapai Central Committee
Council of "World Unity"
British Parliamentary Debates
Permanent Mandates Commission
League of Nations
Twentieth Zionist Congress
Jewish Agency Council
Jewish Agency Committee for Transfer of Arabs
Jewish Agency Executive
Material Submitted to Woodhead Commission
Retraction of Peel Commission Recommendations
to browse
The Resolution
How the Palestine Paragraph was Formulated
The Attitude of Clement Attlee to Transfer
Reactions to the Resolution
Zionist Reactions
The Correspondence Columns in the "Tribune"
Editorial Reactions in the Jewish Press
Labour Party Conference 1944
Change in Labour Party Policy
The Resolution of the British Common Wealth Party
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American Resettlement Committee
Lohamei Herut Israel (Lehi)
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The Druze
The Shi'ite Moslems
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