Dr. Hari K.Koul
Kashmir, my beloved motherland is under siege of Pakistani trained terrorists, an army of barbarians and thugs, who are exploiting religious sentiments of majority of Kashmiri Muslims and have been responsible for genocide... in Kashmir. These thugs are in part trained by Pakistani Army and in part by Saudi millionaire, "Osma bin Laden" in his terrorist training camps in Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere(1). These psychopaths are trained for "JIHAD": to kill innocent, defenseless civilians, who do not believe in Islamic faith in order to achieve totalitarian Islamic society by barbarian means. These groups call all people who do not believe in Islam as "KAFIRS" or infidels, and consider it a service to Islam to wipe out all non-Muslims. In Kashmir they are sent with a special purpose to wage "JIHAD" against peace loving, non-violent Hindu minority. In Kashmir, these groups have used executions of innocent people as a strategy to scare masses and into silence. Starting in 1986-87, first targets were Hindu Temples and in three years, i.e 1986-1989, more than 100 temples were looted, burnt down, or destroyed. This wave of terror was followed by looting of liquor shops owned by minority businessmen: as liquor is banned by Islamic faith. Hindu leaders protested strongly such acts of harassment and raised cries for help, however, state and central governments gave a deaf ear to their cries. By 1990 targets had changed from temples and shops to individuals. Starting late 1989 and early 1990, terrorists started targeting Hindu leadership in Kashmir valley. All leaders of Hindu community were executed one by one mercilessly while the Whole world looked other side. Now the leadership had been wiped out, targets of executions were common men, women and children of minority Hindus. In a short span of a year and a half, about 2500 innocent Hindus were executed , over 150 women were gang-raped and eventually killed brutally. This was followed by Public posters and slogans like, " We will make Pakistan, without Hindu men and with their daughters and women"; "Kashmir will be run by Nizam-Mustafa"; "Awaken you Muslims, Run away you infidels, JEHAD is coming"; "Hindus, either mix with us or run away or we will execute you" Finally Muslim neighbors were sent to tell Hindus individually, that "MUJAHIDS: people trained to bring Jihad" have come, and you better run away or you will be killed. We can not protect you as our own lives are threatened. Left with no other choice to save their dignity, honor, religious belief and protect their families, entire minority Hindu community (Hindus, who constituted between 10%- 20% of People living in Kashmir valley) became refugees in their own country. Indeed the threats were followed by action. Few Hindus, who did not become refugees, were executed over the years and actually, complete villages of Hindus have been massacred mercilessly. Not even children and old people were spared. Over last decade, most of their property has been burnt down and illegally seized. Over 200 places of worship (Temples) of Hindu minority community being burnt down, looted and raised to ground. Well you don't have to imagine all this: Fellows, "These are facts about my motherland. "Kashmir",". A decade of relentless ethnic cleansing and unreported massacres of complete villages, where no one survived these vicious barbarians. Since 1988, over 2500 minority Hindus have been executed all over the valley. Over 700,000 strong minority community of Hindus has been driven out at gun-point and by such executions from Kashmir valley. These people now live in temporary shelters in Jammu, Delhi and other parts of India under terrified conditions. Unfortunately, major national and international news agencies played a "Don't cry don't report policy" for vicious crimes committed by these barbarians against minorities in Kashmir. The Islamic terrorists are bringing about ethnic cleansing in Kashmir with financial, strategic and military support of neighboring Pakistan and Saudi millionaire "Osma-bin-Laden". In Kashmir they have set up over thirty five Islamic Terrorist Organizations operating under the umbrella of "Hurriyat Conference". Many leaders Hurriyat conference are confessed murderers. Some of them have admitted of killing as many as 15 innocent Hindus in Kashmir. They are waging JEHAD against Kashmiri minority Hindus as well as any moderate Muslims who do not support them. Barbaric acts have been documented by several organisations for details you may visit: Freedom struggle or Ehenic clensing These Islamic Terrorist organizations are represented in the United States, by lobbying firm under the disguise of Kashmir American Council, headed by self-styled executive director, Gulam Nabi Fai. While US government is committed itself to wipe out terrorists from the globe, its policy makers have been silent about Genocide in Kashmir. Please open your heart to cries of desperate victims in Kashmir and save minority Hindus from genocide. This appeal comes from core of heart of a survivor of Minority Hindu community, who has been silent witness to this genocide. Please help stop ethnic cleansing of my motherland and help bring these Islamic terrorists and their supporters to justice. Because, if you fail to add your voice to the cries of ~ a million victims of ethnic cleansing in Kashmir, whose future is at stake, retaliation by Hindu community is the only solution left to us. Desperate victims will have no choice, but to react aggressively and a large disaster is in the making.... Should the "civilized world" fail the innocent victims, the innocence may be lost for ever... Only you can help to save this innocent culture... ...