Zeta Advisory Board 
Advising Interest Form

Remember your advisors and all the help they gave you?

                    Now is your chance to help other sisters learn what lifelong sisterhood is all about!
                              The Zeta Chapter at George Washington University needs you!!

Advising is a worthwhile, rewarding experience which involves getting to meet, work with, and become a mentor to a collegiate woman.
There are many ways to get involved - many advisors only attend one or two meetings each semester and an advisory board meeting preceding the next
semester. We attend ritual meetings for pledging, initiation and Order of the Triangle. We advise chapter officers via phone calls, emails, and face-to-face
meetings (often over dinner!).

Hear what one current Zeta advisor has to say about her experience: "Being involved as an advisor really helped me reconnect to Sigma Kappa. It is heartwarming to watch the women of Zeta. It reminds me of all the emotions I felt when I was a collegiate - from the overwhelming experience of learning all the Sigma Kappa traditions to the tearful good-byes after Order of the Triangle. Advising has been an enriching experience I would recommend to anyone." - Tracy Barron

If this sounds like something you would enjoy - then take the next step!
The current advisory board for Zeta is looking for several new faces.
We'd love to meet you and talk to you about our experiences on the board!
Please contact our Alumnae Collegiate Relations Coordinator
                               - Terri Dempsey - at  Shopgirl42000@aol.com


Maiden Name 




City, State, ZIP 




Birthday (month/day) 



Daytime Phone 

Evening Phone 



Collegiate Chapter/School (e.g., Alpha /Colby College)

Year of Initiation

















Offices Held (collegiate chapter, alumnae chapter, panhellenic) 




ZETA Advising Activities

I am interested in advising the offices of... (check all that apply) 

Executive Vice President/Standards Board
Vice President of Membership 
Vice President of Alumnae Relations
Vice President of Pledge Education
Recording Secretary

Philanthropy Chair
Foundation Chair
Public Relations Chair
Corresponding Secretary
Ritual Chair

Social Chair 
Sisterhood Chair 
Scholarship Chair 

NOVA Alumnae Chapter Activities

I am also interested in helping NOVA with... (check all that apply) 

Book Club 

Founder’s Day 
Sigma Sports Group

Social Events 
Mom’s Group 

As a NOVA member, I would like to:

receive newsletters and attend events

receive newsletters -- but I’m too busy to make it to events right now.

not receive newsletters at the present time -- but remain a paid member

What types of programs/activities would you like to see in the future?  (check all that apply)

Alumnae/Collegiate Events 
Dinner & Drinks 

Career-Based Programs 
Daytime Events (Lunches/Tours/etc.)

Special Interest Groups (Book Reading Group, Pearl SIG, Mom’s Club, Sports Groups) 
Events in your area 


Do you have suggestions for other activities?

Welcome to Sigma Kappa's Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter!

Membership Dues (note: term of membership is 1 Jun - 31 May)

First Year Graduates
Second Year Graduates
All Others


(Donations to Zeta Collegiate Chapter at GWU and/or the NOVA chapter are also welcome!)


Please Make Check Payable to:



Please bring your check to our next meeting/function or mail it to:

Vickie Bryant

3112 S. Fox St.

Arlington, VA  22202



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Last Update: 13 February 2005

Kathi Kennedy, NOVA Technology Officer, Alpha Gamma Chapter Alumna