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Below are a few of my favorite educational sites on the internet. Most of them deal with the biological sciences, but a few are germain to all educators. The links are also useful to students who need to reasearch certain topics. Also, there are several "virtual lessons in progress" at the bottom of the page. Eventually, I hope to include a HTML-based shark dissection guide with annotated help files.

TENET--The Texas Education NetworkThe new and improved version. TENET jumps into the near past with their new page. It is easier to understand and it looks so darn pretty (the old one was a dog *woof*).
The Texas Education AgencyI don't understand. TEA funds TENET and TENET's site is easier to use, better looking, and just plain extra special. TEA's page is still a good place for any Texas educator to visit on occasion. As an educator the info on the page maybe a bit out of date (the site admins are kind of slow to update), but it serves as a good reminder of policy and direction.
Science Teachers Association of TexasI am not a member, but they offer some good links to other professional organizations for science teachers in Texas.
The Marine Biological LaboratoryFinally a site with meat (about time, huh?). Maintained by THE lab at Woods Hole, Mass, the site is one of my personal favorites. I can spend hours cruising throught the pictures and descriptions of marine samples contained on the site. It is graphic intensive, but they do have a link to a text version for those of you who like to be bored.
The Virtual CellOooohhh! Doesn't that title sound exciting? It is an appropriate name. The site contains a Java applet of a single plant cell. You use radio buttons to tear the cell apart and see what makes it tick (plants ticking?). Kinda slow if you aren't on a fast connection, but a prime example of how applied technology can be used for educational purposes.
Virtual Frog Dissection KitAnother very useful sight. With a easy to learn interface the frog does not stand a chance. The graphics slow things down, but it is well worth it. There is even a multilingual option.
Case Studies in ScienceA site maintained by the State University of New York at Buffalo. The site describes a novel idea about teaching science: make it apply to the real world (GASP! NO, NOT THAT). Some nice articles and some really nifty links.
Biology TeachingCan't get more to the point than that. A Hong Kong based site (yes, it is in English) with some good links and a decent collection of plant photomicrographs (I think there are some animal shots too).
The On-Line Biology BookA text intensive sight. The "book" covers Biology throughly from atoms to evolutionary theory.
ABCentralA very dull (not just drab, but really boring) looking site with a large number of links on a plethora of subjects. Don't let the no frills look fool you. It is filled with useful links.
Educational Courses on the WebWell the graphics are nonexistant here too. The site is just a collection of links to different educational sites. With all these link pages it makes one wonder if there are actually any pages with REAL content. Like I am one to talk.

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