The Symbol Department of the Experimental and Theoretical Applications of Poultry Science and Astrobiology
The Ohio State University
Written and maintained by The Neon Samurai

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This page is a courtesy from me to you, letting you know what to expect when looking through my site. It's also my little safety device to point to in case anyone gets angry at me for some reason regarding my site. Keep that in mind.
This page contains the following:
  1. Crass (i.e. possibly insensitive) humor
  2. The occasional vulgar part of speech
  3. The opinions of a highly opinionated person
  4. Maximum utilization of the First Amendment
  5. Endorsement of several movies, television shows, and other copyrighted information without prior written consent. This site is made for entertainment value only and is not intended for personal profit. If I could profit from this page I wouldn't be wasting my time talking about this crap.
  6. Pages which are supposed to look like they contain highly sensitive, classified information. It's not really classified. It's sort of a joke.
In case that offends anyone, keep that in mind and go to another website. I won't shed a tear or anything so we're all good. Just keep it professional and all that good stuff. If you decide to bug me about this or something, I'll just say now for the record that we're in America, and that means we get to watch baseball, eat hot dogs and apple pie, and misuse our right to free speech. You don't like it? Go to China or something.

Last Updated: 23 October 1998 by The Neon Samurai
You are visitor number to visit this site since 23 October 1998.

This site is not affiliated with The Ohio State University in any way, shape, or form. If they saw this they'd probably be very concerned to know that I've been a student there for over two years and this is still all I'm capable of. Thank you.