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Natalie - 07/03/99 23:46:28
My Email:Natalieh86@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Gone With the Wind
Favorite Movie Line: Whatever it is that pulls the pin, that hurls you past the boundaries of your own life into a complete and total beauty, even for a moment, it is enough.
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: University of Kentucky
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: uh.....i dont get it . . .haha
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: There's a bit of magic in everything, and then some loss to even things out

Ok i admit it . .. my movie quote, its not from a movie. It's from a book. But, if they make the book into a movie, it would probably be in there.

Jen - 05/31/99 01:37:09
My Email:jenpen8373@aol.com
Favorite Movie: right now- The Matrix
Favorite Movie Line: "And you help your landlady carry out her garbage."
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: OSU
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: Well.....A mix between brown and blonde
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: "I don't know"

Gee...it looks different than before...wonder who was nice enough to share the use of their computer with you? :)

who me? - 03/21/99 09:55:33
My URL:http://zap.to/cw
My Email:cloud-0@mailcity.com
Favorite Movie: the one with that guy driving that car and shooting
Favorite Movie Line: follow that cab!
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: The moons of Saturn
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: red & brown are tied, blonde: the stupidest (no offense to anyone)
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: "I'll be back" "use the force" "go ahead, make my day" I say these all the time
Alias: Cloud-0

What kinda strange page is this??! Well I liked the Voltron (Forge blazing sword!!) and the FBI page (uh, something..) Oh, and: DON'T visit my page, it's sorry as can be. Thanks.

Dan - 03/19/99 23:33:07
My URL:/timessquare/corner/6731
My Email:Bigpoppadan@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: i should be in college but im a bum
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: i dont get this one
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: Trying is the first step towards failure
Alias: Big Poppa

Check out my Web page

Ron Fugate - 01/13/99 17:56:01
My Email:fugatro@bgnet.bgsu.edu
Favorite Movie: Happy Gilmore
Favorite Movie Line: Happy put the bottle down, yeah I know
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: Bowling Green State University
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: 2:1,1:1, who cares:1
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: I am God!


tina - 10/26/98 07:12:56
My Email:tinamelb@aol.com
Favorite Movie: Heat
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: Melbourne/KPMG

Definitely interesting Josh. :)

Big Jonny "The Boss" Voss - 10/26/98 05:34:09
My Email:B I LXIX
Favorite Movie: Star Wars Trilogy
Favorite Movie Line: I want him manning a radar tower in Alaska, just mail him his PORN
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: Indiana University
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: Shit Blonde, Red, Brown, Blonde
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: Sh. . . it Happens
Alias: See "Name"

Porn is just another word like B.I. and Good Action and Loud noises, etc.

Jen Penfield - 10/24/98 03:35:08
My Email:penfield.4@osu.edu
Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride
Favorite Movie Line: "Hey cowgirls, see the grass, don't eat it"- A League of Their Own
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: The Ohio State University
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: Blonde, of course!
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: AHHHH...so you're catholic...
Alias: JenPen

Well, since I was bugged to death by Josh until I signed this.....seriously, good page....really shows the pimpy guy in you!

Deke - 10/23/98 16:09:49
My Email:deke2000@aol.com
Favorite Movie: Full Metal Jacket
Favorite Movie Line: me love you long time
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: Rochester Institute of Technology
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: now where exatly is the hair we're talking about?
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: He said Whore....

Damn it's cold here....

10/13/98 08:14:30
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Mike Zrebiec - 09/14/98 23:45:46
My Email:zrebiec.1@osu.edu
Favorite Movie: French Kiss
Favorite Movie Line: And on the 8th day, god created beer
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: West Chester University
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: 1/1,000,000
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: Shit
Alias: Zman

I really have to take a shit...

Mark McGwire - 09/09/98 03:08:25
Favorite Movie: The Natural
Favorite Movie Line: "The only homer I know about has 4 bases"
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: St. Louis
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: Red Heads are by far the most intelligent and talented . . . a true master race

I took time out from my celebrating to check out Josh's web site. It is truly a work of art. Good action.

Cindy - 09/08/98 09:34:57
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Tim Hoffman - 08/24/98 03:37:07
My URL:http://www.blowme.com
My Email:coffee@coolata.com
Favorite Movie: Braveheart (duh)
Favorite Movie Line: The list is long and distinguished. Yeh, so is my Johnson . . . .
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: Go Bucks!
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: You can dye your hair on your head easily, but the true test is what the color is down below. How intelligent is that?
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: Hi! Would you like to switch to MTI long distance? -- Oh I'm sorry I can't talk right now. Maybe you can give me your home number and I can call you at home. -- Uh, we're not aloud to do that. -- You don't w nt people calling you at home? -- Yeh. -- Now you know how I feel. (click)
Alias: Timotheus

Your page is the epitome of pimpyness, which is the exact opposite of gimpyness. Therefore it is pretty pimpy but just not gimpy. Taking it to the BI's with extreme prejudice has never been more entertaining! RULE!! It ain't no fun if the homies can h ve none.

Mandye Dietrich - 08/24/98 02:35:57
My Email:mjd6536@sjfc.edu
Favorite Movie: Top Gun
Favorite Movie Line: you'll be flying a crgo plane full of rubber dog shit out of hong knog
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: St. John Fisher College, Rochester Institute of Technology
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: Blonde ish Brown is the only intelligent people..nuff said
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: I feel the need, the need for speed! ah ha

umm...go University of Michigan!!!!

Rob Chewning - 08/23/98 18:58:35
My Email:RChewn2860@aol.com
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: University of Texas at Arlington
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: blone,red, brown
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: Hey Foxtrot, What's that smell?


Kristin - 08/22/98 06:34:30
My URL:http://http://members.aol.com/kiwi29/index.html
My Email:Kiwi29@aol.com
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Movie Line: "I'm flattered that you like my ass."
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: Youngstown State University
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: Brown, blonde, red
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: Tough times don't last, tough people do.

Great job! I'm glad I stopped by....I will be back often to see what's new...keep up the good work! ~Kristin

Peltzer - 08/22/98 05:40:46
My Email:rpeltz@trojan.troyst.edu
Favorite Movie: Schindler's List
Favorite Movie Line: "What we have here is a failure to communicate" Cool Hand Luck
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: Troy State


Yoshi Fugatawa - 08/18/98 22:04:31
My URL:http://www.bad_words_are_cool.com
My Email:pimp@there's_porn.com
Favorite Movie: Mission: Impossible
Favorite Movie Line: "Excuse me sir, was that 0600 . . . in the morning?
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: The Ohio State University
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: Red - after that who cares?
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: This isn't the Army so I'm not gonna write this on the ground with a crayon.
Alias: Blue 23

This website is clearly one of high quality, hence I will extol its virtues to all corners of the world. Josh is a pimp also.

Lowell - 08/15/98 23:55:38
My URL:http://www.can't remember.com
My Email:lmarinas@ucla.edu
Favorite Movie: Aliens
Favorite Movie Line: Gave over man!!... Game over!
School or University Attending or Other Place of Residence: UCLA
Rank the Ratio of Hair Color to Intelligence, using Red, Blonde, and Brown: darkish brown...
Favorite Quote Not From a Movie: Me and You are about to get into a karate match and you are gonna lose!!
Alias: Blue 25

Hello Josh... I see you are a movie freak... Anyway, I'll need to probe my memory to try and remember my web page so it'll take a while. Anyway, take care and check six. Freedom Flight!!

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