The GAMMA MU Alumni Association, Inc.

Upcomming Events

Sunday, December 1st
Time: 6:00PM
Place: Alexus Steak House, Valley Road

This scheduled meeting will concentrate on goals for the upcoming year,
as well as discussing the status of current projects. Please attend.
Several undergaduates will be in attendance, so I urge all to attend and
spend time with the undergraduates as well as fellow Alumni.

Friday, December 13th
Time: 8:00
Place: Mikado Japanese Steak House

Once again, the Theta Xi Gamma Mu Chapter is hosting a Holiday dinner at the
Mikado steakhouse. It was a tremendous success last year, everyone enjoyed
themselves, so plan on attending. The price per person is $25 and you are
encouraged to bring a date - (Sorry guys, I'm already taken!) Please RSVP
by the end of the month, so that arrangements can be properly made.
Checks can be made out to Theta Xi Gamma Mu Chapter, and given to Mr. Cvelic
immediately. Don't miss out on a great evening.
Need directions ? Click here

For the Entire month of December
Time: TBA

The success of Project Santa continues to grow this holiday season.
Last year having visited 2 children's hospitals and 2 special education'
schools and 1 preschool, project Santa is now setting sights on higher goals.
During the month of December, Project Santa is intending to visit over 15
locations for children in need of the holiday spirit. In addition, toy
drives are going to be conducted and corporate sponsors contacted. It is
for this reason that I ask the assistance of the Gamma Mu Alumni Association
to aid in this cause. Any assistance in *any* area can help: If you know of
someone who could donate toys, services(such as printing, etc.) please let me
know. If you know of a hospital or orphanage who would appreciate a visit from
Project Santa, take the time to contact the location and work with me on arranging
an appointment to visit. The earlier you can help, the better.(Christmas is upon
us - Better finish shopping). Please help in making Project Santa grow and give
to those less fortunate than we.


Need to post an announcement ? Send it to Dave Cozzi

Last updated 1/17/97