True Friends
Jessica Dumpert
It's 6pm and I'm just having lunch. I think there's a problem with that
statement, just can't figure out what could possibly be wrong with that. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Carlos Cox
As per the request of my great and best friend Carlos Cox, it is my honor to be
writing a little something about him. He is truly the fastest runner Boston
University has seen and will ever see. Granted he didn't train very hard for his
events but then again, greatness comes easily to great people. He has been there
for me and all his other friends whenever needed. I would not have traded a moment
with him for anything else in the world. He is currently sacrificing himself for
his country in the United States Air Force, we are all proud of you my friend.
Leigh Lozano
As per the request of my great and best friend Leigh Lozano, it is my honor to
be writing a little something about her. She has had a much harder life then most
people but somehow she always finds a way to continue smiling. I truly believe
that the phrase, "where there is a will, there is a way" was coined after her.
She has a great heart and always sacrifices herself for her friends. Unfortunately,
she changes apartments often, and makes me move her stuff every time; I guess that
is what friends are for. Actually, the truth of the matter is that my heart would
never allow me to turn her down. We all love you Leigh, stay strong.
Professor John Neumann
One of Tony's professors at Boston University ... At age 38,
he still lives like a migrant worker in a student ghetto in Boston
while he tries to finish his graduate degree. There's a lesson to
be learned there somewhere. Ask him about it. In his free time,
can be seen driving to NJ to watch hockey games, work for a former
employer, or see his niece & nephew; or, driving back from NJ after
having worked, watched a hockey game, or visited his niece & nephew.
Has even been known to hold class the day after one of these trips.
Likes to rollerblade/play tennis in the summer, ice skate in the
Has a really finely-honed talent for getting under people's skin,
including wise-ass students like Tony. :) Knows who Bill O'Reilly
and Chris Matthews are ... Finds the giddiness of Red Sox fans in
May to be humorous ... Finds the liberal bias in Massachusetts to
be distressing ... Beginning to find his still being single at age
38 to be alarming ... Totally enjoys and can't think of anything more
rewarding than what the work he does right now ...
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