Chapters 4,6,15
Quiz Notes
Chapter 4
Learning Theory assessment of behavior in objective and measurable terms.
Learning permanent change in the frequency of occurrence of a specific individual behavior.
Classical Conditioning process which individuals learn to link the information value from a neutral stimulus that would not naturally cause a response.
Reflexive Behavior stimuli and responses (include: flinches, jumps, screams, blinks, flexes)
Operant Conditioning process by which individuals learn voluntary behavior.
Social-cognitive theory learning by watching others and develop mental pictures of their behaviors and results. (Positive repeat Negative dont repeat)
Vicarious learning when one person (learner) observes another persons (model) behavior and consequences.
Self control learning occurs when new behavior is learned without external pressure.
Empowerment giving employees the authority, skills and freedom to perform their tasks.
Self-Efficacy individuals confidence in their ability to perform a specific task in a situation.
Affects learning in three ways
Self-Efficacy influences the activities and goals individuals choose for themselves
Self-Efficacy influences the effort that individuals exert on the job
Self-Efficacy affects the persistence with which a person stays with a complex task
Contingency of reinforcement relationship between a behavior and the preceding and following environmental events that influence the behavior.
Reinforcement a behavioral contingency that increases the frequency of a particular behavior.
Positive Reinforcement presenting a pleasant consequence after the occurrence of a desired behavior.
Principle of Contingent reinforcement reinforcer must be administered only if desired behavior is performed.
Principle of Immediate reinforcement reinforcer will be most effective if administered immediately after the desired behavior has occurred.
Principle of reinforcement size larger the amount of reinforcement delivered after the desired behavior, the more effect the reinforcer will have on the frequency of the desired behavior.
Principle of reinforcement deprivation the more a person is deprived on reinforcer, the greater effect it will have on the future occurrence of desired behavior.
Kaizen suggestion that results in safety, cost or quality improvements. (awards given)
Negative reinforcement an unpleasant event that precedes the employee behavior is removed when the desired behavior will occur.
Escape Learning an unpleasant event occurs until employee performs a behavior, or escape response to terminate it.
Avoidance learning person prevents an unpleasant event from occurring by completing the proper behavior.
Omission removal of all reinforcing events.
Punishment an unpleasant event that follows a behavior and decreases frequency.
Positive Discipline places emphasis on changing employee behaviors by reasoning rather than by imposing increasingly severe punishments.
Continuos reinforcement behavior is reinforced each time it occurs and is the simplest schedule of reinforcement.
Intermittent reinforcement reinforcer being delivered after some, but not every, occurrence of the desired behavior.
Fixed variable schedule desired behavior must occur a specified # of times before reinforced.
Variable ratio schedule certain # of desired behaviors must occur before reinforcer is delivered.
Behavioral modification Processes and principles that are based on operant conditioning.
Charting method to track employees behavior or measuring their over time.
Behavior Modification Issues Individual differences Group Norms Ethical Consideration
Chapter 6
Goal Setting process intended to increase efficiency and effectiveness by specifying desired outcomes toward individuals, departments, teams and organizations.
Goals the future outcomes that individuals and groups desire and strive to achieve.
Reasons for Goal Setting
Stakeholders groups having potential or real power to influence the organizations decision.
Five categories of Customer Service
Goals-Setting Model (8)
Rewards Satisfaction Consequences Significance of workplace
Management by objectives (MBO)- philosophy and system of management that serves as both a planning aid and a way of life in the workplace.
Performance appraisal and feedback Significance of workplace
Gain sharing plans regular cash bonuses are provided to employees for increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving quality.
Profit sharing plans gives employees a portion of the companys profits.
Scanlon plan a system of rewards for improvements in technology.
Flexible benefit plans allow employees to choose the benefits they want, rather than management.
Skill based pay depends on the # and level of job-related skills that an employee has learned.
Chapter 15
Job design specification of goals and tasks to be accomplished by employees, including expected interpersonal and task relationships.
Re-engineering radically new ways of thinking about organizations, including breaking away from the outdated rules and assumptions.
Three Rs of re-engineering
Complexity refers to the extent to which a job design approach require change in many factors, involvement of individuals with diverse competencies at various organizational levels.
High level of decision-making competency for successful implementation.
Human factors approach (5) important job design approaches used in businesses.
Ergonomics minimizing the physical demands (costs) and biological risks of work.
Work flow uncertainty degree of knowledge that an employee has about when inputs will be received and required processing.
Technology techniques, tools and machines to transform objects (material, info, people)
Task uncertainty degree of knowledge that an employee has about how to perform the job when it needs to be done
Task interdependence degree to which decision making and cooperation between two or more employees is necessary for them to perform their jobs.
Pooled interdependence ability of an employee to act independently of others in completing tasks.
Sequential interdependence need for an employee to complete certain tasks before other employees can perform their tasks.
Reciprocal interdependence outputs from an individual becoming the inputs for to others.
Job characteristics enrichment model focuses on increasing the amounts of skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback in a job.
Job Characteristics
Growth need strength degree to which an individual desires the opportunity for self-direction, learning and personal accomplishment at work.
Contextual factors organizational policies and administration, technical supervision, salary and benefit programs, interpersonal relations and work conditions.
Structural clues method process of checking for contextual factors associated with deficiencies in job design.
Job diagnostic survey (JDS) make diagnosing jobs relatively easy and systematic.
Motivating Potential Score (MPS)
(MPS) = Skill variety + Task identity + Task significance * Autonomy * Feedback
Vertical Loading delegation to employees of responsibilities and tasks that were formerly reserved for management or staff specialists.
Flextime allows employees, within certain limits to vary their arrival and departure times to suit their individual needs and desires and helps in self-scheduling of work.
Natural Teams (5)
Geographic Types of business Organizational Alphabetic/Numeric Customer groups
Social information processing model - characterizes work environment, information how the individual should weigh the various dimensions, cues concerning evaluate work environment, (+/-) evaluation.
Social systems model recognizes the importance of technology in job design.
Six core principles
Innovativness Human resource development Environmental agility
Cooperation Commitment and Energy Joint optimization