Jim - 11/07/00 22:39:42
My URL:http://www.jimrobinette.com
My Email:jim@jimrobinette.com
Surfing by and came on in. Check out my site if you like
lots of photos. My guestbook is down sometimes but
e-mail me and I will add you myself.
Alisha Gonzalez - 09/17/00 18:24:05
PedroPaco - 08/26/00 03:47:07
My Email:PedroPaco@quepasa.com
See U at the wedding CHICA!!!!!!!!!!
Jewelz - 07/28/00 19:51:57
My Email:zarate4@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: The Last of the Mohicans
Favorite Book: The Secret and/or The Outsiders
Great Site Mel! I am so impressed. You are not only a friendly and sweet person, but also a very intelligentone. Stick with your journalism goal. I know you can make it happen!
See you at the Ranch, Chica! LOL...
Catherine Morandi - 06/13/00 19:34:11
My URL:http://www.super.net.ph/catherine
My Email:ikki@super.net.ph/catherine
Favorite Author: Herman Hesse
Favorite Movie: Amistad
Favorite Book: Siddhartha
You are pretty, smart and kind! Practically perfect! Your site is getting hotter! My best wishes and warmest regards!
Morrow - 06/09/00 17:52:07
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/morrow75126/indexhtml.html
Favorite Movie: Somewhere In Time
Hello Melanie!! :) Your page is great.Looks really good makes mine look cheesy lol :) Thanks for sharing it with me.See ya on the JGBB.
Abbie - 06/05/00 17:46:47
My Email:alcooke@abc.state.va.us
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Book: Gerald's Game
Just want to wish you a very happy birthday. Seem to have lost your new email address.... Hugs and all that for a wonderful birthday for you!
Catherine Morandi - 05/20/00 08:47:29
My URL:http://www.super.net.ph/catherine
My Email:ikki@super.net.ph
Favorite Author: Herman Hesse
Favorite Movie: Amistad
Favorite Book: Siddharta
Your site is outstanding and you and your sister are gorgeous! My warmest regards!
Martini - 04/20/00 05:25:04
My URL:http://www.nettrash.com/users/liquidmessiah
My Email:cykoholik@aol.com
Favorite Author: Anne Rice (points?) or H.P. Lovecraft -- a tie
Favorite Movie: Braveheart
Favorite Book: Green Eggs and Ham (greatest book ever written!) To Kill a Mockingbird - a close second.
What can I say? I looked over your page, and I see why you've topped 1400 hits. Mad props to ya! .. and see ya at 1!
¶ Martini ¶
jennifer - 04/13/00 15:04:22
My URL:http://clik.to/LNJ2
My Email:gemini20_98@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: John Grisham
Favorite Movie: Good Will Hunting
Favorite Book: Rainmaker
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Wanted to take a sec to say hello. I enjoyed the site, keep up the hard work. Be
t Wishes and please come visit us !
Join our Webring!! We love your site:)
Michael Hooper - 11/28/99 05:08:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/fortress
My Email:mhooper1@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Robert Jordan
Favorite Movie: Hmmm - I think, right now, it's Deep Impact
Favorite Book: Battlefield Earth
Lovely page you have here. It's really come along since the last time I looked in.
Spectacular work, lady.
Joy Jones - 11/13/99 09:21:24
My URL:http://www.eddinfo.com/j-enterprises
My Email:mrsjoyjones@netscape.net
Favorite Author: Natalie Goldberg
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Book: Writing Down The Bones
Melanie, great page! Did you get my mail from Juno? I really use that as a secondary site when I can't get into Netscape. Feel free to e-mail me at my netscape address, too.
Take care,
Stephanie - 10/28/99 01:22:37
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/skelly/index.html
My Email:Rose773711@cs.com
Favorite Author: Steven King
Favorite Movie: IT
Favorite Book: The Green Mile
I liked your web page. Please check mine out and sign my guestbook and slambook.
Hugh S. - 10/26/99 09:59:39
My URL:http://koolnigg.tripod.com
My Email:koolnigg@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: umm...dun read 2 much
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Book: jurassic park?
Saw yur link fr the ChillOut grp. Pretty decent page... but i suggest u spice things up a little don't u think?? keep it up..
hanspeter - 10/22/99 18:57:13
My Email:luisape@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: none - i like books about foreign countries
Favorite Movie: beethoven
Favorite Book: book about foreign countries
Hi Melanie, I am fascinated about your homepage..
hope I can manage mine someday..you look really
sweet and lively..I wish to become friend with
you..hope you don't mind that i don't like to
read so much as you..see you Hanspeter from
Alexander Daniels - 10/20/99 21:22:59
My URL:http://www.crayon.net/read.cgi?alextdanls@hotmail.com
My Email:alexanderdaniels@visto.com
Favorite Author: Ralph Rosenblum
Favorite Movie: Blue Sunshine/Who is Harry Kellerman and Why is he saying those terrible things about me?
Favorite Book: When the Shooting Stops
misagoof sent me here
Shawn - 10/20/99 15:21:56
My Email:stcarey@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Favorite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Book: Where's Waldo? The original "Where's Waldo is by far the superior :-).
I have received many e-mails via sixdegrees from you so I thought I would view your site. You seem extremely vivacious and full of life. Maintain your aspirations! Keep in touch.
God bless,
Shawn Carey
Debbi Hindson - 10/20/99 02:27:27
My Email:hindson@conferenceboard.ca
Favorite Author: Mauve Binchey
Favorite Movie: All of Me
Favorite Book: Light a Penny Candle
I like your sight Melanie, see you at six degrees.
Katie - 10/20/99 02:00:59
My Email:ktbrad@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: I don't know...
Favorite Movie: What About Bob?
Favorite Book: "Go Ask Alice" and "Brave New World"
Melanie- I live in Naples, FL!!! I'm 20 years old, love to eat (mostly greasy foods though), and like Anne Rice as well. If you want, e-mail me:)
Luv the page!
MJ - 10/20/99 00:49:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/misajoyce
My Email:MisaMoof@excite.com
Favorite Author: Lewis Carroll
Favorite Movie: Thoroughly Modern Millie
Favorite Book: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
Hey Mel, i visited your site, since you visited mine! I like it a whole bunch, it gave me some ideas, but i won't plagerize i promise! :)
Benjamin Ho - 10/07/99 23:48:30
My Email:Dark_knight_4@Hotmail.com
Favorite Author: R.Dahl
Favorite Movie: Top Gun
Favorite Book: Anatomy of the Spirit
Mel G. It was nice meeting you, even better to see your face. Like your website. Hope you fulfill every dream that you have and I hope you live a long, restless life, he! he! only kidding.
John Allen - 09/28/99 14:49:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/Allenx5
My Email:AbsoluteAllen@cs.com
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Movie: Field of Dreams
Favorite Book: Angela's Ashes
The wife is at work, the kids are in school and I'm sitting here finishing off the first pot of coffee. I'll be doing very little moving this morning which allows me time to surf the web for new (and a few repeat) sites. That's how I ended up here...any
ay, you've done a pretty nice job and I like the way things are organized (so I won't get lost). Feel free to visit our site when you have some time.
Kevin teter - 09/24/99 02:49:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/8227/index.html
My Email:kteter@ptd.net
Favorite Author: none
Favorite Movie: There's Something About Mary
Favorite Book: no real favorite
Great site; and thanks for signing my guestbook. Keep up the good work and keep on visiting my site.
Cynthia - 09/23/99 13:57:47
My URL:http://www.meginc.com/personal/users/petesplace/index.htm
My Email:cynthia_palace@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: Notting Hill
Favorite Book: Guardian Angel
Just came by to check out your new look on your site. You have really done a great job updating. I love it. Everything looks great, keep up the good work Mel.
Christine - 09/23/99 02:28:00
My URL:http://scoobydoo.acmecity.com/gypsy/215
My Email:chenzel@mediaone.net
Favorite Author: Danielle Steel
Favorite Movie: Goodfellas
Favorite Book: No Greater Love
Cool webpage! Keep up the good work!
Trinity - 09/23/99 00:06:19
My URL:http://dial.to/the_matrix
My Email:trinity@zion_resistance.zzn.com
Favorite Author: William Gibson
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Book: Neuromancer
Hi :) I saw your message in my guestbook and paid you a visit :) I love it when people post their URL's in my guestbook, 'cause I actually get to visit some non-Matrix sites [which I magically can't visit unless I *have* to ;)] I like your site :) I haven
t seen the non-improved version but I must say the improved one is pretty good :)
Sidney Chua - 09/22/99 11:12:58
My Email:aziraphale_747@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: Michael Crichton, John Grisham, Patricia Cromwell and Stephen King
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Book: All of Michael Crichton's books
It's a great site and to find someone who is also a avid bookworm is heart-warming.
By the way, I'm from the SixDegrees site and all I can say is...WHAT A GREAT SITE!!!!
Sidney Chua...:)
delvec - 09/22/99 02:40:40
My URL:http://delvec.web.com
My Email:delvec@metallica.com
Favorite Movie: star wars
Favorite Book: miss america
returning the favor-
nice page!!
Thanks for visiting!!
Deb aka Psycho - 09/22/99 01:14:36
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: To Kill A Mockingbird
Favorite Book: Tigers Eye
Mel, you did a great job!
Jenny - 09/17/99 18:31:52
My URL:http://www.crdnldata.com/jennifer
My Email:jenny@cdldata.com
Favorite Author: Stephen King, Margaret Mitchell (wrote Gone With The Wind)
Favorite Movie: "Gone With The Wind"
Favorite Book: "Gone With The Wind" (sense a theme here? LOL....)
hey i know i've been here before but i was just surfing the net and wanted to stop by and see what updates you've made. Thanx for all the jokes and keep up the good work!
Kevin MacLennan - 09/17/99 08:16:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/reef/2174
My Email:kevinmaclennan@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Oh, tough one... I'd have to say either Anne McCaffrey or J.R.R.Tolkien
Favorite Movie: Movies are something I am completely easy with; I like loads of them..
Favorite Book: Now I have to think about it, probably Lord of the Rings, because I like any book that gives a sense of escapism.
Nice site hun! I'm still trying to get my head around this HTML stuff, but I'm getting there!
Cheers for signing my guestbook, and I'll remember to check the magazines for your name in the future. Good luck!
Strider - 09/17/99 01:10:09
My URL:working on it!
My Email:strider@flite.net
Favorite Author: Jack Kerouac
Favorite Movie: Well music takes over most of my movie time, so I love classic music documentaries
Favorite Book: "A book for everyone and no one" Wilderness by Morrison
Cool site! I am going to PBCC now and am looking forward to a career in journalism myself. I've thought about combining journalism, travel, and the internet together. What are your thoughts?
Lisa - 09/14/99 00:05:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/lisanet/index.html
My Email:dospescados@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: Ayn Rand
Favorite Movie: anything Monty Python
Favorite Book: '1984' by George Orwell
Just wasting the time by surfing the 'net...
Robert Eytchison - 09/11/99 06:05:30
My Email:Etchy@aol.com
Favorite Author: J.R.R.Tolkein
Favorite Movie: Excaliber
Favorite Book: The Magic of Thinking Big
You have a fun and cute site. Your friend Elizabeth would go nuts here in Cincinnati, Ohio. We are the home of the most white tigers. The Zoo here has bred most of the ones in captivity. So what part of Florida do you live in? Do you have any leads after
ou get out of school? Do you know where Ocala is? I lived there for 3 years. Write back. I enjoy chatting with people from all over.
Ken Stone - 09/08/99 23:56:53
My URL:/Heartland/Plains/1641/index.html
My Email:kenstone@sprintmail.com
Favorite Author: Me.
Favorite Movie: Helen of Troy The First Color Movie MGM
Favorite Book: The Hardy Boys
Any help you may need with HTML coding I can help.
You have done very well so far.
Dios te bendiga.
Fred Sprickman - 09/08/99 21:24:16
My Email:immigrationman@prodigy.net
Favorite Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Favorite Movie: El Norte
Favorite Book: Choir Boys
It looks like you devoted quite some time to creating your website. I'll bet it was fun, and that it was a great feeling of accomplishment when you were through. Bien hecho!
Faye..(Dobi of TNT) - 09/08/99 19:21:49
My Email:sixthave@alaska.net
Favorite Movie: I think... My cousin Vinney, because it makes me feel so good.
Your site is nice. I am totally ignorant of what
it takes to do a web site. I thought it was interesting that some the the photo's did not load the first time.. and did when I retried. I use netscape... what ever that means.. the latest version. A couple of photos never loaded..just got that little lo
o that means there IS A PHOTO AND YOU CAN'T SEE IT!! You all look great.. Congrats on loosing the weight!!
Thom Dickey - 09/08/99 18:38:12
My URL:http://www.starcomputer.net
My Email:scwebmaster@starcomputer.net
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Movie: Stephen King Movies
Favorite Book: Stephen King Books
What a great site. Very good for your first time out in the webmastering world. I like it. Hope to hear from others that wander through. I have not done any linking to Stephen King through my web page so just thought I would warn you. : -)
Are you tired of just the rich having the law on their side? Check out this survey...send a blank email to ppl9@getresponse.com to see if you would like to know more.
Alan Oliveiro - 09/08/99 13:30:07
My URL:http://www.singnet.com.sg/~oliveiro
My Email:alano@technologist.com
Favorite Author: jeffrey archer
Favorite Movie: The Godfather
Favorite Book: Kane and Abel
A nice, simple page and one which I truly enjoyed vsisiting. I got your name from Six Degrees. I think Kerry my friend is an acquaintance of yours. On a coincidental note, I have a sister named Melanie as well. Hahahahahahahahaha...well....once again, a l
vely page...until then..take care!
Rodney Greene - 09/08/99 13:15:11
My Email:Rodneygreene_1@yahoo.com
Your looking kinda purple today?
Rob - 09/08/99 07:44:50
My URL:http://boozers.fortunecity.com/ferret/551/home.htm
My Email:one51night@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Tom Clancy
Favorite Movie: Animal House
Favorite Book: None
Just dropped by from 6D to have a look around. Nice page you have here. If you get some time come on by and have a look at my page and sign me book too... =o)
Sandra - 09/08/99 05:33:11
My URL:http://homepages.msn.com/SpiritSt/sdonal4711/index.html
My Email:SDonal4711@aol.com
Favorite Author: Too many to list
Favorite Movie: Year of Living Dangerously
Favorite Book: Again too many - Love em all
Great Page Melanie. I'm from sixdegrees and glad I got to see your page. My wish is that all your aspirations and dreams come true and they will if you believe it.
Barb aka Prez aka Jarb - 09/04/99 00:25:59
Favorite Author: To start with: Garwood, Lindsey, McNaught, Deveraux -Anne Rice- and many more
Favorite Movie: Born Free, The Fighting Sullivans, Mighty Joe Young (original), and many more
Favorite Book: The Silly Green Cat (but I can't find a copy anywhere)
Thanks for sharing your address with the JGBB. I love your site. Keep it up!! :)))))
Nita aka *Wildcat* - 09/03/99 02:11:35
My Email:litsey3@webtv.net
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: *here goes*: Runaway Bride, Star Wars ('77 original), Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, To Sir With Love, Rearview Window, Dances with Wolves, Titanic, Casablanca, When a Man Loves a Woman, City of Angels, Field of Dreams
Favorite Book: The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans
The site looks great. Can't wait to see those "before & after" pictures. Congrats on the weight loss!!
Me (Jenny) - 09/03/99 01:08:44
My URL:http://www.crdnldata.com/jennifer
My Email:jenny@cdldata.com
Favorite Author: see my entry below :o)
Favorite Movie: see my entry below!
Favorite Book: ditto what i've said above!
well u said to come & check out your improved website so here i am! looks great! keep up the good work!
Mel - 09/03/99 00:14:31
Just checking...
Jenny - 08/28/99 04:32:35
My URL:http://www.crdnldata.com/jennifer
My Email:jenny@cdldata.com
Favorite Author: Stephen King, John Grisham, & Michael Crichton
Favorite Movie: "Gone with The Wind", "Phenomenon", "Circle of Friends", and "Little Women".
Favorite Book: i read too many books to have just 1 favorite!!!
hey there just surfin the net & thought i'd stop by. Anyway hope 2 talk 2 u soon! keep up the good work!
Flying D - 08/25/99 11:21:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/2868/
My Email:flying_d@excite.com
Favorite Author: David Eddings is one of them
Favorite Movie: 2001 A Space Oddesy
Favorite Book: too many to choose
Great start to web site design. Keep at it! Thanks for the invite to drop by. FD
Me again (Rodney) - 08/18/99 16:21:48
My Email:rodneygreene_1@yahoo.com
I messed up wit me e-mail adress below :(
Bada BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!
Rodney - 08/18/99 16:16:14
My Email:Rodney Greene
Favorite Author: Stan Lee
Favorite Movie: Scarface / Wizard of Oz
Favorite Book: Great Expectations
WHAT UP POT-E PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rod's in tee HOWWWS!!
Good job so far on your website my little "Lopez"
See ya on the 6th!
Bada BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janice - 08/03/99 20:32:32
My Email:carramen@mindspring.com
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: To Kill a Mockingbird
Favorite Book: The Bride & The Gift
To think, without you, I wouldn't be enjoying the homepages of the triple B. Great site, can't wait to see what else you do to it.
Alexander Daniels - 07/28/99 21:41:54
My URL:http://www.crayon.net/read.cgi?alextdanls@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Blue Sunshine
Favorite Book: When the Shooting Stops by Ralph Rosenblum
I think your puryt :P*lick lick lick*
Mike - 07/28/99 17:57:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Lagoon/8346/
My Email:mybeau@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: A de St Exupery
Favorite Movie: Duel
Favorite Book: Le petit Prince
Hi Melanie
We're connected by 6degrees...
Wanted to look at your site. Nice pages
and lovely pics.
What about travels? :)
A bientot... Michel from Paris France
Rob - 07/27/99 04:00:48
My URL:http://boozers.fortunecity.com/ferret/551/home.htm
My Email:one51night@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Tom Clancy
Favorite Movie: Heat
Favorite Book: Don't have one
Thanks for stopping by my website.. =o) I like your page so far. Keep up the good work.
Daniel - 07/23/99 06:24:46
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/leinad80/index.html
My Email:leinad80@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: not sure
Favorite Movie: Animal House
Favorite Book: Spot goes to the beach
thanks for signing my book, pretty fine looking pictures! Okay, off to your bookcorner now...later!
Jess :) - 07/21/99 14:38:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pointe/2501/
My Email:Lemon14@aol.com
Favorite Author: Douglas Adams
Favorite Movie: Robin Hood Men in Tights
Favorite Book: HHGTTG, 1984, On the Beach
Hi! You visited my site and I always like to check out the pages of people that sign my guestbook. Nice job, hard to believe it's your first one. Wish my first one came out as nice. :)
Jeff Wilson - 07/20/99 04:11:38
My Email:born_to_ska@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Shakespeare
Favorite Movie: If I had to pick one---The Color Purple, Dune, Willow, Mallrats, Highlander, The Fifth Element, Blade, Krull, Angus, etc.
Favorite Book: Sonnets
Hey there. Nice site. I am a friend and co-worker of Lori's. I thought I would stop by. By the way, you are cute! :-)
jeannemarie Fugina - 07/13/99 18:52:05
My Email:hummingbird0031@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Top Gun
Favorite Book: Topping from Below
Hello, Melanie, I love the site, it's great. Fugina
Michael, Thane of Pain Court, and Lord of the Fortress: An Outpost of the Last Bastion of Intelligentsia on the Web. - 07/02/99 21:02:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/fortress
My Email:mhooper1@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Currently - Robert Jordan, or Robertson Davies...
Favorite Movie: Citizen Kane
Favorite Book: L. Ron Hubbard's "Battlefield Earth"
A promising site - I'm gonna hafta check out this J. Garwood character - seems like she has quite the following...
I'll pop back from time to time to see what developments arise within the site..
Thanks a lot, lady, and good luck!
Sean Anderson - 07/01/99 17:00:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/dctsayso
My Email:ander555@pilot.msu.edu
Favorite Author: C.S. Lewis
Favorite Movie: You've Got Mail
Favorite Book: The Bible, In His Steps
great site, love the pics. I'm from sixdegrees too. feel free to visit my site, and please do sign the guest and slambooks =0) take care, Sean.
Harleqin - 06/30/99 22:27:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/harleqinspage/index.html
My Email:Kylista@fcmail.com
Favorite Author: Virginia Henley and Penelope Neri
Favorite Movie: Notting Hill
Favorite Book: Too many to pick just one.........
Great page. **smile**
Jennie Depakakibo - 06/30/99 14:16:35
My Email:jingie@rocketmail.com
Favorite Author: Diana Gabaldon, Julie Garwood, Nora Roberts
Favorite Movie: Say Anything
Favorite Book: god, there are so many, but the most recent one(s) are Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series
kudos on a job well done! i'm looking forward to checking back every so often! i especially love the picture of the gypsy.
Lea - 06/30/99 11:58:24
My Email:Lea_Denmark@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Cecil Boedker,Johanna Lindsey and dusins of others
Favorite Movie: star wars,star trek and tons more
Favorite Book: Silas,Warriors Woman, and the rest of the library :-)
I was in awe when i saw your Gypsy.
The picture is so beautifull and your site is quite geniously made.
carry on the good work :-)
Ann Tschida - 06/30/99 10:18:45
My Email:AMTschida@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Author: Nora Roberts
Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride
Favorite Book: Honest Illusions-N.Roberts
Good job!!! The pictures add a nice human elament to it all. Now I can get a pic in my head when you post on 6 degrees. Ann.
Lori - 06/30/99 03:43:48
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/gabirosa
My Email:candycanegirl888@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie: Austin Powers
Great Site, I like your pics :)
Maggie E. Farrell - 06/29/99 19:04:38
My Email:mjean8@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Judith McNaught
Favorite Movie: Pretty woman
Favorite Book: Paradise by JM
very nice! good job
Cynthia - 06/29/99 00:41:09
My URL:http://www.meginc.com/personal/users/petesplace/index.htm
My Email:cynthum@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: Notting Hill
Favorite Book: Guardian Angel
Mel your website looks great! I love the pictures and your graphics. You've done a great job. See you around the JGBB.
Megan (aka Bratspice) - 06/25/99 13:17:22
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/bratspice/
My Email:meglarson@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing, You;ve got mail, Major Payne
Favorite Book: The Blue Castle
YOur page is very good. And you have really nice pictures.
Naomi - 06/25/99 12:52:36
Favorite Author: Judith McNaught, LOL!
Favorite Movie: Anne of Gables, Everafter
Favorite Book: Almost Heaven
Saw your post on the JMBB and thought I would pop on over. You have done a great job! Give yourself a big pat on the back!
Sari - 06/25/99 09:08:02
My Email:ms.cotton@cheerful.com
Favorite Author: Judith McNaught
Favorite Movie: can't name only one
Favorite Book: Perfect by JM
Hi Mel - this looks very GOOOOOOD!!!
Keep up the good work!
Mindi a.k.a. *Firecracker* - 06/25/99 03:43:26
My Email:goodwin@comsys.net
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood Stephen King
Favorite Movie: Gone with the Wind, First Knight,The Wizard of Oz, North and South the series
Favorite Book: The Wedding, Misery
Your sight looks really good. Love the gypsy picture. The personal photos are nice too. Can't wait to see what you add to it. See you at the bb for Julie Garwood.
Finn - 06/25/99 00:18:32
Favorite Author: Anyone who can write well
Favorite Movie: The Kennel Murder Case
Favorite Book: Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Too many to list!
It's a great site. Can't wait for the update!
Love, Finn
amoury hollins - 06/24/99 20:54:58
My Email:amoury1@aol.com
Favorite Author: Ralph Ellison
Favorite Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Book: Invisible Man
Cool site young lady. I am impressed.
Michael Bryant - 06/24/99 20:54:07
My Email:rmanium1@gate.net
Favorite Author: Ice Cube
Favorite Movie: Friday
Favorite Book: The Bible & TWMPMM I
Drop me a line soon.
sandy sears - 06/24/99 20:09:36
My Email:Thesrsears@aol.com
Favorite Author: unknown
Favorite Movie: Dr. Zhivago
Favorite Book: unknown
I love your gypsy......
Jenny - 06/24/99 14:36:07
My URL:http://www.jdsinc.com/jennifer
My Email:jenny@jdsinc.com
Favorite Author: John Grisham or MIchael Crichton
Favorite Movie: "Gone With The Wind" and "Phenomenon"
Favorite Book: Gone With The Wind
hello thanks for signing my dreambook! you have a good start on your webpage! well i've been up since 6:45 this morning so i am tired and i can't think of anything else to say. Keep up the good work and keep in touch!
Veronica - 06/24/99 13:12:53
My Email:rushing@eatel.net
Favorite Author: Judith McNaught
Favorite Movie: Gone With The Wind
Favorite Book: Paradise--Judith McNaught
Thanks for visiting us at the JMBB and inviting us to visit you. You did a great job!
Gryphyn - 06/24/99 11:54:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/8566/
My Email:Gryphyn@geocities.com
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Movie: Christine
Favorite Book: SK's Dark Tower series
Great Work Mel!!
Lynda - 06/24/99 04:06:10
My Email:noahmaitland@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Judith McNaught
Favorite Movie: so many! Rob Roy, Somewhere in Time, A Room With a View
Favorite Book: Paradise by Judith McNaught
Melanie, this site is lovely! You've done a great job. I am visiting from the Judith McNaught bulletin board. I saw your post and decided to take a look.
Diana - 06/24/99 03:22:53
My Email:DCass10264@aol.com
Favorite Author: Judith McNaught
Favorite Movie: My Fair Lady
Favorite Book: Perfect
Thanx for visiting the JMBB and telling us about your website. I was really impressed! Keep us posted on the updates you make. I've already bookmarked it so I can check in periodically.
Great work!
Di :o)
bocatom - 06/24/99 02:44:22
My Email:bocatom@aol.com
Favorite Author: Stephen King, Robert Ruark, aa milne
Favorite Movie: Wizard of Oz
Favorite Book: The Stand, all the Pooh books and too many others to mention
Congrats...the site looks terrific! What a great start and I can't wait to see what's coming next. Besides, how can I resist anything that has Pooh and Tiger playing a part??
Best wishes for ALL your future endeavors!
WichieWoman - 06/24/99 01:35:08
My Email:wichiewoman@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Judith McNaught
Favorite Movie: Armageddon
Favorite Book: Paradise
Very cool page!! You have some very nice links and some nice pictures. I love to read also and enjoy some of the same authors that you do!! Best of luck!!--WW
elizabeth - 06/24/99 00:36:24
My Email:elizabethf72@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: Macmillian
Favorite Movie: alot
Favorite Book: alot
Melanie your page is beautiful, although my computer makes us look funny. and the picture of me comes out blurry people are going to think i am funny looking. But besides that is is wonderful congrats!!! Liz
Nita aka Wildcat - 06/23/99 23:41:22
My Email:litsey3@webtv.net
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: Star Wars (the 1977 original), Titanic, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, To Sir with Love, Casablanca, City of Angels, Field of Dreams, Dances with Wolves
Favorite Book: The Christmas Box
OK, so I like movies! I can never pick just one favorite. Great page, Melanie. I really like the gypsy picture. --Nita
Barbara Kuzemchak - 06/23/99 21:37:02
My Email:MKuzemchak@aol.com
Favorite Author: Steven King
Favorite Movie: Flash Dance
Favorite Book: anything of Steven Kin
Mel your web site is great!!!
Marie C - 06/23/99 20:06:58
My Email:bcollin1@elp.rr.com
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood,Jayne Ann Krentz,J.D. Robb,Joanna Lindsey, Judith McNaught ht
Favorite Movie: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Shane
Favorite Book: Honour's Splender and The Prize
These pages are wonderful! Can't wait for more photos...expecially one showing your Tattoo!!!!
Pam H. - 06/23/99 16:36:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/6732/index.html
My Email:PDeMour@aol.com
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood and Jude Deveraux
Favorite Movie: way to many to list!!!
Favorite Book: ALL!!!
Mel, Your page looks great keep up the good work!! I also have been busy doing a homepage stop bye and check it out...tho it is still under major construction.
Pam aka The Fox
Anna - 06/23/99 15:46:39
My Email:agoodman@lexarts.org
Favorite Author: Jane Austen
Favorite Movie: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Favorite Book: Persuasion
Hey, Mel!
Great Site! I'm so proud of my Triple B sister!
Lissa - 06/23/99 15:27:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/9891
My Email:LaFemRoyle@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: I don't have one
Favorite Book: That either
Your page is looking great! There are a few things I noticed that need fixing but no big deal. If you want any help let me know!
Marie R. - 06/23/99 14:18:50
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood (of course!)
Favorite Movie: Last of The Mohicans, Top Gun, Slap Shot
Favorite Book: Honor's Splendour
You did a great job! I'll see you around on
the JG BB and maybe I'll get to meet you in FLA!!!
Jules - 06/23/99 07:01:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/7635
My Email:jgumns@fastdata.net
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood and Judith McNaught
Favorite Movie: Too many to list!
Favorite Book: By Julie Garwood: The Bride, Guardian Angel, and Honor's Splendour; By Judith McNaught: Paradise and Perfect - and always To Kill A Mockingbird - IT'S A MUST READ!!!
Melanie! Your site looks terrific! I can't wait to see what else you do to it! Great pictures and great graphics. I will see you around I'm sure!
Jennie aka Lady Jade - 06/23/99 06:50:06
My Email:sjlee@flash.net
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: Ever After, While You Were Sleeping and any version of A Christmas Carole...I love that one best ! :D
Favorite Book: Guardian Angel & Kingdom of Dreams
I just love your site...all of you with webs are so darn talented! It looks wonderful...adore the cover page! You are such a cutie too! Can't wait to see more of it. Jennie
Jan - 06/23/99 05:02:25
My URL:http://www.pirateslady.com
My Email:pirateslady@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood
Favorite Movie: hard to say...
Favorite Book: The Prize
Just checking to see if it works.
Alison aka Hellion - 06/17/99 19:49:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Square/6906
My Email:lyon11@sfsu.edu
Favorite Author: Julie Garwood, Jude Deveraux and Julia Quinn
Favorite Movie: The Cutting Edge, Ever After and Sleeping Beauty
Favorite Book: The Prize, The Secret, Sweet Liar, Rememberence, How to Marry a Marquis, The Secret Garden
Nice pic, Mel!! LOL!! You are such a Minx!! Nice job as well, can't wait for more!!