Academic Courses

Draft Summer 2002 Course Offerings:

Courses offered by UAS Sitka Campus during the Summer 2002 Semester are described in this section. Many of these classes are taught as audioconferences. Students call a toll-free number and meet with their instructor and fellow students for regular class meeting times. Others are on-campus or are offered both off and on-campus. All Continuing Education Workshops are on campus.

Registration begins
April 22, 2002

First day of Instruction is May 13, 2002
(some dates vary, check the course description)

Last day to drop, change to credit or to audit: Varies by class.

Last day of Instruction: August 9, 2002
(may vary)

Admissions Info
Adult Learning Center
UAS On-Line
Distance Education
Continuing Education


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=Distance Delivered

Local class # in red

Biological Anthropology, ANTH S205-KD1 (Distance) or ANTH S205-KD2 (Local)
CRN: 51324, 3 cr
Tuesdays 5-6pm; July 2, 16, 30 and August 6, 2002
Instructor: Priscilla Schulte (Ketchikan)
Order books from Ketchikan Campus: 1-888-550-6177
Tuition: $237, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $15, Books: $103=TOTAL $395

Course delivered via computer and audioconference. A study of human biology including genetics, human evolution and variation, adaptations, ecology and primatology. Requirements: Computer 486 or higher processor with Windows 95/98/NT and CD-ROM, email and Internet/Web Connection, skills in using email with attachments, and VCR. Starting July 2, log on to to obtain the syllabus and first assignment. All course work must be completed within the course dates as outlined in the course syllabus. If you live outside Ketchikan please call 1-888-550-6177 to order books or for assistance. Prerequisite: ANTH 101 or permission. Meets UAS General Education Requirements (GER).

Intro to General Chemistry, CHEM S103-T01
CRN:TBA, 4 cr
Mon, Wed, Fri; June 3-August 30, 2002
Instructor: Mike Mahoney (Sitka)
Order books from MBS Direct, 1-800-325-3252
Tuition: $316, Distance Fee: $0, Tech Fee: $20, $4 (student govt. fee)=TOTAL $340

Fundamentals of chemistry including the historical and descriptive aspects as well as basic mathematical concepts. Prerequisite: MATH 105. Meets UAS General Education Requirements (GER)


Keyboarding/Formatting, CIOS S101A-T01 (Local)
CRN: 51345, 1 cr
Flexible Entry, Course Dates: TBA
Instructor: Feero (Sitka)

Covers keyboarding skills with emphasis on development of speed and accuracy using the touch method.

Windows 2000, CIOS S110A-T01 (Local)
CRN: 51347, 1 cr
Internet Based, Course Dates: TBA
Instructor: Feero (Sitka); Prerequisite: CIOS 100 or CIOS Placement test

Covers the major features of the Windows 95/98 operating system. Topics include window manipulation, multi-tasking, file and hard disk management, object linking and embedding, customizing the desktop, printing and troubleshooting. To begin the course, log on to, enter the course number and download the syllabus and first assignment. Requirements: Windows 98, E-mail and Internet access.

Word Processing Concepts & Applications I (Word 2002), CIOS S130-TD1(Distance) or
CRN: 51350, CRN: 51349,1 cr
Internet Based, Flexible Entry; Course Dates: Begins May 27, 2002
Instructor: Shaver; Prerequisite: CIOS 110A or CIOS Placement test
Tuition: $79, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $5, Books: Order MBS Direct=TOTAL $124

Introduces fundamental word processing concepts and operations. Students will learn to use basic specialized software applications to create a variety of documents. Requirements: Access to CD-ROM, Microsoft Word, e-mail, and Internet. To begin the course, log on to, select the course number, and download the syllabus and first assignment. The text is New Perspectives on Microsoft Word 2002 - Brief, from Course Technology. Note: If you are continuing with CIOS S230, you will need to purchase the textbook for CIOS 230 instead of the Brief edition.

Spreadsheet Concepts & Applications I (Excel 2002), CIOS S135-TD1(Distance) or
CRN: 51352, CRN: 51351,1 cr
Internet Based, Flexible Entry; Course Dates: Begins May 27, 2002
Instructor: Shaver; Prerequisite: CIOS 110A or CIOS Placement test

Tuition: $79, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $5, Books: Order MBS Direct=TOTAL $124
Create, format, and revise spreadsheets as well as use spreaddheets to create graphs and as databases. Taught using browsing, conferencing, chatting, FTP and e-mail. In order to use tools, you must be using current Internet browser and have reliable Internet access. Requires: Netscape Communicator 4 or above or Internet Explorer 4.0 or above and Excel 2002. To begin the course, log on to, select the course number, and download the syllabus and first assignment. Class limit: 20 students

Database Concepts and Applications: Access 2000, CIOS S140-UJ1 (Distance)
CRN: 50659, 1 cr
Web Delivery, Course Dates: TBA
Instructor: Johnson (Juneau)
Order books from MBS Direct
Tuition: $79, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $5=TOTAL $124

Introduces fundamental database concepts and provides hands-on practice with a current database management software product. Covers creating a database, entering and editing data, modifying database structures, searching and sorting, elementary data retrievals, and using automated features for creating screen displays and printed reports. Requires access to a computer with Windows 95/98/0/ME/NT, Microsoft Access 97/2000/XP, e-mail, the Internet and a CD-ROM. Contact with instructor via e-mail and the Internet. Additional information available at the course website:, or by calling 465-6402 (toll free 800-478-9069). An informational audioconference will be scheduled. Please go to course website at to obtain toll-free audioconference number and passcode.

Internet Concepts and Applications, CIOS S146-KD1 (Distance)
CRN: 51327, 3 cr
Web Delivery, Course Dates: June 3-August 9, 2002
Instructor: P. DeAngelis (Ketchikan)
Order books from Ketchikan Campus: 1-888-550-6177
Tuition: $237, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $1, Books $5+books (sent from Ketchikan)=TOTAL $TBA

This is a beginning to intermediate course on using the Internet. May be offered in two parts (CIOS S146A and CIOS S146B). Part A focuses on the history of the Internet, using a browser for e-mail, and exploring and searching the Internet. Part B covers security and ethics issues, search strategies, communication tools, basic HTML, and new Internet technologies. Prerequisites: CIOS S110A or CIOS Placement Test. Requirements: Computer with Windows 95/98/NT, Microsoft Access 2000, email and Internet/Web connection, and skills in using email with message attachments and in using a Web browser. Contact with instructor via e-mail and Internet. For more information 800-478-9069. On the first day of class log on to, select the course number, and download syllabus and first assignment.

Word Processing Concepts & Applications II (Word 2002), CIOS S230-TD1(Distance) or
CRN: 51356, CRN: 51355, 2 cr
Web Delivered, Flexible Entry; Course Dates: Begins May 27, 2002
Instructor: Shaver; Prerequisite: CIOS 110A or CIOS Placement test
Tuition: $158, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $10, Books: Order MBS Direct=TOTAL $208

Broadens the experienced word processing user's knowledge. Part A covers intermediate word processing features such as Styles, Outlines, Tables, Table of Contents, Form Letters, Mail Merge, Integrating Word with other Programs and the WWW, Templates, Macros, On-screen forms and Managing Long Documents. Delivered by CD_ROM and e-mail. Requirements: Access to CD-ROM, Microsoft Word 2002, e-mail, and Internet. To begin the course, log on to, select the course number, and download the syllabus and first assignment. The text is New Perspectives on Microsoft Word 2002 - Comprehensive, from Course Technology.

Spreadsheet Concepts & Applications II (Excel 2002), CIOS S235-TD1(Distance) or
CRN: 51361, CRN: 51360, 2 cr
Internet Based, Flexible Entry; Course Dates: Begins May 27, 2002
Instructor: Shaver; Prerequisite: CIOS 135

Utilizes electronic spreadsheet software as a problem-solving and decision-making tool. May be offered in one-credit modules (CIOS S235A and CIOS S235B) Part A introduces database, integration of spreadsheets with other programs, and simplemacros. Part B introduces more advanced spreadsheet functions, tools, and macros. Requires: Netscape Communicator 4 or above or Internet Explorer 4.0 or above and Excel 2002. To begin the course, log on to, select the course number, and download the syllabus and first assignment.

Multicultural Education, ED S380-KD1
CRN: 51264, 3 cr
Instructor: W. Baines (Ketchikan)
Correspondence; students may register between 4/1/02 and closes 7/19/02; last day to drop: 9/30/02
Tuition: $270, Distance Fee: $75, Tech Fee: $15, Fees/Books: $60=TOTAL $420
Investigation of the education of children of the indigenous populations of Alaska as well as children from minority cultures. Comparison of rural and urban multicultural experiences, presentations, discussion groups on cultural success factors found in various schools. This course meets Alaska Education requirements for re-certification in Multicultural Education. Requires access to a computer with e-mail and Internet and a VCR.

Multicultural Education, ED S680-JD1
CRN: 50770, 3 cr
Instructor: Priscilla Schulte (Ketchikan)
Audioconference: M, 4-5pm; Class Dates: July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2002
Tuition: $534, Distance Fee: $75, Tech Fee: $15, Fees/Materials $105, mailed from Ketchikan=TOTAL $729
This course is organized around a series of seminars and presentation regarding the education of children from diverse cultural backgrounds. Special emphasis is placed on children if the indigenous populations of Alaska. Access to VCR required. Class limited to 25 students.

Physical Geology, GEOL S104-TD1 (Distance) or
CRN: 51593, CRN: 51594, 4 cr
Instructor: Naomi Fischer (Fairbanks)
M,W 5:00-6:50 p Class Dates: June 2-August 2, 2002
Tuition: $316, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $20, Lab Fee: $70=TOTAL $446; Local class $448
Introduction to the study of the solid earth as a dynamic, evolving planet. The earth, its materials and the processes that effect changes upon and within it are examined. Use of topographic maps, CD-ROM, and the identification of common rocks and minerals are emphasized in lab. Three hours lab per week required. Syllabus and assignment information can be found at Prerequisite: MATH 055 or placement into MATH 105. Requirements: Computer 486 or higher processor with Windows 95/98/NT and CD-ROM, email and Internet/Web Connection, skills in using email with attachments, and VCR. Meets UAS General Education Requirements (GER) for a lab science.

Data Quality and Reimbursement, HIM S260-TD1 (Distance) or HIM S260-TDL (Local)
CRN: 51595, CRN: 51596, 2 cr
Instructor: Houtary-Gilmartin (Sitka)
Audioconference: T, Th 5:30-7:00pm; Class Dates: May 21-July 2, 2002
Tuition: $158, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $10, Order books from MBS Direct=TOTAL $208, Local class: $210 ($2 student government fee)
Introduction to data quality issues including coding validation, data accuracy, coding guidelines and training, and reimbursement issues including Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs), Ambulatory Patient Classifications (APCs), Resourced Based Relative Value Scales (RBRVS). Impact of coding accuracy and rates. Specialist credentials: CCS and PCCS. Prerequisite: HIM S190 and HIM S210 or concurrent. Open only to students admitted to the HIM degree or coding specialist certificate.

Basic Nutrition: The Life Cycle, HS S193L-TD1, HS S193P-TD1(Distance)
CRN: 51404 or 51407, 3 cr
or HS S193L-TDL, or HS S193P-TDL
CRN: 51405 or 51408
Instructor: Lisa Sadleir-Hart (Sitka)
Audioconference: M, W, F, Noon-1:30pm; Class Dates: June 24-August 21, 2002
Tuition: $237, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $15, Order books from MBS Direct=TOTAL $292
Course introduces students to basic applied nutrition and nutritional needs across the life cycle. This includes exploring key nutrients and their food sources and functions in the body, nutrient requirements across the lifespan and analysis of the student's eating patterns. There will also be a brief look at common nutritional problems in the U.S. population and dietary roles in the prevention of disease.

History of Alaska, HIST S341-KD1
CRN: 51328, 3 cr
Instructor: Mike Dunning (Ketchikan)
Audioconference: T, 7:00-8:30pm; Class Dates: 5/14, 5/21, 6/18, 6/25/02
Tuition: $270, Distance Fee: $75, Tech Fee: $15, Books/Fees: $10 + books=TOTAL $370
Order books from Ketchikan Campus: 1-888-550-6177
The Russian background; acquisition, settlement and development of Alaska as an American territory and the 49th State. Prerequisite: 6 hours of HIST or permission of the instructor. Requirements: Computer 486 or higher processor with Windows 95/98/NT and CD-ROM, email and Internet/Web Connection, skills in using email with attachments, and VCR. Starting May 14, log on to to obtain the syllabus and first assignment. All course work must be completed within the course dates as outlined in the course syllabus. If you live outside Ketchikan please call 1-888-550-6177 to order books or for assistance. Meets the Alaska Department of Education requirement for teacher certification.

American Civil War, HIST S493-KD1
CRN: 51434, 3 cr
Instructor: Mike Dunning (Ketchikan)
Audioconference: Th, 7:00-8:30pm; Class Dates: 5/16, 5/23, 6/12, 6/20, 6/27/02
Tuition: $270, Distance Fee: $75, Tech Fee: $15, Books/Fees: $5 + books=TOTAL $365
Order books from Ketchikan Campus: 1-888-550-6177
Course delivered via computer and audioconference An examination of the causes of the American Civil War from Texas annexation to the outbreak of hostilities in 1861 and of the war itself in some detail. Requirements: Computer 486 or higher processor with Windows 95/98/NT and CD-ROM, email and Internet/Web Connection, skills in using email with attachments, and VCR Starting May 14, log on to to obtain the syllabus and first assignment. All course work must be completed within the course dates as outlined in the course syllabus. If you live outside Ketchikan please call 1-888-550-6177 to order books or for assistance.

Before you can be registered for a math class you must take the ASSET test, a math placement exam. If you have taken a previous math class you may be able to place directly into a specific math class with approval from your advisor or proof of having met the prerequisites. The ASSET test may be taken by contacting your community coordinator (see page 2), a local UA campus or by calling the UAS Distance Education Office @ 1-800-478-3552, ext. 721 or 757. To find out which math class you need for your degree you should make an appointment with your advisor.
Intermediate Algebra, MATH S105-TD1 (Distance) or MATH S105-TDL (Local)
CRN: 51413, CRN: 51421, 4 cr

Instructor: Joe Liddle (Sitka)
M - R 7:00-8:50pm, Class Dates: May 13-June 27, 2002
Prerequisite: MATH 055 with a ‘C’ or a Placement test
Tuition: $316, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $20, Order Books from MBS Direct=TOTAL $376
Introduction to the properties, graphs, and applications of linear, quadratic, rational, and radical functions. Requirements: Access to a VCR and a calculator (graphic calculator recommended).

College Algebra, MATH S107-TD1 (Distance) or MATH S107-TDL (Local)
CRN: 51414, CRN: 51423, 4 cr
Instructor: Joe Liddle (Sitka)
M - R 6:00-7:50pm, Class Dates: May 13-June 27, 2002
Prerequisite: MATH 105 with a ‘C’ or higher

Tuition: $316, Distance Fee: $40, Tech Fee: $20, Order books from MBS Direct=TOTAL $376; Local Class: $340, includes student government fee
A detailed study of linear, quadratic, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; operations on and application of these functions, and selected topics from algebra. Meets UAS General Education Requirements (GER).

Intro to Psychology, PSY S101-TDL (Local)
CRN: TBA, 3 cr.
Instructor: Bill Sallenbach (Sitka)
Audioconference and Web Delivery: Wed 4:00-5:15pm, Dates: 6/123, 6/19, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17, 7/245 and 7-31/02

Tuition: $237, Distance Fee: $0, Tech Fee: $15, Govt. fee: $3; Order books from MBS Direct=TOTAL $255
An introduction to the fundamentals of general psychology and human behavior. Topics include: an overview of the field of psychology, the brain and nervous system, perception, consciousness, learning, memory, language, thought, intelligence, motivation, emotion, stress and personality.

Psychology and the Media, PSY S375-TD1 (Distance) or PSY S375-TDL (Local)
CRN: 51343, or CRN: 51635, 3 cr.
Instructor: Bill Sallenbach (Sitka)
Audioconference and Web Delivery: Th 5:00-6:15pm, Dates: 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 and 8/1/02

Tuition: $270, Distance Fee: $75, Tech Fee: $15, Order books from MBS Direct=TOTAL $360
This special topics course will look at the impact that various medias have on our psychological development. The course will look at marketing strategies and their psychological components. In addition to ideas on marketing, and subliminal techniques, the course will look at how TV, the Internet and other media help to shape our attitudes, beliefs and mental processing. The class will address cross-cultural perspectives. If possible, speakers from China and other cultures will be contacted for contribution. Is the world evolving to common psychological attitudes? Do we shape the media as well? Is the media the message? What about content? These are just some of the areas to be covered in this course. Prerequisite: PSY 101 required for psychology credit; and upper division standing or instructor permission.

Personality Theories , PSY S406-TD1(Distance) or PSY S406-TDL (Local)
CRN: 51636, or CRN: 51637, 3 cr
Instructor: Bill Sallenbach (Sitka)
Audioconference and Web Delivery: Th 6:30-7:45pm, Dates: 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 and 8/1/02

Tuition: $270, Distance Fee: $75, Tech Fee: $15, Order books from MBS Direct=TOTAL $360
A survey of contemporary theories of personality, with critical examination of theoretical perspectives and theory construction. Emphasizes relevant research findings. Develops understanding for, and prediction of, human behavior, thought and feeling. Prerequisites: PSY S250 and one additional psychology course; and upper division standing or instructor permission.

MT: Leadership Communications Institute (Juneau and Internet), PADM S696-J01
CRN: 50802, 3 cr
Instructor: Jonathan Anderson (Juneau)
Face to face portion of class to be held in Juneau during the week of May 20-24, 2002
M,T,W,Th, F 8:00am-5:00pm.
Course Dates: May 20-August 1, 2002
Tuition: $534, Distance Fee: $75, Tech fee: $15=TOTAL $624
For all class and textbook information go to:
This Institute is an extensive one-week study and practical exercises of management communication skills. Face to face portion of class to be held in Juneau during the week of May 20-24. M, T, W, Th, F from 8am-5pm. Independent study portion involving web-based interaction of this class continues until August 1. For more information contact Dr. Jonathan Anderson at 800-478-9069 or email at or check out the university web site at

Human Resources Management, PADM S670-JD1
CRN: 51234, 3 cr
Instructor: Janet Jacobs (Juneau)
Satellite Course: T, 7:00-9:45pm; Class Dates: May 28-July 30, 2002
Tuition: $534, Distance Fee: $75, Tech Fee: $15=TOTAL $624
For all class and textbook information go to:
Survey of principles and practices in recruitment, selection and placement of personnel. Orientation programs, administrator relationships, code of ethics, merit rating, certification and other relationships involving supervisors and staff members.

Introductory Statistics, STAT S107-JD1
CRN: 51471, 4 cr
Instructor: Richard Stephens (Juneau)
Satellite: M,T,W,Th, 5:15-6:30pm
Course Dates: May 20-July 31, 2002
Tuition: $316, Distance Fee: $40, Tech fee: $20=TOTAL $376
For all class and textbook information go to:
Introduction to data analysis, least-squares regression, data production, sampling distributions, probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: Math S107 or equivalent.
*Introductory Statistics is a prerequisite for PADM 689.

For more information contact:
University of Alaska Southeast, Sitka Campus
1332 Seward Avenue
Sitka, Alaska 99835
Phone: (907) 747-7701 or 800-478-6653