These are some of Andrew's friends

Jennifer Ringley
and Spree
Sarah Grove Eva Zsigri
Eloise Echidna Dash at darkSPACE Amelia E. Wilson
Billigan's Island Maria Knisely Bonni Hall
Jen's Link Implosion Karl's Dementia! Lowell Wilson
Cindy This space to let!
Email me now!
This space to let!
Email me now!

Some of Andrew's favourite links

"Twilight Zone"-type coincidences:

Other People Called Andrew Wilson - beleive it or not, there are quite a few of us out there! Thank you to Andrew J. S. Wilson for compiling this list.


The Taz-mania Page - a good introduction to the cartoon critter
Irwins Taz Mania Images Page - just chock full of great Taz images
Tasmanian Devil - the facts on the REAL life Tasmanian Devil
Looney Tunes Homepage - general info on Looney Tunes characters

My island home - Tasmania:

The Interactive Tour of Tasmania - what better way to visit God's Own Island!
Tasmania Online - THE most comprehesive index of all

Kalgoorlie - where I live now:

General Info - a good place to start to find out about where I live
Todays Weather in Kalgoorlie


Australian Air Training Corps - find out a bit about what I do on a Monday evening
National Air and Space Museum of Australia - an excellent refernce on Australian Aviation

Leunig Cartoons and Poems:

I've always had a soft spot for Michael Leunig and his whimsical characters.
Poems by Leunig - just for straters
A Bunch of Leunig - great page with loads of info about the man and his work
The Travelling Leunig - Paul's review of one of Leunig's great books - has some cartoons too
A Michael Leunig appreciation - Andrew and Felicity's tribute page
A Dusty Little Swag - an academic look
Leunigs View - of a rather controversial author

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Last updated 26 August 1998
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