Entertaining Emails from Past and Present

In the midst of trite forwards and chain letters I do find a use for email, both sending and receiving.  Here are some of my more memorable messages, most of which are quite humorous IMHO.  Fair warning, some are not for the faint of heart.

Emails I've Sent:

Geography Professor Quotes--Actually I haven't sent this yet, this is just the best place for it.
College Humor--Just what it says, very funny stuff I collected from around the Net.
Test Tips--Really more of the same, just sent in a separate email.
Allieviating stress at Boogaarts--If you've read my Boogaarts horror stories you can guess what this classic is about.
My Profile--Answers to a survey I received some time ago, a lot of info some people may rather not know.

Emails I've Received:

The Hardware Business--Sent to me by someone who knows the area well, this could be connected to either my Boogaarts or college experiences.
Christmas at Hardware Stores--Da sequel.
Wal-Mart--Like many a small child I was forced to spend hours upon hours in Wal-Mart waiting for mom.  If only I had had this list of things to do...
There's Idiots Everywhere--What more needs to be said?
An Interesting Calculus Problem--If only this had been on the final...
Cool information--Interesting tidbits.

My Hate Mail:

Nick--Fortunately the only hate email I've received so far has come from my dear friend Nick politely requesting that I make certain additions to this site.  Definitely worth reading.
Nick II--Nick's reaction detailing what he thought of the Freebird video.  After much deliberation I agreed with him and the video has been removed from the site.

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