Watching the Weather

3rd grade

General Objective: Describe the weather conditions.

Lesson Objective: Observing the weather.

Motivator: Ask the students to describe the day’s weather. Go outside and have them use the recording sheet Observe the Weather. Tell the students to use their senses to observe the weather.



    1. Explain that weather forecasters keep records of daily weather to help them predict the weather for the following days. Tell the students that for the next month, the class will use some weather symbols to make a record of the weather on a class calendar chart. Show and explain the symbols.
    2. At the same time each day, ask the students which symbol should be posted to best represent the day’s weather. Post the day’s symbol on the class calendar chart.
    3. After a few days of observing, ask the students to predict what they think the weather will be like tomorrow. Have the class vote and post the most frequent guesses next to the chart. Compare their predictions with the actual weather conditions on the following day.
    4. On the student sheet Watching the Weather Graph, record the number of days that each type of weather occurred.
    1. Use the recording sheet My Favorite Weather as a culmination for weather observation.
    2. At the end of the month go over all charts and graphs with the students and discuss the data.

Teaching Strategies: Discussion, Observation, Investigation, and Guided Discovery


Teaching Strategies: Collect, organize, record and describe data



Hoover, E; Mercier, S. Primarily Earth AIMS Activities. AIMS Education Foundation. 1996