On Thursday, October 18, my roommate Justin and his girlfriend Kendall and I set out for a weekend in Massachusetts, in what was to be one of the best times of my life.  We went to visit my bro Greg and his girlfriend Kate up at UMass at Amherst, where they're both freshmen.  Justin's hometown is about 45 minutes away, plus he knew the way, so he and Kendall came along, and we had a BLLLLAST!

The drive took about 11 hours, and we got there late Thursday night.

The Southwest dorms on the... southwest side of campus.  Greg's room is on the 21st floor of the middle one, John Adams.

The view from Greg's room (lucky bastard).

Aaand here's the view from the 21st floor lounge, where we slept the first night because it had a carpet (sort of).

Purty, eh?  This is in downtown Amherst.

I think this looks like a picture in a newspaper where I'm some pastor in front of my church or something.  I dunno.

Heh heh... ass.

This parking meter was evil not only because it was #666, but because a quarter only bought you FIFTEEN FRICKIN' MINUTES.  Here at Tech, a quarter gets you an HOUR.  Lousy Taxachusetts.

Aww, aren't they a cute couple? :)


On to Justin's house >>