- 12/15/00 03:31:25 | Comments: |
Britni - 12/12/00 23:29:58 My Email:MColgansells@gateway.net Profession: 5th grade student | Comments: I am doing a project on dolphins and your web page really helped me. Thank you!!! |
Nikki Ellis - 12/03/00 18:15:16 My Email:Nikellis55@aol.com | Comments: |
mimi - 12/01/00 21:26:23 | Comments: |
adrianA - 12/01/00 19:17:22 My Email:SIGNORINAADRIANA@HOTMAIL.COM Profession: student | Comments: WELL DONE!!!!!! I LOVE & ADMIRE A LOT THE DOLPHINS!!!!!XXXXX |
nikki - 11/30/00 01:03:41 My Email:blondy288@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: Doing research on dolphins for a project. |
amanda - 11/29/00 23:08:27 My Email:mandafl927@aol.com Profession: college student | Comments: |
Stephanie Miles - 11/29/00 21:48:49 My URL:http://www.aol.com My Email:Girlspun@aol.com Profession: homemaker | Comments: I found the information on your web site to be very interesting. I think that dolphins are beautiful and fancinateing creatures. This web site was very helpful in fulling my couriosity about Signature Whistles. It was very well writen and navigation thoug out the sight was quick and simple. Thank you! |
Barbie - 11/28/00 22:39:45 My Email:eirab@iquest.com Profession: Soccer | Comments: Great information! |
Bob U - 11/28/00 01:36:04 My Email:Rgu40@aol.com Profession: Director | Comments: Dear Ms. Adams, I am taking some college courses and my research paper is on Dolphins...Visited your page...Thanks..Bob |
ruby - 11/24/00 17:45:58 My Email:rubychick2000200@yahoomail.com | Comments: pleas send me a picture of a dolphin |
lynne stnford - 11/18/00 20:00:54 My Email:lyns42053@aol.com Profession: no working loves animals | Comments: loved your picture. dolphins should remain in ocean. putting them in places like se world . is like putting them in prison. the trainer of flipper commited sucide too many years in a tank. so let them remain free in the ocean.best place for them if you wa t to see them, swimm with them in the ocean. just wanted to warn people not to go sea world etc. thanks. loved the pictures lynne |
lynne stnford - 11/18/00 20:00:51 My Email:lyns42053@aol.com Profession: no working loves animals | Comments: loved your picture. dolphins should remain in ocean. putting them in places like se world . is like putting them in prison. the trainer of flipper commited sucide too many years in a tank. so let them remain free in the ocean.best place for them if you wa t to see them, swimm with them in the ocean. just wanted to warn people not to go sea world etc. thanks. loved the pictures lynne |
Beth - 11/01/00 02:06:13 My Email:joan84@highschoolclub.com Profession: student | Comments: hey. this is a cool site. i just hope that u get more visitors. this was the first site that i've seen on bottlenosed dolphins, so i came here. well, good luck with the site. |
Kelsi - 10/27/00 00:59:57 My Email:kell2007@hotmail.com Profession: student 12yearsold | Comments: dolphins are my fave animal. thanks for the site it really helped me on my speech. it's GREAT! |
Paige Gaddy - 10/25/00 04:19:15 My Email:Gadigrl1@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: |
Oscar - 10/24/00 01:29:23 My Email:oznca@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: I like this website |
samantha - 10/15/00 02:47:00 | Comments: your site is great but you could put the parts of a dolphin on here! |
KEYLEE - 10/15/00 02:33:29 My Email:QUiKSiLVer920780@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: this place sux |
Samantha - 10/06/00 00:43:40 My Email:Lilcrazy1985@aol.com Profession: I might be only 15 but I got lots to say | Comments: Hey I think it is kool how you got this site just for dolphins they are my favorite animals and it scares me to know they maybe extincted! I wrote the president but the secutary just gave me a copy letter that veryone gets of course! I try my best to get olphins as much help as they need but a 15 yr old can only do so much. I need to go know so bye! |
Renee - 09/09/00 21:25:37 My Email:www.lilly.com Profession: NONE OF YOUR BIUSNESS! | Comments: I think you have a vision for dolphins. Please put a little bit more of info ON YOUR WEBSITE. |
andrea - 09/07/00 20:53:10 My Email:nghty dolphin Profession: server | Comments: |
hhhh - 08/29/00 15:29:25 My URL:http://hgh My Email:hghg Profession: hghg | Comments: hghghhghgh |
Judy Beaty - 08/29/00 04:14:15 My Email:dolphingirlbeaty@aol.com Profession: Artist/Photographer | Comments: |
Judy Beaty - 08/29/00 04:01:18 My Email:dolphingirlbeaty@aol.com Profession: Artist/Photographer | Comments: |
Bethanee - 08/16/00 21:31:39 My Email:Howdy04@aol.com Profession: Lawyer | Comments: |
Mark Hoskins - 08/07/00 16:22:17 My Email:Mhosk61819@Aol.com Profession: Dancer,Teacher,composer | Comments: I have heard about the possiable theraputic value of The Dolphins Voice,Audable and Sonic and am interested to learn more. |
Jennifer Winkler - 07/29/00 23:56:21 My Email:chickie_185@hotmail.com Profession: Student | Comments: Very nice website, interesting facts, and great pictures. |
- 07/19/00 05:45:26 | Comments: |
Terri - 06/30/00 01:41:26 My Email:blueyedterri@aol.com | Comments: I want to hear the sounds of dolphins |
hannah - 06/28/00 21:48:07 | Comments: i love dolphins. |
hannah - 06/28/00 21:47:42 | Comments: i love dolphins. |
kathleen - 06/12/00 03:35:08 | Comments: i am kind of new to the computer |
lauren - 06/02/00 10:55:31 My Email:pyper_2000hotmail.com | Comments: I love dolphins its a hobby ] Bye Lauren |
Jen - 06/01/00 22:10:36 Profession: nothing much(student) | Comments: hey, ur page provided a lot of info 4 a project i needed 2 do in 1 night! thanx a bunch!i always thought dolphins were cool!thanx again!ttfn(ta ta for now) |
Shayna - 05/26/00 16:20:33 My Email:ShaynaGurlie.com Profession: Freshman in HS | Comments: Hello, I love Dolphins and I have for a very long time. Maybe 7 years. I want to work with them when I grow up and I really enjoyed your web page! |
- 05/25/00 22:12:10 | Comments: |
Janel Matson - 05/25/00 00:42:48 My Email:jmatson@utk.edu Profession: Student | Comments: I am doing my symposium for my speech class on animal communication. My part of the symposium is dolphin communication, and I found yoour web site to be very informative. Thank you! |
kelsey - 05/22/00 21:59:13 My Email:?????????? Profession: -school /athlete | Comments: this site helped me a lot with my dolphin project you should definetly come on and use the info |
Ashley Holoka - 05/22/00 14:58:07 My Email:Babye1988@aol.com | Comments: This is one of the best pages ever! But need more information! |
Debbie Brake - 05/22/00 01:22:33 My Email:brakedeb@aol.com Profession: college of education at Emu | Comments: Like your web site, I hope you continue with some more infromation on these beautiful creatures! |
ben - 05/20/00 20:01:08 | Comments: |
gabby - 05/13/00 18:36:41 Profession: student | Comments: |
Keri Ryan - 05/12/00 01:29:39 My Email:kryan1732@iomega.net Profession: marine biologist | Comments: Great website! |
g - 05/11/00 05:05:53 | Comments: gttdrcfcccccccccccccccccccccct |
Austin Flanagan - 05/11/00 00:36:01 Profession: 2nd grade student | Comments: Thank you for helping me. |
Lieve Pitts - 05/10/00 23:23:34 Profession: A 5th grader,please write more and send the info to 5245, Piney Mtn.Road | Comments: I love Dolphins, and this told me all about the whistles of the Bottlenose Dolphin in which I wanted to know about.Write more!!!!Awesome!!! |
holli frazier - 05/10/00 00:57:43 My Email:hollirobinson@mailcity.com Profession: auto repair shop | Comments: i loved this site and am a very emotionally attached person to dolphins thank youholli |
- 05/08/00 23:17:46 | Comments: |
HALEY - 05/08/00 11:52:16 | Comments: |
MELISSA SPARROW - 05/06/00 12:16:44 My Email:eagle1@ihug.com.au Profession: student | Comments: I think this site is excellant i enjoyed looking through it and seeing all the exciting pics!I learnt alot about the creatures i love most and any info or pics would be greatly appreciated if they were sent to the above email address! THANKYOU!! |
me - 04/30/00 20:45:33 My Email:me Profession: me | Comments: unhelpful |
SANDY TAYLOR - 04/28/00 00:28:30 My Email:MIKENIKI03@OL.COM Profession: SECRETARY | Comments: JUST LOVE TO SEE THE PHOTO'S OF DOLPHIS. |
`*Alia*~ - 04/27/00 01:38:33 My Email:RedAK187@aol.com Profession: ~*Student*~ | Comments: You guys Are Okay! |
wendy thomas - 04/26/00 10:23:46 My Email:wendy_thomas57@yahoo.com Profession: horticulturist | Comments: keep up the good work, and long live the dolphins.may the great spirit protect them all. |
Kacie - 04/17/00 14:10:32 My Email:KCdoll7@aol.com Profession: Student | Comments: |
- 04/14/00 02:21:38 | Comments: |
Tiffany - 04/11/00 13:06:39 | Comments: This is an awesome site and I absolutly LOVE dolphins! They are my favorite animal in the whole world! You did a good job and I will be back to look again! |
jenna - 04/11/00 07:00:16 My Email:z100pctangel Profession: animal handler | Comments: |
Brittney - 04/09/00 22:14:04 My Email:Brittcourt@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: I LOVE DOLPHINS AND I WANT TO ADOPT ONE. |
kfortier - 04/08/00 23:26:01 | Comments: |
- 04/08/00 05:27:31 My Email:HoneyJ09@aol.com | Comments: I think this page is very cute. Could u email me when u update it? |
- 04/07/00 22:58:16 My Email:krystic88@aol.com | Comments: I LOVE DOLPHIN and this web site is just great!!:) |
neva - 04/04/00 03:50:33 My Email:bubbles936274705@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: looking for info on bottlenose dolphins. if you could e-mail me back with some info that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you much. |
neva - 04/04/00 03:48:12 My Email:bubbles936274705@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: looking for info on bottlenose dolphins. if you could e-mail me back with some info that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you much. |
- 03/31/00 01:48:49 | Comments: |
robin - 03/30/00 21:14:43 Profession: vip discount auto center | Comments: this was great!!! I really loved it and it helped me out alot>>>> |
amanda ashley - 03/29/00 14:29:54 | Comments: you should put more imformation on this web site and put more pictures too. you should also have more intresting facts. |
Christopher Marks - 03/29/00 02:24:19 My Email:lmarks1673@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: |
scoccerfan - 03/28/00 23:59:26 My Email:scoccer1287@aol.com | Comments: this rules |
Ashley - 03/26/00 22:04:16 My Email:ashley_dolphins@yahoo.com | Comments: I love dolphins and I am doing a report on dolphins. So I gotta go and find info... |
Stephanie - 03/25/00 23:14:30 My Email:MicheleBSE@AOL.com Profession: 4th grader | Comments: I'm doing a report on dolphins. Because I think theyre cute and they are amaizing too in many ways. |
Linz - 03/24/00 01:59:46 My Email:Gizmo0824@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: |
Michelle Bradley - 03/22/00 22:46:36 My Email:P0oh69@aol.com Profession: Marine Mammals Studies | Comments: |
- 03/22/00 03:00:28 | Comments: |
Erin - 03/22/00 01:46:46 My Email:gailbrougham@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: I love dolphins so very much |
chris - 03/21/00 03:15:52 My URL:/giscribson/millenium.html My Email:giscribson@yahoo.com | Comments: Awsome page, just what I was looking for!! Thanks!!!! |
Nicole Laub - 03/17/00 01:28:45 My Email:shortyup777 Profession: High school student | Comments: I love the bottlenosed dolhin so much. And for the rest of my years in high school i am doing a prodject on bottlenose dolphins. Thank You " DOLPHINS RULE YEAH!" |
Ashley - 03/16/00 21:41:06 My Email:dolphingirl8@aol.com | Comments: I am signing again just becuz i love dolphins that much. Please send me more info!!!!!!!!! |
Ashley - 03/16/00 21:38:59 My Email:dolphingirl8@aol.com | Comments: I love Dolphins!!!! My screen name is even dolphingirl8 I am so obsessed w/ them and the picture of the dolphin is sooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!! |
stephanie - 03/16/00 15:15:33 | Comments: I like the dolphin? |
Erika - 03/14/00 00:11:18 My Email:Sdbrg57@aol.com Profession: Student | Comments: I thought this page about Bottlenose dolphins was great! I'm doing a paper about dolphins in my Oceanography class and I'm sure that this will help. Just thought I'd let you know! Erika |
kendra mullen - 03/08/00 20:44:45 My Email:kabb64c@aol.com Profession: 3rd grader | Comments: hi i love DOLPHINS and i am doing a report on them can you send me some info please thanks |
StEpHaNiE - 03/04/00 14:53:36 My Email:soccergurl332@aol.com Profession: ScHoOl | Comments: |
Lauren - 03/01/00 21:57:36 | Comments: Nice work! great Information |
I forget - 02/16/00 01:11:43 My Email:who | Comments: |
Ritchey - 02/14/00 23:36:08 My Email:RINGMASTER0416@aol.com | Comments: this site was great for my whale research project assigined by my great teacher who thinks he's imortal Mr.White he thinks he is 19 ha ha he's 52 |
Taylor Kunz - 02/01/00 23:42:15 My Email:ADH32789@aol.com | Comments: I loved your web site alot! I needed some things on Bottlenose Dolphins for a report! Great Job! -Taylor |
Victoria - 01/25/00 23:30:46 My Email:Browneyes4933@aol.com Profession: Student | Comments: I love you web page. Thank for so much wonderful information. It was very helpful in an assignment I had to do for school. |
Ben Hadden - 01/24/00 03:29:38 My Email:Benj1018@aol.com Profession: Student | Comments: I am currently a student who plans to attend Texas A&M in the fall of 2000. There I hope to gain a career which will allow me to become a veterinarian. With that degree I would like to specialize in marine mammals...especially dolphins. I have always b en interested in the marine life in which dolphins have been my prime focus. With all the dangers that present the dolphin community, I hope to someday make a difference in their survival. |
Tiffany Davis - 01/19/00 14:37:49 Profession: college student | Comments: I was very interested in your web page about dolphins. In a couple of years I will be a Marine Biologist studying mostly marine life and dolphins .I have been interested in dolphins for quite some time now. Just keep our waters clean is my message for tod y. Thanks Tiffany |
Chris - 01/19/00 04:52:03 Profession: Harvard University Grad. student | Comments: Your site was so uplifting. I really found it to be very educational and inspiring. I will be sure to recommend this site to my younger sister, she wants to become a marine biologist, herself. I myself, have a masters degree in archeological studies. I wish you luck in the rest of your studies. Sincerely Yours. |
Steph - 01/17/00 23:29:22 My Email:Stinky6170 Profession: student | Comments: Dolphins are a real neat and intresting animal to learn about, research, watch, ect. ect. |
Katie Holyoak - 01/17/00 19:19:50 | Comments: Thank-you |
Rosanna Bustamante - 01/14/00 18:34:19 My Email:Muck@bellsouth.net Profession: student | Comments: I enjoyed your website and if you could, please send me any information you recieve on dolphins. I would like to be a Marine Biologist because I find marine life to be so exciting and interesting. I also believe that we need to conserve marine life so f w animals will be extinct. Thanks! |
- 01/14/00 15:35:04 | Comments: |
desiree m - 01/10/00 00:36:53 | Comments: I love the pictures!!!!!!! |
cathy - 01/09/00 11:38:57 Profession: student | Comments: i love this website. it is very useful and i love your pictures!! they are great. also the infomation. i love it all :) i'm glad that people love your site "_"; i learned about this site from a friend. all your information will definatly give me an A+++ ++++++++++++++++++++. hehehehehehe .... anyways thanx for making this site. more sites should be like yours. you get right to the point on information and so on..... thanx so much again and take care and God bless you. P.S. you should make another website but on different animals besides dolphins. also i love your pictures so much that i think i go and print one out..Hehehehe.....if it is ok with you?? Pretty please with a cherry one the top!!!!!:)thanx and good luck i the future. hope to see another website of yours in the future!!! bye :) |
Vanesa - 01/09/00 11:17:18 My Email:none Profession: student | Comments: i love ur site. It is a very lovley site and i want all my friends to know about this site!! i'm speechless...... all i can say is this is the best dolphin website on the internet. No really i mean this! Can u find another website like this...i don't think so!!!!! thanx and good luck *_~ |
m.l.walker - 01/08/00 15:11:25 My Email:mdredfish@aol.com | Comments: thanks |
Jose Girard - 01/07/00 04:56:20 My Email:not avalaible Profession: Medical Doctor | Comments: Good Photos |
megan - 01/04/00 00:00:29 My Email:megan4599@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: |
Josey Bunke - 12/28/99 01:11:05 Profession: Student | Comments: Love it!!!!! |
Sarah - 12/27/99 03:32:07 My Email:sro8399 Profession: student | Comments: YOU NEED TO SHOW MORE PICTURES!!!!! IT WOULD BE VERY APPRECIATIVE:) |
Brianna - 12/24/99 16:27:40 My Email:Alyak2006@aol.com Profession: acting | Comments: |
KIM BRECHIN - 12/24/99 05:53:51 My Email:KBDOLPHINGIRL77@AOL.COM | Comments: |
Amy Rose - 12/23/99 04:30:55 Profession: just a girl | Comments: I like your site. It has many interesting things. Now I'm going to look for pandas. Thanks! |
Melissa - 12/12/99 03:51:04 My Email:Matalic3@ol.com Profession: student | Comments: I loved the way the photos were taken! I felt like u were like friends with them. I love dolphins so much, and not many photagaphers can take those kinds of pictures. I really enjoyed seeing your web page. Sincerly, MelissaF.Gregory |
Deborah Tyler - 12/08/99 15:59:45 My Email:dtyler@denitech.com Profession: Executive Assistant | Comments: |
Trey Clark - 12/03/99 22:34:20 My Email:teclark124 Profession: Student | Comments: It is great that there are places that look out for dolphins. I really like the pictures, and I wish you could get some more. |
Mandi - 11/29/99 23:42:17 Profession: student | Comments: Thanx!Your sight helped me a lot!! It had tons of good information!! |
- 11/29/99 16:26:07 | Comments: |
nikki - 11/23/99 23:35:35 My Email:tweety2808 Profession: want to become a marine bioloigst | Comments: i really enjoy reading things about dolphins and how they were first given there name and why if you could send me any information about this i would greatly apperciate it thank you |
Rebecca Jones - 11/17/99 18:58:53 My Email:dawl99@hotmail.com Profession: student | Comments: great site! |
Sylma - 11/15/99 21:30:13 My Email:bsbsdino99@yahoo.com Profession: college student | Comments: Your page is great, it really help me with a project for college. THANK YOU A LOT |
Sylma - 11/15/99 21:30:11 My Email:bsbsdino99@yahoo.com Profession: college student | Comments: Your page is great, it really help me with a project for college. THANK YOU A LOT |
Robyn - 11/13/99 02:39:28 My Email:Benaer1124@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: I have enjoyed this page, for I have a strong interest in dolphins. Please keep up the great research. |
michelle - 11/10/99 21:54:49 My Email:sweet n deed@aol.com Profession: school student | Comments: i like it here, im doing a reserch peper and im having a hard time finding stuff on dolphins, and i was hpoing you would know some other places, because i have to like have 5 or 6 different different sources.its really stressing me help |
Alex - 11/05/99 22:15:38 My Email:Minti519@aol.com | Comments: I didnt look at your site yet but it seems really cool. Im in 6th grade doing a report on bottlenose dolphins. if you can give me places where they live and 3 details to each place it would help me out a lot ... Thanks |
Cowboy - 11/05/99 01:34:43 | Comments: Need Dolphin pictures. There for my daughter. |
- 11/01/99 18:47:33 | Comments: Your website helped me very much on my report thanks! |
Theodora Grimes - 10/30/99 00:40:30 My Email:Doralove7@aol.com Profession: Computer Assist. | Comments: My daughter love the web page and it helped her alot on her dolphin project |
Melissa Hock - 10/27/99 17:09:04 My Email:ms76hock@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: This website was very informative. Do you know of any other sites with good information on cetacean bioaccoustics? |
Brittany Bustle - 10/25/99 22:42:11 My Email:jbbustle@aol.com Profession: Student | Comments: |
- 10/24/99 19:22:37 | Comments: |
tara - 10/22/99 15:59:01 My Email:bubblegum18@yahoo.com Profession: student | Comments: you need to get bigger pictures |
Michele De Witt - 10/18/99 23:29:55 My Email:meesh9999 Profession: students | Comments: Thanks for helping me with my big report. Your friend, Michele De Witt (age 9) |
Kori Haack - 10/18/99 18:24:24 My Email:Haackk@aol.com Profession: nanny | Comments: |
Jesse Berkowitz - 10/17/99 13:15:20 My Email:norwawitz@aol.com Profession: student (4th grade) | Comments: I am doing a project on bottlenose dolphins. This helped me find some good information. |
Allison Hapner - 10/15/99 16:43:48 My Email:hapnad01@ipfw.edu Profession: Veterinary Assistant | Comments: I enjoyed the information on this page. I have been doing a lot of school and self-related searching on the dolphin and their behavior, especially social structure. If you have any other information that you think might be helpful in these searches, ple se let me know. Thanks so much!! Allison (hapnad01@ipfw.edu) |
Alexandra - 10/13/99 23:31:07 My Email:xandrausa@aol.com | Comments: I really loved your web page it gave me alot of infotmation. thank you |
jeff dixon - 10/12/99 14:30:24 Profession: student at phs | Comments: nice site |
Andrea - 10/09/99 19:09:11 My Email:Roseychk84@aol.com | Comments: |
jessi - 10/06/99 01:17:21 My Email:draagunfli Profession: student | Comments: I think that your site is adorable and full of helpful information. I spend my summers on the water and I've fallen in love with the marine life. |
- 10/02/99 12:41:59 | Comments: |
Keith - 09/23/99 00:39:41 My Email:Chefkmg@aol.com Profession: Personel Chef | Comments: |
Kimberly - 09/22/99 07:56:07 My Email:DuckBabe@aol.com Profession: Vet Technician | Comments: I really enjoyed this website. I am going on a research expedition to South Africa to study the ecological limits of one of the world's least known cetaceans--the Heaviside's Dolphin. Our field leader will be Dr. Peter Best (University of Pretoria). He has already lead several efforts to save Southern Right Whale populations in and around S. Africa. If anyone who maintains this website knows of Dr. Best, I would love it if you would drop me an e-mail. Great page-- very informative. Best of luck!-- Du kBabe |
Joel Anderson - 09/20/99 23:25:12 Profession: Park Warden | Comments: Hey beautiful! Great site love the whistles!!! |
Courtney - 09/18/99 20:47:36 | Comments: |
Lisa Clark - 09/15/99 23:58:15 My Email:halo9663@aol.com Profession: Receptionist | Comments: My best friend calls me in a panic, asking me if I can pull something up on the computer about dolphins, because her son just told her that he needed something. Typiccal of kids to wait till the last minute, huh? I really appreciate the free information out there for kids. You had more then encyclopedia.com. They wanted to charge for some of their stuff, like pictures and he needed at least 2 pictures and I got that from you. Thank you very much. it only took me a few minutes to do this and now he ca have his homework done, not that he should expect other people to do it or wait till the last minute, either, but once again, Thanks! Lisa |
John John - 09/13/99 22:46:10 | Comments: |
Sara Lynch - 09/12/99 15:27:15 My Email:babygrli99 @ aol.com Profession: student | Comments: I love dolphins soooo much!!!There are the most beautiful creatures on earth.My room is all dolphins every where!i even have dolphin beaded curtains!When i get older i hope to be a marine bioligist or dolphin trainer.I really badly want a dolphin screen s ver for my computer.if you no how to get one im me and if you are also interested in dolphins im me. |
crystal reina - 09/12/99 00:24:26 My Email:hugogrly@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: i love dolphins....and i plan on attending florida tech and...to major in marine biology |
bnordeen - 09/10/99 21:15:10 Profession: LACNHM Ed. Outreach | Comments: |
Kristin - 09/07/99 01:05:51 My Email:Seafreek88@aol.com Profession: student | Comments: I love dolphins so much and i love this website.I want to work with dolphins for my career.I love any thing that has a dolphin on it or evem has any thing to do with a dolphin(s).Well thanx for makin this website for all of us dolphin lovers thanx again, ristin |
Carla Dean - 09/05/99 02:40:12 My Email:cshorty17 | Comments: I love dolphins so if you have any interesting things send them to me thank you |
Christine Castro - 09/02/99 21:31:46 My Email:castroc@okstate.edu Profession: student/zoology major | Comments: I am so glad there are web sites like this one. The sooner I know more about these amazing animals, the closer I get to them. I love dolphins, I am very interested in them and hope to work with them soon. |
brianna shelley - 08/19/99 23:45:36 My Email:shelleyb@odc.edu Profession: student | Comments: i love dolphins! great pics |
Becky - 08/17/99 01:40:57 Profession: Marine Mammal Science Student/ Senior University of Southern Mississippi | Comments: This is a great site! Lots of interesting information. Keep up the Good Work! Thanks, Becky |
Becky Vincent - 08/17/99 01:35:26 Profession: Marine Mammal Science Student/ Senior University of Southern Mississippi | Comments: This is a great site! Lots of interesting information. Send me more info if possible-I do not have an e-mail address. My mailing address is 939 old hwy 21 N Forest, MS 39074 Keep up the Good Work! Thanks, Becky |
Erin - 08/16/99 18:42:55 My Email:erinhall@hotmail.com Profession: student | Comments: I love your Website! I love dolphins, so I love about anything that has a dolphin on it. I have never seen one, but someday I hope to work with them. |
Alli I. - 08/11/99 21:28:59 Profession: A kid | Comments: Hi like it, BYE! |
ANA ISABEL PEREIRA - 08/04/99 15:28:53 My URL:http://WWW.GEOCITIES My Email:jenny.rivero@fluordaniel.com Profession: Business administrador | Comments: Dolphins are the most gorgeous animals and you have such a great web site! Very special thanks!! |
Evripidou Maria - 07/28/99 20:10:42 My Email:o_ce_an@yahoo.com Profession: student | Comments: nice web site! |
christine butterworth - 07/19/99 00:22:38 My Email:arora_16@yahoo.com Profession: student | Comments: i like it |
Rachel - 07/02/99 20:13:04 My Email:rachel@mpollitt.freeserve.co.uk | Comments: I love dolphins they are my fave animals. Brill site. Rachel |
j.grant - 06/28/99 14:06:43 | Comments: just a note to say hello. going to pick up grad. gift on Tues. (Very excited!!!) How is the job? had a big situation involving a mouse in the house. they like me it seems. getting closer to figuring out housing for the fall. That's it for now. Miss y u. j. |
Wildflower - 06/23/99 18:47:59 | Comments: Loved the dolifines |
Cynthia Sheeky - 06/20/99 22:22:49 | Comments: |
julia grant - 06/15/99 15:07:44 Profession: student | Comments: Hey there Christina. I thought that I might get in trouble for trying the email link to you, but I may try it after this. Your site is great! I have some news. I got a placement here in Toronto (well North To.) for the fall. Not far from where Drew l ves/works. Only a 15-20 min drive fm. home. Went up to look at the school last week. I'l be teaching there for a total of 9 weeks in the fall term. Did you know tht there is a new Sarah M. CD out? Still trying to figure out accomodations for this year Sandy is good, and Paisley is still crazy! Talk to you later. I hope this works. I may have to keep using your guest book to talk to you. :) J.G. |
khalid mughal - 06/08/99 05:33:16 My Email:khalidm@nevada.edu Profession: Recently Graduated from UC Berkeley | Comments: Informative and Interesting...a tough combination accomplished! |
Jen Gossett - 05/30/99 14:27:46 My Email:gossettr@apci.net | Comments: |
Jen Gossett - 05/30/99 14:22:27 My Email:gossettr@apci.net | Comments: Thanks for providing a page concerning the whistles of dolphins! I am an extreme ocean lover and want to study marine biology in college, so any research I can read, like this, is very beneficial! =) |
Jen Gossett - 05/30/99 14:22:17 My Email:gossettr@apci.net | Comments: Thanks for providing a page concerning the whistles of dolphins! I am an extreme ocean lover and want to study marine biology in college, so any research I can read, like this, is very beneficial! =) |
- 05/28/99 20:31:58 | Comments: |
Krista Robb - 05/28/99 17:30:57 My Email:navybear@execulink.com Profession: Up in the air | Comments: Cool site Christina |
Jennifer - 05/12/99 19:29:36 Profession: computer analyst | Comments: interesting site :) |
- 05/10/99 16:58:53 | Comments: |
- 05/09/99 20:33:17 | Comments: |
Anne - 05/02/99 15:48:13 Profession: nurse | Comments: Great site! |