695 Tealwood Lane
Cordova, TN 38018
(901)-755-5013 (H)
(901)-942-7333 (O)
e-mail: rafique_uddin@loc.edu
BS Bangladesh Agril. University
MS Bangladesh Agril. University
MS University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Ph.D. University of Wales, U.K.
LeMoyne-Owen College
August 1994 - Present, Professor of Biology
And Coordinator of the Biology Program
Division of Natural Sciences
807 Walker Avenue, Memphis, TN 38126
Courses: General Biology I and II, Cell Biology, Genetics, Histology,
Microbiology, and Vertebrate Embryology.
South-West Tennessee Community College, Memphis, TN-Adjunct Instructor of Biology -Courses: General Biology and Anatomy and Physiology
Rust College, Holly Springs, MS 38635
October 1990-July 1994-Associate Professor of Biology, Division of Science & Mathematics
Courses taught: Bio-Statistics, Environmental Science, General Biology I and II, Microbiology, Genetics, Molecular Biology.
University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, December 1980 to August 1984,
Department of Botany, Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Courses Taught: General Biology, Cyto-genetics and Biometry
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, August 1975 to September 1977-Lecturer, Department of Genetics
Courses taught: Genetics and Plant Breeding
Other Collegiate Assignment 1994-2002
Co-ordinator; Biology Program, fall 1997-Present
Chair, Institutional Review Board, spring 2000-Present
Member, Library Committee, 1996-97 academic year
Member, Faculty Development Committee, 1998-99 academic year
Associate Director, Health Career Opportunity Program (NIH funded program), 1/1998-8/2000
Coordinator, Mid-South Alliance for Minority Participation, NSF/Louis Stokes funded program to increase minorities in science, mathematics and engineering education, fall 1998-fall 2000
Research & Other Responsibilities:
LeMoyne-Owen College-USDA funded research project (1997-99) which involved undergraduate biology student training; Title: Effects of heavy metals and pH on the infection and colonization of conifer roots by Armillaria . ($34,000.00)
8/98-8/2001; Coordinator, NSF/Louis Stokes Mid-South Alliance for Minority Participation .
8/98-8/2000: Associate Director, NIH/HCOP (Health career Opportunity Program)
June--August 2002 & 2003 : American Society of Cell Biology Minority
Affairs Committee visiting Professorship Award. Project- Computer aided
Meiotic Maturation Assay in Zebra Fish (D. reiro). , University of Memphis,
TN-Department of Molecular Cell Sciences.
University of Tennessee, Health Sciences Center, Memphis, TN
June 1995 -12/2000: Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Pharmacology, Research Project: Mechanisms of Norepinephrine Stimulated Arachidonic Acid release in Mammalian Vascular Smooth Cells.
Rust College: Conducted funded undergraduate research training projects
(MARC/NIH ;USDA) involving biology majors (1992-94).
Title: Development of an in vitro assay to explore potential Loblolly Pine root and tissue growth inhibitor. ($26,000.00)
Other Responsibilities 8/92-8/94: Principal Investigator, Minority Access To Research Career(MARC)/NSF
8/92-8/94; Coordinator, NIH/HCOP (Health Career Opportunity Program)
July-August 1993
United Nations Development Program (TOKTEN)
Biotechnology Consultant at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Dhaka.
Institute of Paper Science & Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, Georgia 30318
August 1988- October 1990
Post Doctoral Fellow, Cell & Tissue culture Science
January 1987 to August 1988
Postdoctoral Research Associate , Department of Horticulture
University of Illinois , Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 61801
August 1984 to September 1986
Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Forestry
University of Wisconsin-Madison
June 1982 to September 1982
Visiting Scientist, Department of Agronomy
June--August 2002 & 2003 : American Society of Cell Biology Minority Affairs Committee visiting Professorship Award. Project- Computer aided Meiotic Maturation Assay in Zebra Fish (D. rerio), Department of Molecular Cell Sciences University of Memphis, TN
2003 T. E. McLemore Teaching Excellence Award- LeMoyne-Owen College,
Memphis, TN 38126
Who's Who Among America's Teacher; 1998 Fourth Edition
Who's Who Among America's Teacher; 1999 Fifth Edition
American Society of Histotechnology
Gamma Sigma Delta, University of Illinois chapter
Society for In Vitro Biology
Legume Commodity Committee, Research & Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Jamaica (1982-84)
Granted an US patent(# 5,187,092,2/16,1993) on the development of a protocol for somatic embryogenesis in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda).
January 2-9, 1995: Minority Faculty-Student Partnership Traineeship in Biotechnology; A Special Course Offered By the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, and FAES, Inc.,
May 15-19, 1994 and August 8-12, 1994 Department of Biochemistry, University of Southern Mississippi: Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement Workshop on Recombinant DNA Technology and Yeast Molecular Biology
November-December 1991
Participated in the "Integrated Comprehensive Instructional Support System" (ICISS) and "Electronic Class Room" Workshops offered by the Academic Computing Lab, Clark-Atlanta University and Held at the Division of Science & Mathematics, Rust College
July 1987
Completed a two week laboratory workshop in molecular biology techniques offered by the Laboratories of Molecular & Developmental Biology of the OARDC / Ohio State University, Wooster, Ohio
BOOK CHAPTER: Breeding tomato for quality and processing attributes. monograph on theoretical and applied genetics 14 (genetic improvement of tomato ed. prof kallo). Springier-Berlag; Berlin- Heidelberg 1991
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: (Total number of publications-46)
4. Uddin, M. R, Muthalif, M. M, Karzoun, N. A, Benter, I. F. and Malik, K. U. 1998. Cytochrome P-450 Metabolites Mediate Norepinephrine-Induced Mitogenic Signaling. Hypertension 31: 242-248
5. Mubarack, M. M, Benter, I. F, Uddin, M. R, Harper, J. S, and Malik, K. U. 1998. Signal transduction Mechanisms involved in Angiotension- !1-7)-Stimulated Arachidonic Acid Release and Prostanoid Synthesis in Rabbit Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells. J. Pharm. and Expt. Therapeutics, 284(1):388-398
6. M. M. Muthalif, I. F. Benter, M. R. Uddin and K.U. Malik. 1996. Calcium/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha mediates activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and cytosolic phospholipase A2 in norepinephrine-induced arachidonic acid release in rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells. J. of Biol Chem. 271, 30149-30157
7. K. U. Malik, I. Benter, M. R. Uddin and M. Muthalif. 1996. Signal transduction mechanism of alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulated prostaglandin synthesis in vascular smooth muscle cells. Acta Physiologia Pharmacologia Therpeutica, VI World conf. on clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Pp. 64
8. I. Benter, M. M. Muthalif, M. R. Uddin, N, Karzoun and K. U. Malik. 1997. Mechanism involved in angiotensin 1-7 and II stimulated arachidonic acid release and prostanoid synthesis in rabbit vascular muscle cell. Abs. North Am. Vascular Biology Meeting, New Orleans, LA
9. M.M. Muthalif;I. F. Benter, M. R. Uddin and K. U. Malik. 1996. Signal Transduction mechanisms involved in angiotensin-(1-7) stimulated arachidonic acid release and prostanoid synthesis in rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells. The FASEB J. ; Abstr. 129 (A23).
10. M. Rafique uddin and S.Z. Berry and A. D. Bisges. 1988. An Improved shoot regeneration system for somaclone production in processing tomatoes. HortScience 23(6): 1062-1064.
11. S.Z. Berry, G.G. Madhumadu; M. Rafique uddin and D. Coplin. Virulence studies and screening of some tomato cultivars for resistance to bacterial canker. HortScience 24(2):362-365.
12. M. Rafique uddin; M.M. Meyer and J. J. Jokela. 1988. Plantlet production from anther of eastern Cottonwood( Populus deltoides). Can. J. For. Res. 18: 937-941.
13. S. Z. Berry and M. Rafique uddin. 1988. The effect of high temperature on fruit set in tomato cultivars and selected germplasm. HortScience 23(3): 606-608
14. S. Z. Berry; G.G. Madhumadu and M. Rafique uddin. 1988. Effects of Calcium and Nitrogen nutrition on Bacterial canker( C. michiganse) disease of tomato. Plant and Soil 112: 113-120.
15. S. Z. Berry, M. Rafique uddin, A. D. Bisges, W. A. Gould and G. D. Dyer. 1988. Stability in fruit yield, soluble solids and citric acids of 8 machine harvested processing tomato cultivars across several environments in northern Ohio. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 113 (4): 604-608
16.Uddin, M.R 1985. Manipulation of Sink yield in Kidney beans. Legume Research. 910: 30-34
17. Habgood, R.M. and Uddin, M. R. 1984. The effects of genetic background on grain shrivelling in Lys3 barley and its possible modification by a recurrent selection programme. Z. Pflanzenzuchtung 93:
18. Ahmad, M. H.; Uddin, M R. and Mclaughlin, W. 1983. Rhizobia from wild legumes of Jamaica. 9th North American Rhizobium Conference, Cornell University, Abstr. 4.65-77
19. Uddin, M. R. ; Mclaughlin,W and Ahmad, M. H. 1984. Competition between inoculum and native rhizobia for nodulation on Cowpea: use of dark nodule strain. Plant and Soil 81: 305-307
20. Uddin, M.R. 1984. Effects of cycocoel on yield contributing characters in Phaseolus vulgaris. Legume Res. 7(10): 43-47
21. Ahmad, M. H; Uddin, M. R. and Mclaughlin, W. 1984. Characterization of indigenous rhizobia from wild legumes. FEMS Microbiology letter 24: 197-203
22. Habgood, R. M. and Rafique uddin, M. 1983. Some effects of artificial variation in light interception, number of grains and husk constrictions on the development of grain weight in normal and high lysine barley. J. Agric. Sci.( Cambridge). 101: 301-309
1. Dr. M. I. Shafi
Chair, Division of Natural Sciences
LeMoyne-Owen College
Memphis, TN 38126
Professor of Biology
Division of Sciences and Math
Holly Springs, MS 38635
Chair, Division of Natural Sciences
Rust College
Holly Springs, MS 38635
(601)-252-8000, Ext. 4200
Professor of Chemistry
Austin Community College
Pinnacle Campus
7748 West Highway 290
Austin, Texas 78736-3290
Professor of Chemistry
Dyersburg Community College
1510 Lake Road
Dyersburg, TN 38024
LeMoyne-Owen College
Memphis, TN 38126
(901)-942-7333/Ext. 274