Histology (Class test #1; Ch5)

1. Human body is composed of approximately _________types of cells.

2. Four basic tissue types in human body are_________________________________________>

3.Epithelial tissue is present in 2 forms: 1._____________&2.___________________________

4. Epithelia are derived from how many embryonic germ layers?

5. Oral and nasal mucosa, cornea, and epidermis of the skin is derived from which germ layers?

6. The liver, pancreas, and lining of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract are derived from the germ layer.

7. Name 4 function of epithelial tissues.

8. Function of simple cuboidal epithelium are_________________________

9. Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium are located on _________________

10. Absorptive columnar epithelial cells of the intestine are called_____________

11. What is metaplasia?

12. Pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium of the bronchi of heavy smoker may undergo__________metaplasia.

13. What is the difference between carcinomas and adenocarcinomas?

14. What kind of cells glands originate from?

15. The secretory units, along with their ducts, are the__________ of the gland; the _________ of the gland represents the elements of the connective tissue that invade and support parenchyma.

16. Many cell types secrete signaling molecules called ___________that perform the function of cell-to cell communication.

17. Define Autocrine, Paracrine and Endocrine?

18. ____________is a large glycosylated protein that, upon hydration, swell to become a thick, viscous, gel-like protective lubricant which is a major component of mucus.

19. Cells of exocrine glands exhibits 3 different mechanisms for releasing their secretory products:____________,_______________,____________________

20. Multicellular glands are classified as__________if their ducts don't branch and ________if their ducts branch.

21. Unicellular exocrine glands, represented by isolated secretory cells in an epithelium, are the simplest form of exocrine gland. The primary example is ___________

22. Glandular epitheliums manufacture their product intracellulorly by synthesis of macromolecules that are usually packaged and stored in vesicles called________granules.

23. ________glands release their secretions, hormones, into blood or lymphatic vessels for distribution to target organs.

24. Hormones secreted by endocrine glands include peptides ,_________, modified amino acids, _________, and glycoprotein.

Answer Hist Tst#1

1. 200 2. Epithelium, connective tissues, Muscle and nervous tissue

3. A. epitheliums b. glands 3. Epitheliums and glands 4. All 3 embryonic germ layers

5. Ectoderm 6. Endoderm 7. Protection, Transcellulor transport, secretion, absorption, sensation, selective permeability

8. Secretion, absorption and protection

9. Epidermis of the skin 10. Microvilli 11. In certain pathological condition one cell type transform into another

12. Squamous 13. Malignant tumors arising from epitheliums are called carcinomas; those arising from glandular epithelial cells are called adenocarcinomas.

14.Epithelial cells 15. Parenchyma, the stroma 16. Cytokines 17. Autocrine: the signaling cells is its own target, so the cell stimulates itself.

Paracrine-target cell is located in the vicinity of signaling cell so cytokine doesn't enter vascular system. Endocrine: Target cells and signaling cells are far from each other.

18. Mucin 19. Merocrine, apocrine, holocrine 20. Simple, compound

21.goblet cells 22. Secretory granules 23. Endocrine

24. Protein, steroids