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Learning English Grammar Structures Throughout a Computer Software, it was designed for the English Course Level Two in Telematics Division at Technological University of Nezahualcoyotl.

Victor Carvajal


The following work was presented in CAMPUS Acatlán on May 18th 2000. Lic. Raquel Gpe Garcia Jurado Velarde was my Tutor and she helped and guided this thesis.


Victor Carvajal taught English as a Foreign language at Telematics from Sept., 1996 to Dic., 1999. He finished his University in Jan., 1995 from English Teaching Major in Campus Acatlan UNAM. He presented the following work as a "Memoria de Desempeño Profesional" in May 2000 in order to get graduated and his work was accepted after four years and a half.

During his stay in Telematics at Technological University of Neza, he noticed a great importance about using computers in Language Learning into classes and also he found a new task in Language Teaching especially in how to design computer's software in order to help his students for learning English. By the time, computers in Language Learning and Internet were already used as a new tool in overseas areas such United States, England, Australia and some others. But in Mexico, ITESM Monterrey was the one and only which in those days started using Information Technology and Internet for Education, however this was not the same in Public Universities such UNAM or UAM.

Because of his loyal work to the Technological University of Neza, He was involved in many extra activies focused in both theorical and practical items: he took many of his groups to practice English in Tourist areas, also, he was helping students in order to teach about Radio Communications and antenna pet projects. He did all those things because he was a tour guide in Mexico City Tourist Office at Mexico City Airport, and he was a CB radio Operator for few years and then he became a Ham Radio Operator when he was at Telematics.

By the time, He learned a lot from his students, he shared experience and friendship and he convined both theorical and practical in all his English class during his stay in Telematics. You can check some projects in links listed below.
In 2001, he returned again at TU of Neza. He depply wanted to followed up his projects about using computers in Language Learning as well as designing antenna pet proyects, but things in local new administration have changed a lot, so he could not go on anylonger in a place where he met nice workmates and extraordinary students. After that, he joined at Technological University at North of Guanajuato at Dolores Hidalgo in 2002. In there, he was teaching English and also he was on charge at "centro de autoacceso" Self Access Learning Center while he was staying in there.

Nowadays, he is trying to find a place or an Educational Institution in order to apply his knowledge about computers in Learning English as a Foreign language.
He has been teaching English in many Institutions since then, his last work was at Tec de Monterrey Edo de México.
Thank you so much for those new Telematics students who have been interested in about Victor Carvajal Biodata and his work done at "Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcoyotl, División de Telemática".

Thanks again for your comments in your e-mails that you've sent.

Yours, Victor Carvajal.


This paper is a professional thesis and it is about a computer software called COMPASEL, it was designed for identifying and learning English grammar structures for technician students in Telematics Division at Technological University of Nezahualcoyotl. Because of the importance of the English language to TUN's students as a professional technician; Telematics' English foreign language program is fundamental in every step of their learning process, not only as a regular subject, but for a practical skill in order to interact with standard international activities in telecommunications. Those careers hold in Technological University of Nezahualcoyotl provide a major professional tasks that our country require nowadays, as a result, English subject is one of the most essential elements to contribute such goal.
This proyect was the result of several observations in which students presented problems in english grammar basic structures: affirmatives sentences,negative sentences, interrogative sentneces, etc. Several diagnostic test were applied in order to stablish the most common " problem grammar structures". After identifying those structures, it was planned and applied certain tasks for helping those students who were having problems in identifying and producing structures (above mentioned). However, time for covering the english program, activities for communicative competence tasks were found not enough to help these students.
Because of the moderm infraestructure presented during 1996-1998 in Telematics, computers were focused as easy and effective tool to solve these problems in a short period of time. No computer sotfware was found adecuated in those days for these specific tasks.
COMPASEL was designed and evaluated as the most accurate tool for Telematic's students problem.


Telematics career started working on Jan. 1996 and it offers, to graduates, a variety of opportunities in telecommunication, web design, installing networks, providing technical services and computing field to those graduate students who decided to join into this challenge. Never the less, English course is part of this commitment. In this case, English course consists of two levels, " English one and two". The period, which is reported in this essay, is from September 1996 to May 1998.

This essay is based on a specific problem focused on English grammar domain in order to develop four skills. This problem was notorious into students and it was detected during the period of January to august 1996. During this time, I applied some diagnostic test, based on the content of English grammar from the telematics' English syllabus, to the students in order to identify what I thought it was a common mistake amount them.


This proposal was planned to help the telematics students to identify and practice grammatical structures include them into the English contents as a foreign language during September 1996 to may 1997.


Most of my research is based on C.A.L.L. (Computer Assisted Language Learning); theorical background in Learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL); drill and practice exercises. As a result, a computer software was designed called COMPASEL, this computer software was designed in order to help these students to learn English grammar structures based on theorical elements in language learning as well as C.A.L.L. They practiced and identified English grammar structures as many times as the students considered it was enough to (this process was guided by the teacher in charge).

Telematics? students worked and practiced COMPASEL from 3 to 9 pm after they finished their regular classes. The practice done by these students took no more than 20 minutes per student, so in this period of time, these students increased their practice from 1 to 5 times as long as they used COMPASEL. Three groups of at least 20 students each practiced during January to august 1998. 75 per cent of the students from these three groups obtained 8 from 10 points during this period of time. In compare with the diagnostic exams applied in those groups before COMPASEL was used, the students could not be competent in grammar domain.


Identifying and practicing English grammar structures using COMPASEL increased students' recognition of grammar structures in advance: the students could be able to practice grammar structures after and before the class planned. In other words, students could use structures before the contents were presented in class.

Before the students use COMPASEL, they had a lot of preblems in order to recognize grammar structures during class: the students only practice in class and in some tasks assigned as a homework. The following results show that the students could not be competent in grammar recognition at the end of the course.
Four groups were selected, d
uring the period of September 1996 to may 1997, the problem was notorious into students.


The following results were optained by appliying some diagnostic test and the end of each course, and four groups were selected ramdonly for this purpose; diagnostic exams were based on the content of English grammar from the telematics' English syllabus.
Below graphic shows the results from those students in which were applied diagnostic exams.

For the other hand, while the students were using COMPASEL everyday during the course, ( not at the end as diagnostic exams were applied), grammar structures became familiar to students, and these were practiced previously. Some of these structures were used by the students into activities: pair work, collaborative tasks, individually participation, etc.

Above graphics presents the result obtained from three groups which practiced and identified structures at least five times during the week from January to august 1998. This task was done, by the students, for about four months. During this period of time, COMPASEL helped to recognize and understand grammar structures previously. As a result, I noticed that the students developed themselves a technique and a stratergy of using grammar in writing and speaking activities, in which the majority of the students could not be competent, based on the content of the english course.

This is what COMPASEL looks like .

Special Thanks to
TSU Ana Noamy Cardenas García
Who trusted and helped me to design COMPASEL.

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since May 20, 2000.

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Yours, Victor Carvajal.

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