New England College
CO 340 Freedom of Speech:
Law & Ethics of the Media

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Course Description

In this class we will examine the idea of free speech as it has developed in the United States. Much of the class will be devoted to mass media law, including topics such as libel, invasion of privacy and obscenity. In addition to studying media law we will examine and discuss ethical issues that involve the media. The objective is to develop an understanding of the First Amendment and the role it plays in American society.

Additional Information For This Course

  1. US Congressional Email
    Please become involved in your government and email your Senator or Representative (All 50 states!)

  2. Quick Reference
    A general introduction of the resources listed below. This is the place to go for a quick overview of the material.

  3. Course Material
    This includes material related directly to the course, such as: syllabus, handouts, and textbook.

  4. Primary Sources
    Primary resources are the raw material of research. For this course, these sources would primarily deal with the First Amendment.

  5. Secondary Sources
    Material that analyzes primary resources, such as books, magazines, and online magazines.

  6. Directories
    Databases, trailblazer pages, indexes and other resources that provide links to additional material on the course subject.

  7. Advance Study and Internships
    Links to graduate schools, certificate programs, internships, conferences etc. in this field.

  8. Professional
    Professional organizations and associations.

  9. Created March 16, 1999
    Updated April 21, 1999
    Freedom of Speech Web Page Designed by Darrin Apichell/NEC Class of 1999.
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    Darrin Apichell

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