McCarthy, F., & Gostlin, K., Terrestrial and marine palynomorhs
as sea level proxies. Intended for PALAIOS, Aug, 1999.
McCarthy, F., Gostlin, K., & Mudie, P., in prep. A better
way to identify distal turbidites. Intended for Geology.
McCarthy, F., Gostlin, K., & Scott, D.B. in prep., Climate driven
changes in the North Atlantic sub-tropical gyre: Palynological
evidence from Quaternary sediments off New Jersey and Iberia.
Intended for Palynology.
McCarthy, F., Gostlin, K., & Gauthier, M. Terrestrial
and marine palynomorphs as sea level proxies. Invited abstract.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, annual meeting,
San Antonio, Texas, April 11-14, 1999.
Gostlin, K., & McCarthy, F., (1998). Palynomorphs as
sequence stratigraphic markers across a marine transect at a
siliciclastic passive margin. Geological Society of America
Annual meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Oct. 26-29, 1998.
McCarthy, F., Gostlin, K., & Gauthier, M. Controls
on sedimentation on the New Jersey margin: Palynological insights
from Upper Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene sequences at ODP Sites 1072
and 1073. Geological Society of America Annual meeting, Toronto,
Ontario, Oct. 26-29, 1998.
McCarthy, F., Gostlin, K., & the ODP Leg 174A Scientific
Party (1998). Palynomorphs as ideal tools for sequence stratigraphic
studies- an example from the New Jersey margin. Sixth International
Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Trondheim, Norway.
Programs and Abstracts. June 1998.
Gostlin, K., & McCarthy, F., (1998). Pollen to Dinocyst ratios:
A powerful tool for sequence stratigraphy and sea level change.
WIUGC Edmonton, Alta. Jan. 15-18 1998.
McCarthy, F., Blasco, S., Dubas, D., & Gostlin, K., (1997).
Where have all the sediments gone? Abstracts, 30th Annual Meeting
of the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,
Sept. 17, 1997, p.25.
McCarthy, F., Mudie, P., Gostlin, K., & Scott, D. (1997).
The palynological signature of sedimentary sequences on continental
margins. Abstracts, 30th Annual Meeting of the American Association
of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Sept. 17, 1997, p. 26.
McCarthy, F., Kawamura, H., Gostlin, K., Mittelholtz, M. J.,
Scott, D., & Collins, E. (1996). The response of the North Atlantic
subtropical gyre to global climate change: micropaleontological and
sedimentological evidence from the New Jersey and Iberia margins.
Abstracts with program, Northeastern Meeting of the Geological Society
of America, Buffalo, New York.
Geology and the Environment - ERSC 1F90 (Summer 1999)
Occasional Lecturer - Geology and the Environment - ERSC (Fall 1998)
Teaching Assistant (Brock University)
Introductory Earth Science course for non-science students (Fall 1997, 1998, Winter 1999)
Introductory Earth Science course for science students (Fall 1996, Winter 1997)
Clastic Sedimentology (Winter 1998)
Minerology (Fall 1997)
Urban Geology (Winter 1997)
Environmental Geology (Fall 1996)
Research Assistant (May 1995 to present)
Assisted Dr. F. McCarthy with several projects. Duties
included: meticulous preparation of samples using hazardous
chemicals; production of several published/in press/in preparation
manuscripts; assisted in the training of several undergraduate students.
Lab Demonstrator (May 1995, May 1997)
Participated in a three day workshop, "Scientifically Yours", designed
to expose young women to the many different scientific disciplines.
Niagara Nature Tours (June 1997 to present)
Lead Tour Groups into the Niagara Gorge and describe the Natural
History of the area.
Royal Ontario Museum (July 1 - Aug. 31, 1995 and 1997)
Member of the paleontological expedition to the Burgess Shale.
Royal Ontario Museum (July 1 - Aug. 31, 1996)
Member of the paleontological reconnaissance expedition in the
Canadian Rockies to for Burgess Shale type localities.
Gartner Lee Ltd. Environmental Consulting (Oct.-Dec. 1994)
Member of a team during a 3 month groundwater flow test project.