Name: Jerry Mack Wall
The Provider,particularly in camouflage paint with mottled topside and light bottomside, resembled an arched-back whale suspended from the bottom midpoint of huge dorsal wings. Like other transports, the Provider proved its versatility during the Vietnam war. The C123 also dispensed flares to illuminate targets for fighters or tactical bombers,and were dubbed "Candlestick" when they served in this capacity.
SSGT William J. Moore and Airman First Class Jerry M. Wall were crewmen assigned to a C123B squadron which was dispatched on a Candlestick mission on May 18, 1966. The aircraft was dropping flares about 45 miles east of the city of Pleiku in Binh Dinh Province when it was hit by enemy fire and crashed.
Among the crew of the aircraft, only Wall and Moore are missing. Public information provided by the Air Force does not indicate the fates of the rest of the crew; whether they were killed and their bodies recovered or whether they were rescued alive is unknown.
It was determined that Wall and Moore (who was a flight mechanic) were killed when the aircraft crashed and that it would never be possible to recover their remains.
Rank/Branch: E4/US Air Force
Unit: (Unknown, per USAF)
Date of Birth: 29 December 1941
Home City of Record: Nacogdoches TX
Date of Loss: 18 May 1966
Country of Loss: South Vietnam
Loss Coordinates:135755N 1083945E (BR476454)
Status (in 1973):Killed/Body Not Recovered
Category: 5
Other Personnel in Incident: William J. Moore (missing)
Source:Compiled by Homecoming II Project 15 June 1990 from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources,correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews.
The Fairchild C123 "Provider" was a night attack system/transport aircraft based on an all-metal glider designed by Chase Aircraft. The airplane's C123B prototype first flew on September 1,1954. The C123B, in the hands of a group of airmen who called themselves "The Mule Train" became the first transport to see Vietnam service. The C123B transports were soon joined by UC123Bs of the now-controversial Project Ranch Hand which sprayed pesticides and herbicides over Vietnam, including Agent Orange.
The problem of Americans still missing torments not only the families of those who are missing, but the men who fought by their sides, and those in the general public who realize the full implication of leaving men unaccounted for at the end of a war.
Tragically, many authorities believe there are hundreds of Americans still alive in captivity in Southeast Asia today. What must they be thinking of us? What will our next generation say if called to fight if we are unable to bring these men home from Southeast Asia?
All Biographical and loss information on POWs provided by Operation Just Cause have been supplied by Chuck and Mary Schantag of
POWNET .Please check with them for updates.
This Operation Just Cause Web Ring site is owned by Steve Davidson