MoRe AbOut uS !!

And I mean .. MORE :)

Our class is multi-racial; we live side by side harmonously without any effort. Hehehehe. Here's a whole lot of junk about every single one of us right bElOw

Ummmm...pple pple of Sec1/2...the stuff below about you guys are not meant in any bad way at all. Any not so good things about written are purely unintentional, and PleAzEEee..if you don't like it, PleAzEEee mail me and tell me to change it okae okae?? No offence..I actually found it majorly hard to write up bout you pple coz I mean, what can i really write?? So basically, alot of "nice ppl" things...
And to those who they think this relates to them (I'm not saying any namess...),don't kill me for whatever I write...

Sarah >>>
Class Rep and Prefect. And very clever. Top in class. Not bad eh?
Jan >>>
The other Class Rep...hehe
Tiffany >>>
Talkative, cute and lovable. hahahaha...(Sports RepI)
Jeanette >>>
She is just SO tall..umm what was it? 300cm? (Sports RepII)
Peggy >>>
Multimedia Club photographer/webpage maker..I don't know what exactly.. Crazy and spontaneous type..
Stacey >>>
The other (they always seem to come in pair..) MMC more important person.. Tall and quite pretty..
Kai Xin >>>
Librarian..can s-shush everybody.
Eunice Ng >>>
Another Librarian! ssssssh!
Ruo Hui >>>
Very laugh-y. *laugh laugh giggle laugh* MMC too. S
Louisa >>>
Well, urr, sweet and gentle??
Tania >>>
Netballer. Umm, very nice very nice...
Rena >>>
Farniee (yes pronounced as "Far-nee")..but very nice...
JunTing >>>
Sweet and quite pretty also..
Elaine >>>
Ummm NiCeeee. In N C C....
Brenda >>>
Niceee. Good in maths and science. Red cross.
Mei Hua >>>
Judge by her name...hehehe. Cheerful.
Shu Yin >>>
Good in art. She had this art piece up in the SYF exhibition u know...
Dawn >>>
N C C. Nice nice.
YuTing >>>
Nice girl. Nice girl.
Siew Men >>>
Nicee. Very helpful in class.
Lean Yen >>>
Clever. *lightbulb appears* And sort of cute sometimes..
Clara >>>
Quite quiet. Hmmmmm
Sze Hsien >>>
In tennis training squad. Nice and she loves animals.
Joanne >>>
Nice..and..sociable..and always ready during emergencies? Red crosssss...
Cherie >>>
Full of smiles. Takes Japanese as 3rd language.
Hui Ying >>>
Another taking Japanese! Nice person..
Anastasia >>>
In Tennis training squad AND drama. She's mix Indian and Chinese by the way.
YiLin >>>
Choir person. The only one in our class so...quite an honour eh..?
Casey >>>
Swimming gal. Nice and sweet.
Sharon >>>
Nice? Nice.
Isabelle >>>
Nice bit the talkative but tennis.
Cheryl >>>
Nice, sweet, friendly.
Ching Ching >>>
Nice nice. But a bit the blurrrrr. Oh yah in Red Cross!
Ellince >>>
VeRy sWeeT aNd pOliTe. And of course that means she nice.. In dance..
Angela >>>
Nice and easy to get-along with. And in dance too..
Genevieve >>>
Such a nice person! Ü

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