Who can be dearer than our parents?
Who else deserves our filial piety?
A drop of respect paid to our parents
Invites a sea of love from our posterity
Someday one may become a millionaire
Yet his parents are not readily bought
Parents enjoying centennials are rare
Negligence of duty leads to sad thought
Why not serve them when they are healthy?
Why wait and then visit their lonely grave?
Harsh words do make our parents unhappy
They can't be recalled when buried in a cave.
Then one has no way to see one's mother
His repenting soul will forever linger
Working in the Countryside 1975-76
As a Graduate Student and Worshiper of Noam Chomsky(his portrait drawn by myself) 1983
I Looked Better in China than in North America. At Ning's Home
With Friends of the Free Souls Club in Beijing
Acting in
A Holy Touch of the Olympic Spirit
No "-Ism" Can Do Without Commercialism. At a Food Market, 1996
With Hispanic Dancers, 1996
Long Live the Friendship Between the Peoples of China and India!
Earth is held in this hall
With her dwellers here and there
The fair-skinned, the dark-skinned, the brown-skinned
The believers, the believe-nots
The Chinese, the Anglo-Saxon, the Africans, the Indians
The Koreans, The Thai, the Vietnamese, the Ukrainian
The Europeans, the South Americans, the Pacific islanders...
Today, we speak one Lingua Franca
And eat from the same plate
Putting world news
Behind our mind
Wishing to hear
Something good
Like the harmony of piano keys
Or the fierce coordination of Karate
Or the rhythmic discourse of Hindu poem
China and Korea Are As Intimate As Teeth and Lips, but let us not just refer to North Korea. With an American Korean
China and Japan Should Be Friends Generations and Generations! With a Japanese Student
Her fair-skined face is
Like the snowy marble jade
Still in deep water
清秀的脸庞, 白雪一般的玉石,如镜影沉璧.
Me in Fredericton, Fall 1997
Always Want to Live In the Past. With a Tour Guide in Fredericton 1997
I Am Always a Roamer
At the Old Arts Building 1996. Mao's Poem Inscribed by Me
In Montreal, 1998.7.14
In Montreal 1998.7.14
Note the Size of the Horses. At W. Quaco 1998
I Was a Pig Herder in 1975. Fredericton, 1997
At UNB 1997
The Sea Was Too Cold, But A Photo Was OK. Brown's Beach 1997
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