
The Bulgarian Military Page

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Jan 2004- nothing updated for a LONG time. Let's just face it, I am slacking on my public webpage!! -Remy

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created 9-98
updated 4 APR 2002  I know, but not much.

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(This is my personal site, not an official one)
Bulgarian military aircraft, armor, 
soldiers, police, information and uniforms.
-Добре Дошли Всички-

Hello and thank you for visiting my site. I have compiled pictures and information about the Bulgarian military here for those interested. The Bulgarian military is not very well known and as far as I have seen, not on the internet in any great presence due to archaic regulations. In the 1990's and years to come it is modernizing and training more and more with the U.S. and prospectful NATO allies. As this country grows so will the U.S.'s need to interact with it. 
(For example, Bulgarian pilots are currently on exchange programs in the U.S., like UPT, to learn our military system of operations. Troops like them are the link between the U.S and Bulgarian/Eastern European militaries).
I have re-constructed the Ground forces and Uniform pages so most of the text is in Bulgarian as well, although it is still very breif. . I am still adding more info and pictures and when I get more time I will put text in Bulgarian and English whenever I translate more information.  If you have specific comments or questions feel free to email me as once I get looking I generally dig up info that I can use for my site as well. 
Geocities just bumped up the memory allowance so more and better/bigger pictures are to come!!!!! :)
 -Chris Remy
These pages were created in Sept 98 mainly to display my collection of Bulgarian camouflage and it slowly spread to including actual pictures of military men and machines then I developed separate pages and added Bulgarian text for the Balkan visitors. I am still behind on updating everything, especially hte AK and Airbases pages, what a mess.  But I will begin a more thorough explanation of them and I will provide more information about Bulgaria as I get free time and resources.   I have been flying USAF missions more and more and since Sep 11th wont do a damn thing to this page so there wont be any updates for a while, but thanks for stopping by :)  .

Somehow lotsa pages diappeared. dont know what Yahoo did to them, so aout 60% of my photos and material is gone. -Remy

Други страни.........

Page 1 BG Military
страница 1
Page 9 Krile posts 
страница 9
нешто от Криле
Page 2 Dobroslavtsi 
страница 2
Page 6 BG Uniforms
страница 6 
Page 10 World War II
страница 10
Page 3 Ravnets 
страница 3
td> td>
Page 4 Ground Forces 
страница 4
Армиа и Полициа
Page 8 Kamenets Academy
страница 8
УАБ Каменец
Remy's Personal page--
страница от мене
Dowload a continuing BG Air Force history Doc.that isnt finished yet

dowload a breif history Word.doc
I really need to get the whole DOC here soon, write me if you need it, I am being  slow in updating some things.

This website was created by Chris Remy Sep 98.  The 1st multimedia site on the BG military.

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my page so far

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