The People involved in the occupation showed a direct attack on that thesis.
Every single individual must know that it was their decision to cast of the illusion of powerlessness that brought about change.
I used to think that our strength was the Occupation.
I used to think that our strength was the ownership of the registry.
I used to think that the biggest worry to the registry is that we had their building.
But by far the greatest strength we had and the greatest worry the Council and government policy has. Is the increasing consciousness of the students and the empowerment that everybody gave themselves.
And the knowledge that we can occupy the registry any time we choose.
Students have the knowledge that it is not the situation that governs students.
For many students 4 weeks ago, at the first rally, the distance from the Library steps to the registry was not the small step it seems now but a psychological ocean.
We Know it was the people committed to the posters, the banners, the lecture speaking, the media releases, the petitioners, the Chalksters, the meetings, the leaflets, the talking and the shouting that shrunk the ocean to the puddles we saw on Tuesday.
But we must realise that behind this was the PASSION and CONVICTION that gave us the POWER to make those decisions.
It was the POWER of those decisions that led to ACTION and it was the POWER behind those actions that led to
During the time of the rally and occupation there were some tall individuals, but it was only because they were lifted into the air by the arms of everybody involved.
But, with freedom and action, it is the students that govern the situation.
Some may say that it is the environment that defines our choices and their outcomes.
You have shown that with freedom and action we can redefine that environment and create our own choices.
You are all AWESOME
First Speech, Oct 6th, 1999
Third Speech (the one with the Taonga!), Oct 14th, 1999
Final Speech: Oct 14th, 1999
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