Welcome to my Guestbook!

Bea - 12/08/00 14:17:31

Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru buat semuanya.... ...For Icha..... ....Gimana Khabar Kota Tomohon sekarang ......Masih Ingat Bea khan ........yang di Oarai............

- 12/08/00 14:12:34


Robert Pangau - 12/08/00 14:08:11

Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru Semoga Tuhan Memeberkati Amin ......buat Yaulie... Yoll Sorry kita so nyanda pernah ba telpon telpon pa ngana.....

Ingrid Togas - 12/06/00 15:11:37
My Email:liany_md@hotmail.com

Hello,apa kabar jo samua semoga salalu bae-bae?! Selamat Menyongsong Natal & Taon Baru For ngoni samua yang ada di Tomohon,khususnya for Ega yang di Teol.

Ingrid Togas - 12/06/00 15:11:34
My Email:liany_md@hotmail.com

Hello,apa kabar jo samua semoga salalu bae-bae?! Selamat Menyongsong Natal & Taon Baru For ngoni samua yang ada di Tomohon,khususnya for Ega yang di Teol.

Mashruk Uzzaman - 11/23/00 08:53:46
My Email:mashruk_2000@eudoramail.com

I need a brochures form.

HENRY GOSAL - 11/13/00 13:22:39
My Email:henry_vistra@yahoo.com

syaloom..... sanang boleh bakudapa,biar cuma lewat situs ini. biar udah jauh ditanah orang,tetap bukit inspirasi nggak akan bisa dilupakan. salam aja buat,tamang-tamang yg kanal pakita.... biar so jao.....nyandak pernah aku lupakan.... rasanya rindu mo pulang so,nyandak bisa di tahan apa daya disini tanggung jawab masih menunggu... doain,mudah-mudahan CHRISTMAS nanti bisa pulang supaya kangen ini bisa terobati...... special,buat teman-temanku,alumni SMA KARITAS TOMO HON,dan yang ada disarongsong...MEYDI,HENNY LONTOH dan semua yg masih kenal sama aku...contach me ple ase..... akhirnya,,,,BRAVO,CIVITAS AKEDEMIKA UKI TOMOHON.....see you again.......

alfen mendrofa - 10/23/00 10:28:50
My Email:alfen@akuntan21.every1.net

hi akademia saya adalah civitas akademika UKI-Cawank Jakarta baru kali ini denger namanya UKI Tomohon niru niru nama UKI asli yang dari 1953. tapi menurut saya gak masalah. saya gak tau UKI Tomohon tapi setelah baca info dari homepage gwa jadi tau deh gimana UKI-Tomohon. Viva UKI ..................... get funky Viva UKI - Tomohon............ get up ramaikan dunia kampus indonesia kunjungi juga www.kampusnet.com dan kunjungi www.uki.aa.id sallomm Alfen Mendrofa Civitas Akademika Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta

sumartin - 10/12/00 05:39:00
My URL:http:/ckytin@.net.my

slamat baku dapa,buat teman-teman angkatan 88 terutama buat mereka yang dari tahuna feri takasiang dan heri serta helti mampou,luky dumbela dimana kamu sekarang? tidak lupakan(sum) sekarang aku tinggal di malaysia tolong email ke Ckyti@.net.my

Stevi Yean Marie - 10/07/00 14:38:52
My URL:http://page.to/stevi
My Email:steviyeanmarie@eudoramail.com

Alo webmaster , dkk. Webnya bagus juga....dikembangkan lagi ya...moga kita bisa kontak via mail...Tuhan memberkati

agustinus - 09/29/00 17:11:09
My Email:tinus@enciety.com

hari senin 2 oktober, saya ke manado untuk yang pertama kalinya.. saya sedang cari teman... god bless u

Rev. Heinz F. Dressel - 09/21/00 22:36:21
My Email:hfdressel@freenet.de

Selamat! Greetings to Prof. Rudy Rondo Faculty of Psychology, who did studies at ÖSW/esp Bochum, Germany, during my mandate as director! H. Dressel

roywakkary - 09/02/00 11:04:21
My Email:roywakkary

Hi folks, Sangat bangga membaca info mengenai uni anda. Harapan kami adalah bahwa diwaktu mendatang lawyers dari Minahasa turut berperan baik secara nasional maupun international. Bukan hanya lawyers tapi juga para cendekiawan lainnya. Diharapkan bahwa para cendekiawan Minahasa jangan malas batulis, karena itu adalah salah satu cara untuk memperkenalkan torang pe kehebatan. Kita yakin bahwa torang pe cendekiawan tidak kalah dengan yang lain. Sebagai contoh; lia jo tu Menteri Bungaran Saragih. Dorang cuman kenal pa dia melalui de pe tul san2 yang cukup gencar. Terus terang, tu batulis sangat gampang, biar lei copy via buku2 luar negeri; cukup diterjemahkan dengan baik (torang ada jago2 bahasa!) dan disesuaikan dengan local condition and situation. So dear folks, please make yourself known to the country and the world by writing essays or whatever good and usefull information. Torang sudah jo mimpi2 mo jadi PNS, Militer, of pengusaha. Lebe bae torang invest di bidang otak alias SDM. Menurut info; ka anya torang pe province so paling banyak profesor; so what happened to those gentlemen?Jangan lupa thn 2003 plus AFTA sdh diambang pintu, dus bakuat friend! That's all folks - good luck & God bless y'all. Shalom, Roy

Chrestian Wawoh - 08/30/00 03:56:47
My URL:http://www.ph.edu
My Email:ch111076@yahoo.com

Saya mau memperkenalkan kampus kami. di Universitas Pelita Harapan. . Tuhan Yesus Memberkati.

- 08/29/00 14:36:01


Yudi - 08/17/00 04:27:13
My URL:http://isfi.or.id/haki
My Email:haki_isfi@plasa.com

Bersama ini kami sampaikan informasi seminar yang oleh Ikatan Sarjana Famasi Indonesia dan bermanfaat untuk farmasis Indonesia. Keterangan lebih lanjut, Anda dapat membuka 2 file yang kami sisipkan bersama e-mail ini , yaitu : - haki.doc - penawaran.doc Biaya keikutsertaan sebagai peserta : - Mahasiswa dan anggota ISFI : Rp. 30.000,- - umum : Rp. 75.000,- Informasi ini dapat disampaikan kepada rekan-rekan farmasis. terima kasih Yudi/Aldy telp : 021- 720 7943

n.r.s.varma - 08/17/00 02:55:43
My Email:nrsvarma@yahoo.com

sub: Application for research associate/graduate researcher ,/PH.D/ POSTGRADUATERESEARCH Attaching my bio data Respected sir, I N.R.S.VARMA, completed M.sc Biotechnology, from Andhra university, I am very interested in research, i kindly request you to provide an Opportunity I am attaching my cv please go through it Anticipating a positive response from you Thanking you sir, YOURS TRULY, N.R.S.VARMA F103 MAJESTIC MANSION, SHAMLAL,BEGUMPET HYDERABAD500016 ANHRA PRADESH INDIA CURRICULUM VITAE NADIMPALLI RAVI SANKARA VARMA Email: nrsvarma@yahoo.com Objectives: I look forward to associate myself with an Organization where there is growth and potential for realization of a person's abilities and skills. Educational Qualifications: Post Graduation Master of Sciences, Biotechnology. 1998-2000 From ANDHRA UNIVERSITY, With 69% Graduation Bachelor of science (Biochemistry, Chemistry & Zoology), Specializations: Drugs, and Pharmaceuticals, clinical pathology. (From OSMANIA UNIVERSITY), With 67.3% Diploma * In Pharmacy, With 59.8% Area of Interest Genetic Engineering Molecular Biology Plant & Animal Biotechnology Biopharmaceuticals Medicinal Biotechnology SUBJECTS In M.Sc: First Year: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Instrumentation Techniques and Computer Applications, Microbiology and Immunology, Animal and Plant diversity. Second Year: Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Marine Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, Environmental and Medical Biotechnology, Seminars Presented: * DNA Ligase. * RNase E. * Transgenic plants. * Biosensors. * Drugs & Pharmaceuticals. Assignment in M. Sc: BIOSENSORS Personal Details: Name :N. R. S. Varma Father's Name : Ramakrishna Raju Date of Birth :16 august 1974 Marital Status : Unmarried For Communication : F-103, Majestic Mansions, Shamlal, Begumpet, Hyderabad -500 016 Andhra Pradesh,INDIA Phone: (91)-040 776 4141 Email: nrsvarma@yahoo.com (NADIMPALLI RAVI SANKARA VARMA)

yanni ch.m rembet - 07/29/00 02:36:36
My URL:http://www.nadiaautograha.com
My Email:nadia@denpasar.wasantara.net.id

semoga ukit dapat menjadi inspirasi untuk berbuat yang terbaik bagi kelangsungan perkembangan bumi " toar lumimuut" dan menjaga / mengantisipasi berbagai gejolak selama ini terjadi diberbagai daerah tidak masuk ke daerah kita. inga, inga !!! "torang samua basudara"

kru - 07/22/00 00:41:03
My URL:http://www.kelelawar.com

Nikmatilah apa yang diberi tuhan didunia ini dengan membaca majalah online kami di http://www.kelelawar.com terima kasih.

khalid - 07/07/00 15:49:14
My Email:k27777@yahoo.com

keep up the good work. Spred the word of truth.

Maarlyn Togas - 07/02/00 18:40:59
My Email:AlanHarris@webtv.net

Howdy from Texas!!!! Selamat bertugas, bagi rekan-rekan di UKIT. Semoga sejahtera selalu dan diberkati Rohani dan jasmani. salam Maarlyn, Al,Ing.Texas.Juli 2,00. Tuhan Yesus memberkati.

Sammy Golioth - 07/01/00 04:43:45
My Email:www.54mmi@minister.com or www.salojes@yahoo.com

I just want to know if your university have correspondence or distance learning study for Theology (either Bachelor or master program). Actually, I'm looking for those informations because I plan to continue my study in theology. I'm about to finish my Ba helor this year in Trinity bible college and seminary in Indiana,USA. If you feel so hard about sending all the materials let me know I will add it in the tuition cost just total everything together than I will pay, is it sounds Okay or not ! I'm locating in Seattle, Washington now. My address is : 11802 4th ave West #C113 verett Washington,98204, USA. I got this information is from my Daddy, because he was born in Tomohon,Sulut. He told me that in Tomohon there are some great school of theology. Okay Can you E-mail me back or send me a letter including application form, either way, as soon as possible. I thank you and God bless.

jane - 05/23/00 11:59:37
My Email:jane_m_m@yahoo.com

To Lefina Freini PANGKEY (comment given on 05/01/00) and all Theology UKIT students. I can't believe my eyes. Are those comments really come from a theologian? Did you guys learn those from your school? I've met several theologian and theological students here and most of the thing I heard from them are about how to be a good Christian. Or.. am I too naive? What are you guys expecting from PGI? It's just an organization. Think about your own faith first and prepare yourself to be a good theologian and then decide if you are good enough to serve others as a priest. Forget those 'theological contextual'... Sorry for this long comment, but I've got a feeling that you've gone beyond your own field. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Andre - 05/04/00 08:41:43

Kenapa sich nggak ada keterangan tentang pendaftaran Ujian Saringan Masuk UKI

Lefina Freini PANGKEY - 05/01/00 16:49:50
My URL:http://UKSW.Ac.id.net
My Email:b'ru mo beking

BAGAIMANA MAHASISWA TEOLOGI UKIT DAN ACTIONNYA ? Hei tole-tole deng keke-keke di ukit khususnya mahasiswa/i fakultas teologi, kiapa dang ngoni nyanda pernah basuara untuk torang pe gereja-gereja di indonesia ? Memang itu kuliah dan terus belajar itu bagus tetapi jangan hanya kejar sks dan lupa untuk men aktualkan itu ilmu sesuai deng konteks sekarang (Teologi kontekstual).Karena banyak hal yang telah terjadi yang harus torang ambil bagian, tapi torang nyanda bisa buat apa-apa. Cuma mulu itu nomor satu. soalnya kenyataan dari dulu sampai sekarang itu PGI yanda ada beking apa-apa for torang gerja-gereja di indonesia yang banyak mengalami tantangan, noh kalau menurut kita dan torang teman-teman di teologi UKSW lebe bae itu PGI kase bubarjo dari pada cuma tampang nama lembaga to ! Nah itu kita kase PR for ng ni samua di UKIT sana. Tolong pikirkan itu keberadaan PGI, kase bubarjo sto kang ? itu lebe bagus. Dan so apa yang ngoni buat for torang penegara sebagai teolog-teolog atau nabi-nabi? SERUKANLAH SUARA KENABIAN ANDA KARENA ANDA SANGAT POTENSIAL UNTUK ITU ! ok,kita tunggu neh. daaa LEFINA PANGKEY TEOLOGI UKSW

sigit-sugiharto - 04/26/00 02:30:24
My Email:sigit-sugiharto@hotmail.com

Praise Jesus everytime!

L.I.Rumopa - 04/25/00 10:25:55
My Email:pdt.lucky_r@gurlmail.com


L.I.Rumopa - 04/25/00 10:23:47


lucky-r - 04/18/00 13:20:52
My Email:pdt.lucky_r@gurlmail.com

saya ingin ada yang memberi informasi tentang kampus ku............tot ziens.

Rio - 04/13/00 17:07:40
My Email:rio_marvino@usa.net

Boleh jo ngoni pe website. Salam jo for RW deng Babi Rica. Kalo ada yang mo ba balas kirim jo lewat kita pe email. Sudah nech.

lucky-r - 04/11/00 09:05:00
My Email:pdt.lucky_r@gurlmail.com

Salam buat teman-teman Fak.PAK/1990-1995. dan kalau ada yang ingin tukar informasi dengan ku silakan kirimsurat anda melalui e-mail.ku

Crystal - 03/25/00 21:16:54
My Email:fields@hanmail.net

< Free Korean language lesson in Korea > I am a manager of the Diamond restaurant. It is a special restaurant for learning many languages. It will open on 22,May,2000. 1.two girl students 2.can speak English 3.house&food are free 4.language lesson fee is free (2hours/day.mon-fri in daytime) 5.work as waiteress(8hours/day) 6.one holiday/week 7.salary- $250/month 8.can stay 3months(tourist visa can work for 3months) 9.interview by e-mail 10.send your e-mail to (fields@hanmail.net ,or fields017@yahoo.co.kr)

Willfie Warouw - 03/24/00 10:05:32
My Email:mdowow@hotmail.com

Sekarang saya lagi belajar di University of Southern Queensland. Senang skali bisa daftar di guestbook ini. Semoga Universitynya tambah hari tambah maju,OK! Salam buat dosen-dosen yang dari Fakultas Pertanian Unsrat, karena saya lulus dari sana tahun 1994 Good luck !!!

Manfred Greth - 03/23/00 14:07:09
My Email:greth@gmx.ch

I have been in Manado already 10 years ago supervising several Powerstations. That time I met Thomas Wahania a german teatcher. Does anybody know him so I can make contact with him? Thanks and best regards M. Greth, Switzerland

Joe Olivio - 03/17/00 01:42:48
My URL:http://www.tabernacletypology.com/corr
My Email:joe@tabernacletypology.com

Please visit THE TABERNACLE TOUR (God's Plan of Salvation Through Jesus Christ The Perfect Tabernacle) at: http://www.tabernacletypology.com/corr This Tour consists of fourteen chapters and, The Tabernacle layout with a diagram of the Cross of Christ. Choose a link for a sample lesson with links to the visual aids (sketches) connected to each pertaining lesson ! My website and book reveal the great Mystery of Redemption fulfilled through the precious Blood of God's Living Lamb, His Only Begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! If you are interested in linking our sites together please contact me at: joe@tabernacletypology.com God Bless !!!

maxi - 03/12/00 10:08:12
My URL:http://coba.com
My Email:maex@hotmail.com


franky rumondor - 03/01/00 16:26:05
My Email:Anky_r@yahoo.com

Tuhan memberkati kita semua

- 02/27/00 12:55:34


michael kairupan - 02/25/00 05:38:15
My Email:mike_joel@hotmail.com

hai all ini michael di uk petra sby

- 02/24/00 09:34:45


ee - 02/24/00 09:17:38


HOLY VISION MINISTRIES, Surabaya - 02/16/00 23:53:04
My Email:aditek@rad.net.id

Kami bergerak dalam pelayanan Kristen khusus di bidang multimedia . Salah satu pelayanan kami adalah dalam bidang VCD. Kami memiliki beberapa VCD akhir jaman untuk pelayanan , jika berminat hubungi saya via E Mail

Nangka Tonny - 02/08/00 14:46:31
My Email:t_nangka@hotmail.com

HP-nya cukup bagus

Anne Nygren - 01/31/00 15:54:23
My Email:annenygren@hotmail.com

Hi! Trying to find a university in Indonesia with Natural Sciences. Need information. Thankful for all help.

Irene Pandolfi - 01/28/00 07:16:20
My Email:pandolfi@eosnet.aunz.net

Selamat berkenalan, mohon info to joint Ukit mailing List Thanks

Roy Pitoy - 01/28/00 02:57:03
My Email:kaaten73@hotmail.com

It's nice to be able to visit this homepage

Ramon C Jao - 01/23/00 06:06:26
My Email:ramonjao@yahoo.com

hello, interesting to know one of my favorite place in indonesia has a website on internet... will keep in touch

neri - 01/06/00 12:27:17
My Email:neri.xxx@n2bugs.com

not bad

Sonya Moledongka - 01/06/00 04:32:02
My URL:http://www.friendpages.com/religious/jemerstev.htm
My Email:cynyka@usa.net

Bersyukur skali, karna torang masih bisa liat2 home page dari UKIT Salam untuk semua mahasiswa UKIT lebih khusus yang berasal dari Poso-Sulawesi Tengah

Andre Lim - 01/02/00 15:51:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al2/IQCC/index.html
My Email:productivity@technologist.com

I would like to sponsor an expert or lecturer to speak on the topic of Total Quality In Education TQM particularly in the christian context. Together with the Ministry of Education, WCTQEE, we are organizing the 3rd International Convention on Students Quality Circles 31 Jul - 1 Aug 2000 Rep of Mauritius The convention would touch the following topics; 1. Total Quality Education 2. SQCC for developing the future workforce 3. Systems Thinking and Learning Organization 4. Quality Tools and Techniques Etc. Students QCs participating from: 1. Mauritius 2. India 3. USA 4. UK 5. Singapore 6. Sri Lanka 7. Malaysia Etc Speakers: Mr Don Dewar (USA), Mr David Hutchings (UK), Dr V Kamran (India), Mr H Jayaweera (Sri Lanka) Prof Alan Simon (Australia), etc.. Participation by Students: 1. QCC case presentation 2. Poster Competition 3. Debate 4. Quality and Productivity Quiz etc Registration: Name: Company/School: Address: Email: Tel: Fax: Please contact me at: Andre Lim WCTQEE/International Productivity Consulting 1 Ave des Manguiers Quartes Bornes Mauritius Tel: 230 - 454 5899 Email productivity@technologist.com or Mr S Mahedeo Ministry of Education and Scientific Research IVTB House, Pont Fer, Phoenix, Republic of Mauritius. Tel: (230) 698 0464/1084, 697 7862 or 697 7730 Fax: (230) 698 255 Mr N Treebhoohun EPZDA Tel: 230 - 212 9760 Fax: 212 9767 Dr V Kamran/PC Behari WCTQEE/ City Montesorri School Sector D LDA Colony Kanpur Rd Lucknow India Tel: 91-522 435 690 Fax: 91-522 212 888 Email: ICSQCC@lw1.vsnl.net.in

- 12/28/99 16:28:09


Preben Holdensgaard - 12/28/99 14:46:08


Ben - 12/26/99 10:47:38
My Email:kodok@hetnet.nl

Hello I am Ben from the Netherlands Happy New Year

Ben - 12/26/99 10:45:28
My Email:kodok@hetnet.nl

I am Ben from Arnhem The Netherlands

Berce J. Paoki - 12/22/99 09:39:14
My URL:http://www.rotan-sentosa.co.id
My Email:bercejpaoki@usa.net

Syaloo... Kita cuma 'mo ucapakan : Selamat Hari Natal (25 Desember 1999) dan Selamat Tahun Baru (1 Januari 2000) buat seluruh Civitas Akademika UKIT Semoga Damai Natal dan Kasih-Nya selalu menyertai kita semua. Titip salam buat: Anita Maleke, Denny Tarumingi, Nova Sorongan.... Salam, Berce J. Paoki

Eva Sumilat - 12/18/99 20:57:36
My Email:langoan92@aol.com

Hello........ I'm so glad that iI can sign this guestbook. Buat teman2 yang dari Langowan..selamat ketemu// and I just want to say Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.....

Roy Pangalila - 12/09/99 10:18:43
My Email:roy_pangalila@yahoo.com

Tuhan Yesus Memberkati,...Website-nya bagus. Teruslah berkarya dan melayani, semoga UKIT tetap jaya dan lebih maju Tehnologi Informasi-nya. Salam buat Bapak K.S Posumah, semoga bapak sekeluarga senantiasa diberkati didalam Kasih Tuhan. Saya mantan murid b pak waktu di SMEA kristen tomohon, waktu bapak masih Kep-Sek. Salam juga buat staff pengajar SMEA, bapak Edy Turang, bapak Windah dll. Roy

Grace Oroh-Chandra - 11/29/99 05:08:07
My Email:epchand@mainroads.qld.gov.au

Hi everyone! It's nice to be able to hear from Manado. I've been in Brisbane,Queensland, Australia for nearly 10 years now. I graduated from SMANSA Manado thn.1988. I was at the same class as Aser Roeroe. Now, I have a young family with two beautiful girl , Charissa and Karina. Send my regards to everyone who might remember me in Ukit and Manado. All the best!

Nixon Pangalila - 11/27/99 06:18:49
My URL:http://www.latrobe.edu.au
My Email:N.Pangalila@latrobe.edu.au

Salam dalam kasih Yesus Kristus, Saya sangat senang sekali bisa masuk ke Homepage UKIT Tomohon, salah satu Universitas Kristen kebanggaan masyarakat Minahasa. Harapan saya semoga UKIT Tomohon maju terus membangun dan memajukan dunia pendidikan di SULUT, khususnya di Minahasa. Salam dari aya yang sedang studi Master di La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia buat kawan-kawan dekat saya dan famili saya yang ada di tanah Toar dan Lumimuut yang tercinta yang kebetulan membaca comments saya ini. Thanks a lot and God Bless You All.

jelli olivia RAPAR - 11/24/99 07:07:16
My Email:jellirapar@yahoo.com

sebagai salah satu mahasiswa UKIT, aku bangga akan adanya website ini, semoga ukit lebih maju dalam pelayanan dan pendidikan, salam untuk temen temen fak teol ella, shanty natalia dlll.

jelli olivia RAPAR - 11/24/99 07:06:04
My Email:jellirapar@yahoo.com

sebagai salah satu mahasiswa UKIT, aku bangga akan adanya website ini, semoga ukit lebih maju dalam pelayanan dan pendidikan, salam untuk temen temen fak teol ella, shanty natalia dlll.

henry william PANGKEY - 11/24/99 06:50:55
My Email:enry_key@hotmail.com

bagus UKIT lebih maju selangkah lagi, aku yang warga gereja cuma mo memberikan saran agar supaya dapat meningkatkan mutu khususnya pada fak teol, yang belakangan sering jadi sorotan di mana mana, thanks

Keyse L. Supit, S.Th - 11/15/99 16:49:04
My Email:klibertina@lpts.edu

Kita senang sekali dengan kemajuan UKIT, pertahankan trus, en salam rindu deng paling manis buat yang terkasih: kel. Pdt. Dr. A.O Supit (Papi, mami, Lidya, Frank dan Timothy). Juga 4 tamang-tamang di UKIT, tante-tante dan oom-oom semua, khususnya 4 ibu Pd . Telly Mewengkang, M.Th, ada salam dari Cheryl Thorne, Nancy Zimmermann, Nancy Barkat dkk. Sekali lagi, jangan lupa itu si tou timou tumou tou, OK?? Salam dan doa dari Louisville, Kentucky

meiva - 11/15/99 16:17:21
My Email:meiva@hotmail.com

salah satu manfaat ber-email kalau boleh baku bantu toch? sapa do boleh bantu kirim kesini melalui kita pe email, beberapa catatan penting sehubungan pendapat para teolog tentang Feminis teologi yang dari Indonesian story. kita akan berterima kasih sekali dengan mereka yang peduli....

Jacob Masselink - 11/14/99 01:27:13
My Email:jmasseli@horizon.bc.ca

Dear folks at Tomohon, We plan to make a trip to Menado next year and would like to visit your University. How can we make contact with a reliable Christian guide who speaks English? We live in Victoria, Br. Columbia, Canada. Thx ..........JNM.

nakatahidetoshi - 11/13/99 03:07:27


meiva - 11/12/99 12:03:51
My Email:meiva@hotmail.com

hai apa kabar dengan angkatan 88, rsanya torang nda bisa baku lupa.

Berce J. Paoki - 11/09/99 01:37:15
My URL:http://www.rotan-sentosa.co.id
My Email:cvrotan@indo.net.id; bercejpaoki@usa.net

Salam Dalam Kasih Yesus Kristus Selamat Bakudapa.... Bravo buat ngoni 'pe Homepage ini.... paling tidak UKIT ngga ketinggalan mengikuti kemajuan teknologi yang terus berkembang... Isi homepage'nya cukup bagus... tapi kalo bisa news & info'nya di upgrade dengan yang terbaru. Animasi'nya bagus juga tuch... Kita memang belum lihat semua isi Homepage'nya... tapi mungkin ndda ada salahnya kalo isi yang hal-hal yang bersifat kerohanian, entah itu renungan, doa atau puisi... Tuhan Memberkati Salam, Berce J. Paoki

Tole - 11/06/99 12:14:40
My URL:http://masih ja beking
My Email:Tuama_Leos@timika.co.id

Tuhan Yesus Memberkati dengan adanya UKIT Tomohon Home Page ini. Salam kenal dari Timika - Irian Jaya

murdan - 11/05/99 08:21:37
My URL:http://www.erastus.sabdono.faithweb.com
My Email:murdan.sianturi@mailcity.com

Tuhan Yesus memberkati

Rindengan deo - 10/04/99 06:46:41
My Email:yaulier@angelfire.com

nice webnya ukit moga-moga lebih baik lagi

RIO MARVINO KEREH - 09/27/99 16:37:39
My Email:r_marvino@hotmail.com

Hi! Boleh berkenalan do dengan ngoni disana? Kita ini ada ba tulis dari Jogya dan kuliah di Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. Sudah dulu nech nanti kita sambung ulang atau kalo boleh ngoni ley noch ba sambung ke sini.

Robert Hood - 09/24/99 16:55:24


A. Fidalgo - 09/11/99 13:53:44
My Email:mop82425@mail.telepac.pt

We are not against Indonesia people. We know you have been brutalized for decades by indonesian rulers. We don't ask you to die for Timor Lorosae but we APPEAL to you to press your leaders to stop this CARNAGE that ashames the world. We made serious mistakes in the past but we cannot excuse the present errors by those the portuguese made within the context of cold war. At that time there was an international comunist conspiracy to give all the former portuguese colonies to comunists. Even in Portugal there was that danger. But now we live on another era and anyone should not be cumplice with such barbarie. Thank you for the support I'm sure you will give to the innocent children, women and elder that are dying at this very moment. Antonio Fidalgo

FREE TIMOR - 09/11/99 13:40:28
My Email:a.oliveira@activenet.pt

East Timor people have recently, in a referendum supervised by the UN, massively voted in favor of their independence from Indonesia. Since then, pro-Indonesia armed groups of thugs have been on a rampage of killing and destruction throughout the territor . The Indonesia Army and Police are accomplices in these actions, as it is clear from the international news coverage this past week. The International Community, if it does not intervene, will also be an accomplice in this crime against humanity that is taking place right under our eyes. We demand an IMMEDIATE international armed intervention in order to stop the genocide that is taking place at this very moment. No people deserves being exterminated. Least of all the East Timorese, who have been victims of Indonesia for twenty-four years who have seen its population reduced by one third through murder or exile. And who have proved their extreme courage yet again by voting, trusting the United Nations would protected them. The International Community should do something NOW, and prove this trust was not misplaced.

steve - 09/09/99 15:46:59
My Email:fred@hotmail.com

Selamat, Please help stop the slaughter of innocent women and children in East Timor...Please help to stop the genocide that is being done by the Indonesian military in East Timor ...They have dishonoured the holy memory of the "PAHLAWANS" who gave the Indonesian people their Independence from a brutal and oppressive Dutch regime... The Indonesian military is doing the same to the defenceless East Timorese people as what the Dutch did to the Indonesians.. This is wrong... They are killing priests and nuns as well as women and children.. The militias are controlled by the military and contain gangsters from jakarta just like the riots that occured in jakarta when the students fought for "REFORMASI"...What has happened to the spirit of Reformasi?? Is the good work that the students did for freedom and democracy for the Indonesian people to be undone by the further actions of a corrupt and sadistic military...They killed Indonesian students ...They are now killing East Timorese and you do nothing... hy??? The reputation of your country is at stake if you do not act to stop this genocide... The reputation of all Indonesian people is tainted by the barbarous and inhuman actions of the generals....ANJING..... The Indonesian military is not an honourable force any longer... they are a brutal and violent gang of criminals... They rule your country still..democracy is a farce in Indonesia.. Habibi is an army puppet as is Ali Alitas and Megawati Sukarnoputri is the same.... A man who mudered 5 Australian reporters at Balibo in 1975 sits in your parliament... The murder of innocent people in East Timor is a savage message to the rest of the Indonesian people - "calls for independence will be ruthlessly put down"... This murder in East Timor is for the benefit of the resistance in Banda Aceh, Irian Jaya, Maluku.... Awas orang Aceh, You are next for genocide..These murders by the military are a warning to the Indonesian people ,,that if they want independence they will be killed...they will be crushed like ants under the jack boots of the murderous evil military dic atorship... Since the invasion of East Timor by Indonesian military troops in 1975 Over one third of East Timorese have been killed, more have been injured, many have had to leave their homeland as refugees. The people of East Timor have suffered extreme poverty and enforced famine (one observer described conditions in East Timor in the early 1980s as "Bad as Biafra"). Even today Timorese are dying from curable disease such as malaria and TB. The land and mountains have been bombed , the land is scarred white by napalm and other chemical weapons. (The US sold its surplus napalm to Indonesia after the Vietnam war). The military systematically rape East Timorese women, to demoralise them. This form of torture is part of a program of "ethnic cleansing", whereby the Indonesian authorities have undertaken a number of steps to "dilute Timorese blood" in an attemp to dilute their will to resist. East Timorese children are taken from their homes for assimilation into Indonesian culture. They are sometimes given as "gifts" to Indonesian generals. People cannot access proper health care or education. East Timor has one of the lowest rates of adult literacy and infant mortality in the world. Youth unemployment has been reported to be as high as 75%. Special forces target the youth, especially those involved in the resistance. Witnesses report troops unloading from trucks, armed with metal rods. These ninja-like forces go into houses to beat and terrorise young people. thank you, steve happ

Paulo Pires - 09/09/99 09:39:06
My Email:paulopires@novodesign.pt

PETITION Widespread death and destruction are happening in East Timor. Unless world leaders exert maximum pressure on the Indonesian Government the results of last Monday's referendum will be followed by a growing massacre and destruction of thousands of citizens who braved everything to vote, expressing overwhelmingly their wish to become independent. Regrettably, the Indonesian Government is not fullfiling the New York agreements and has allowed the violence to spread. An international force is essential to prevent the total slaughter of the people by the anti-independence militias. Therefore, I call upon you to URGENTLY exert all of the available means at your disposal to make the killings stop and prevent the deportation and massacre of the people of East Timor. Paulo Pires

ADRI LAATUNG STh - 08/21/99 05:45:38
My Email:tontimomor aol.com


ADRI LAATUNG STh - 08/21/99 05:40:41


Mouse - 08/16/99 09:23:25
My URL:http://N/a


Peter Galloway - 07/30/99 22:28:04
My Email:Peter@Lontar99.freeserve.co.uk

I have happy memories of tours and diving in your area and my visit to your university. That amazing assembly hall and its murals, and the view across the campus to the volcano.Maybe,one day I'll be back, with my tourguide Nico Taramen, and seeit all again.One of my great memories of walking through Manado and being stopped by a large group of students w o were very,very eager to speak English.We had a great time together, there in the street,.....especially when they discovered that I was a retired Kepala skolar! Godd wishes to you.

Peter Galloway - 07/30/99 22:22:57
My Email:Peter@Lontar99.freeserve.co.uk

I have happy memories of tours and diving in your area and my visit to your university. That amazing assembly hall and its murals, and the view across the campus to the volcano.Maybe,one day I'll be back, with my tourguide Nico Taramen, and seeit all again.

rozie jumat - 07/26/99 12:17:24
My Email:wendyozie@hotmail.com

saya amat berminat untuk mendapatkan pendidikan di universiti ini.untuk pengetahuan pihak tuan, saya sekarang bekerja sebagai seorang wartawan . saya amat berminat untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan teologia. sekian

Frank Lie - 07/18/99 15:41:30
My Email:funlie@ctimail.com

Saya senang sekali bisa melihat homepage dari UKIT di Manado. slam dari Hong Kong

pele muljono - 07/09/99 13:14:12
My Email:pele@manado.wasantara.net.id

i looking for langguage laboratory

Senduk G.A. Roeroe - 07/07/99 12:42:07
My Email:kakaskasen@yahoo.com

Saya baru pertama kali masuk di sini,

Mr Lee Le Min - 07/05/99 15:30:21
My Email:macylee@tm.net.my

I am an education counselor in Sabah. I wish to visit some universities in your area. Can someone guide me?

R Bororing - 07/01/99 05:20:00
My Email:zotetey@hotmail.com

bagus!!! kalo bisa samua fakultas ada info2nya jangan cuma yg lain, OK!!!!!!

Henny Mangangue - 06/27/99 08:35:35
My Email:attbpp@indo.net.id

Saya senang menemukan homepage UKI-Tomohon,Saya Angkatan'89 dari FMIPA jurusan Farmasi. Saya ingin mendapatkan informasi terbaru tentang FMIPA khususnya jurusan Farmasi,kalau ada tolong kirimkan ke e-mail saya. Salam buat seluruh mahasiswa FMIPA-Farmasi. Trim's

- 06/27/99 08:26:07


Feybe Lumanauw - 06/16/99 09:28:30
My Email:feybe@hotmail.com

Menarik walaupun sederhana. Nostalgia kampus kuning membayang kembali. Kuliah jam 6 pagi, tinggal di asrama, makan pisgor deelel. Salam dari Batam

Arlo Mailangkay - 05/23/99 03:25:08
My Email:arlo@indosat.net.id

Salam kenal. Bagus untuk informasi awal. Lebe bagus kalo tamba lengkap.

yus boneng - 05/03/99 23:50:51
My Email:yboneng@uoguelph.ca

Message buat PR Administrasi, Olvie Benu kirim kabar kemari; Buat Pak Rondonuwu! how is it going? you still the president of ukit huh..! how's your family? say hi to entji Sartje Ok! take care yus boneng

moelyono - 04/30/99 05:23:25

Baguussssssss, Salam buat temen-temen di UKIT Tomohon. Belajar di tempat sejuk akrab deng lingkungan

lody Paat - 04/21/99 12:42:02
My Email:tealod@vision.net.id

Saya bangga bahwa tempat lahir saya, Bukit Aspirasi, menjadi perguruan tinggi Kristen.

Martin Battaliou - 04/20/99 19:43:00
My URL:http://www.warezcities.com/users/General_Warez/jscript/mirror.html
My Email:battaliou@usa.net

heheh nice page but mine better hehhe

Lucky Rumopa - 04/19/99 11:06:56
My Email:felixpes@worldonline.nl

dat is beter..! en, groeten voor Ds.A.O.Supit met family ook, bestuur van UKIT (fak.PAK/Theol) bedank voor legitimasi brief van UKIT en SINODE GMIM. dan, nu ik heb al krijg status van Universiteit teologische te Kampen.(Studenten) en we gegeven tweejaar voor Nederladse taal, daarna ik moet volg programmma naar doktoral examen. Beetje moijlijk ! maar ik denk "alle begin is moeijlijk" daarom altijd ik probeer. okey tot ziens ! doakanlah. docent pembimbimng saya adalah Dr Neven (rektor) Salam juga buat kel.Pdt Nico Gara.terima kasih atas bantuan dan perhatian yang besar. ada salam kasih dari Pdt Aritonang buat Pdt A.O Supit ketika kami bertemu di Leiden serta dari TIM PGI yang di wakili oleh ketua Sinode GKJW ketika kami dalam acara Sidang PERKI se- Eropa di Frankfurt (Hoomburg). en salam hangat juga buat rekan-rekan pelayan angkatan 1990-1995.antara lain Pdt Vecky Kancil,Pdt Aser Roeroe,Pdt.N.Pua Pdt J.Marentek dll. trims.

Resa Doodoh - 03/14/99 00:19:38
My URL:http://www.binus.ac.id
My Email:ronimusprime@hotmail.com

Maju terus dalam Tuhan.

Affendy S Bolang - 02/20/99 12:17:35
My Email:fendilee@hotmail.com

hello, for my friend in minahasa

Affendy Bolang - 02/20/99 12:15:33
My Email:fendy_117@usa.net

hello, for UKIT Tomohon

villy - 02/17/99 08:08:41
My URL:http://no
My Email:villy8@hotmail.com

so good tapi infonya kurang lengkap mengenai keberaadan ukit tomohon

Apriadi D. Gani - 02/11/99 06:25:40
My URL:http://www.csf.or.id
My Email:csf@smd.mega.net.id

Well, it is surpised me, that the UKIT in Tomohon could produce this kind of homepage, while The Mulawarman University at Samarinda has not done yet such thing. It is samll but beutiful. You should be proud of it and keep in improving of your website. I have contced Ibu Meis, the webamaster this this site and learn from her how to produce the website. Good Luck. My best regards to all people from Manado, particularly from Tomohon. Also my special regard to my girl friend at Tomohon IVON SUPIT, sorongs ng RT II No. 8. Apri

Didy Lengkong - 02/10/99 07:48:20
My Email:Toar@worldnet.att.net

Sangat bangga karena modernisasi ini. Semoga akan memberikan banyak "inspirasi" dalam misi-misi mulia yang hendak dicapai. God bless your all works! Titip salam paling manis buat keluaga saya, Kel.Pdt. M.M.M. Lengkong-Kaunang. Juga 'best regard' for Om-om dan Tante-tante (Dosen&staff pegawai) di UKIT.

Rosella Kameo - 02/07/99 23:13:34
My Email:drkameo@indo.net.id

It is delightful to be able to look up information on UKIT on the Internet. Greetings from Salatiga!

Azer Roeroe - 01/29/99 14:24:17
My Email:a_roeroe@hotmail.com

sekiranya di home page ini ditambahkan program pasca sarjana dari Fakultas Teologi UKIT, karena UKIT sudah punya ok!

Tine - 01/29/99 11:03:24
My URL:http://uq.edu.au
My Email:s166920@student.uq.edu.au

Selamat tahun baru.

Chendit - 01/29/99 07:34:48
My Email:chendit@worldnet.att.net

Greeting.....from me,tole Tomohon yang lagi kesasar di California..... Keep up the good work....! I miss "Bukit Inspirasi Tomohon"

William L. Barth - 01/27/99 02:30:14
My Email:Bill&Maria@zianet.com

Hi I got your address from your home page, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Tomohon. Welcome to Yahoo. Keep up the good work. My name is Bill Barth. I am the author of the book "What Happened to the Church?" I invite you to view my home page at http://www.zianet.com/bbarth The home page will show you the contents of the book and the Bible Graft shows several major historical and biblical events in consecutive sequence. My book deals with these topics in more detail and I have arranged biblical events into sequential order to make them easier to understand. The book deals with Bible Prophecy and a lot more. I realize you are a busy person but I urge you to read this book. It will help in your personal study of the Bible and be a valuable tool to explain what is happening on this planet. I feel certain that whoever reads it will learn more about the Bible in a week than most have learned in a lifetime. Ask Jesus for guidance and please be expedient and obedient for we are at the end of the Church Age and running out of time. We may not know the hour or the day but we are expected to discern the times. From this letter you will know my e-mail address so let me know the reception my book received. I value your opinion and if you can help in my obligation to publish the gospel it would be appreciated. Thanks and if I don't see you on this side of the rapture, see you on the other side. May God Bless and Keep you Bill Barth

Roy - 01/26/99 12:29:22
My Email:royjbm@yahoo.com

Cukup bagus

Meis - 11/21/98 13:08:38

Only testing guestbook by myself.

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