6. Vocabulary

1. Preposition, Phasal Verb 1   (Open in New Window, Include Javascript) Apr, 2000

2. Preposition, Phasal Verb 2   (Open in New Window, Include Javascript) Dec, 2000

3. Words for beginner 1   (Open in New Window, Include Javascript and Japanese) Apr, 2002

4. Words for beginner 2   (Open in New Window, Include Javascript and Japanese) Apr, 2002

5. Words   (Open in New Window, Include Javascript, Java, Wav-sound and Japanese) Apr, 2002


      Practice 1 and 2 are for an intermediate level. Practice 3 and 4 are for a beginner level and include Japanese. Practice 5 is for a beginner to intermediate level.
      Practice 5 is a bit special, because it consists of many files and includes Java Applet to load quizzes' data from a file. In addition, it includes sound files (*.wav), too. Therefore, a plug-in to play the sound files is also necessary. Practice 5 doesn't seem to work with Netscape at the moment.
      It was confirmed that Practice 1 - 4 work with Internet Explorer 4.0, Netscape Communicator 4.7 and more than that version.