Data Sets
Economist's data sets
Robert Barro
's data sets.
Coe and
data set
to "International R&D Spillovers",
European Economic Review
, 1995.
N. Gregory Mankiw
data sets
Xavier Sala-i-Martin
data sets
Charles I. Jones
data sets
Stanley Fisher's data set to '
The role of macroeconomic factors in growth
Journal of Monetary Economics
, 1993.
Data sets
for Econometric Analysis, 3rd ed., by
William H. Greene
Data sets
for Applied Econometric Time Series, by
Walter Enders
Links to Home Pages with Data Sets
Penn World Tables
, Mark 5.6 at
. An international panel, 1950-1992.
Economic Growth Research
World Bank
The Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Economic Time Series Page.
Mark Bernkopf's Central Banking Resource Center
Economic Growth Resources
. The best link to data on economic growth (this page is maintained by
Jonathan Temple
Banco Central do Brasil
. Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic.
To search for more data sets use
WebEc, Economics Data