An Unloved's Tale:
My Same Sad Song

Anna L. Williams
October 6, 1998

My situation might put some in vain.
Most of the time I have hope and at others, I feel that this is all a game.
Nevertheless, my life continues because I know who I am.
I wonder will I learn my lesson?  Or will I be damned?
To have a lover's hand to touch,
I can only dream for at least that much.
To give love and receive it equally in return
Is what my soul desires and my heart yearns.

Once a girl's purpose and point for being
  Revolved around a man who went unseeing
The beauty and true that attracted him to her
Now all of this was lost and is nothing save a blur.
In his eyes, she thought she saw happiness.
In her dreams, she dreamt for just one kiss.
In his arms, she felt something as never before
However, by their established friendship, it closed this door.

And why does she want him and feels she loves him so?
Is to do this in her nature?  Because she does not know
She only feels the pain of not being apart.
Of not being his one true love, of not having his heart.
Now she is left by herself
Realizing that the love of his was not a hand she was dealt.
In her hand is her last card.  She holds her last hope.
During all this she is praying to God, hoping that life is not one cruel joke.

The pain of love hurts and takes time to heal.
This feeling can make you distressed and at times very ill.
To cry and get angry is typical and o.k.
Because your last hope knows tomorrow will be a new day.


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