My Wedding Vows
Thank you Dr. Suess for
Green Eggs & Ham
Anna L. Williams
January 2002

I do love you, this man! I do!
I kind of, sort of like you too!
And I would love you in a boat.
And I would love you with a goat.
And I will love you in the rain.
And in the dark, and on a train.
And in a car. And in at tree
You are so good to me you see!

So I will love you in a box, even with a fox.
And I will love you in a house, even with a mouse.
And I will love you here and there
Say! I will love you Anywhere!

I will love you as my lover.
And I still love you as my friend.
I’ve loved you from the beginning,
And I shall love you after the end.
I will love you morning, noon and night.
My love given to you... Anytime is right!

I do so like and love this man!
Thank you!  Thank you!
So happy I am.
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