Alcohol Poisoning - Things to watch for
Drinker does not respond to being talked to or shouted at.
Drinker cannot stand up.
Will not wake up.
Does not respond to being pinched or poked hard.
Slow labored breathing.
Average person breaths 12-20 times a minute..the average person will breath within a second of inhalling or exhalling..NOT 3 or 4 or 5 seconds of not breathing betoween breaths.
Skin is purplelish in color.
Skin is clammy feeling.
Rapid pulse rate.
Average person has rate of 80-100 beats per minute..when resting or sitting..Fell the groove of the neck near the adams apple..use your first two fingers (not your thumb it has a pulse) feel the pulse for 6 secs..and then times that by 10.
Irregular heart rhythm.
Lowered blood pressure.
Watch for vomiting.
Turn drinker on his or her side support the head by using drinkers lower arm under bed.
If you or anyone suspects a person has consumed to much alcohol call 911. You could more then likely save this persons life.The alcohol continues to build in this persons body..until it completely overtakes the persons body and begins to shut down vital organs..such as the brain. It is imperative you find this person help right away.
Be honest with the emergency crew in telling them what you suspect this person may have had. Let them know if you suspect any other drugs in the system. It is most important to make them aware of all the things this person could have used.
Here's a resourceful link