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LYDIE SILVERTHORNE - 11/16/00 20:57:12


Brianna Davis - 11/15/00 15:22:44
My Email:divab42@aol.com

hey ya'll, i'm gonna miss everyone sooo much~keep in touch!! i'll love my sisters forever. pledge class fall 2000 was the best, love you girls!!!

April Wills - 10/12/00 19:40:54
My Email:acwills1178@aol.com

Your page is wonderful. I am from the OE chapter at Arkansas State University. We reached quota this year, bringing in 34 new members. Congradulations on this years rush. And good luck on this years activities.

Gennell Morgan - 08/04/00 18:30:57
My Email:Gennell.Morgan@ncmail.net

Girls this is Great! I am proud of the way you are showing your DZ pride. Keep up the wonderful work. Good Luck with upcoming rush. Gennell, Zeta Lambda chapter (ECU)

Kimmie Ogren King - 07/30/00 00:21:32
My Email:kim.king@hboc.com

Just checking out your site. Active all 5 years.Grad=1984-1989.

Kelly Lineberger - 07/18/00 01:36:30
My Email:DGgirl423@aol.com

I will be a freshman this fall at WCU and would like more info on your sorority. If academics are a consideration, I graduated 29th in my class with a 4.097 GPA. Thank you.

Stacey Edwards - 04/17/00 03:15:44
My Email:staceydz89@aol.com

What a great site! I'm so proud of you girls. Looks like DZ is just as strong as ever. In DZ bonds, Stacey, Fall '89

Jessica Meyer - 04/02/00 13:25:33
My Email:jessicauwp@hotmail.com

Hello ladies!! The web page looks wonderful, keep up the impressive job! I am currently on my world tour with Up With People and this is a wonderful way for me to keep intouch with my favorite girls no matter when in the world I am traveling this year. my love to the new members and big hugs to the seniors who are getting ready to graduate. The girls in Theta Iota are my rock and I love everyone of them dearly!! In DZ bonds and mine, Jessica Fall 1994

- 03/29/00 21:09:12


Amy Peddie - 02/24/00 20:20:11
My Email:akp0495@hotmail.com

Great page! I visited your chapter this past weekend. It was really amazing the way I was made to feel right at home. To Jodie, Jennifer and Beth, thank you so much for showing me around, and sharing your stories. Sisterhood is... Delta Love, Amy Peddie Alpha Sigma, FSU

Rebecca Frazer - 02/14/00 02:08:39
My Email:rjfrazer@barton.edu

I just joined Delta Zeta at Barton College, Theta Omega Chapter. We are interested in getting our web page back into order and I was looking around at all of the other ones and yours looks really nice! Rebecca Frazer

Margaret Burns - 02/11/00 21:39:54
My Email:margburns

Your web page looks great!!! Keep up the good work. dkz, margaret burns

Corey Mills - 01/31/00 14:40:11
My Email:cmills03@bellsouth.net

Love to hear from Laura Long.

Allison Parker - 01/28/00 20:45:57
My Email:Angelb9910@aol.com

I am probably going to attend western carolina this coming school year and hope to enter into a sorority....maybe it'll be yours....looks really cool...and helps a worthy cause as well....ByE!!!

Michelle Parparian - 12/14/99 17:29:53
My Email:mparparian@aol.com

HELLO LADIES! This page looks great! keep in touch! Michelle

Leah Lopez - 10/20/99 02:22:20
My Email:leahfl@hotmail.com

Brands' absolutely love ya and the web page is awesome!!!! To all my girls at WCU, love ya and miss ya bunches!!

Lisa Sinclair-Wilson - 10/12/99 00:40:45
My Email:wilsontob@home.com

Hello Ladies! Miss you all so very much. Brandy, the website looks great little grandbaby. Keep the family strong.... Bows and pearls please. Keep in touch! LTFEF Lisa

ATLANTA FAVOR - 10/07/99 14:40:13
My Email:afco@tampabay.rr.com

Hello from Atlanta Favor, We have Lavalieres (Vertical Drops Standard Size) ON SALE with a FREE 18" Presentation Chain. Our SOLID SILVER at 24pcs are $13.95 each. Call us TOLL FREE at 800-444-1141 for your specific needs (SOLID GOLD, GOLD PLATED, DISKS, SYMBOLS) We are open 4pm till Midnight when You are Not in Class, or email us with your address, sorority name, and room phone number, for a current price list. Our mailing also includes Blank Pledge Paddles and NO HAZING Compliant Symbol Plaques for each Sorority. afco@tampabay.rr.com

Jamie Kuhneman-Thompson - 09/09/99 21:00:44
My URL:http://summitpartners.com
My Email:jkuhnemann@summitpartners.com

Greetings...great-grand-baby!!! Your site looks awesome and brings back so many fond memories! I hope rush went well and please give all my regards. In DZ Bonds and Mine, Jamie Kuhneman-Thompson

Kristie Lamm - 06/24/99 00:33:20
My Email:jason10spro@simflex.com

The Theta Omega chapter of DZ at Barton College in Wilson, NC would like help setting up our own web page. If you could, please Email me at the above address with any suggetions that your chapter might have!!!!!!THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Martin Battaliou - 04/30/99 05:13:21
My URL:http://www.warezcities.com/users/General_Warez/jscript/mirror.html
My Email:battaliou@usa.net

heheh nice page but mine better hehhe

Holly Smith - 12/16/98 03:05:29
My Email:as9143@wcu.edu

Love the web page!

Craig & Elaine Hubbell - 12/12/98 15:28:30
My Email:cehubbell@ibm.net

Great home page!!!!!!!!!!! As time passes all the alumni will really appreciate having access to the news on campus. My fraternity, Kappa Sigma, from Western Kentucky University and my high school class both have web sites and we enjoy communicating with all our OLD friends after any years. Tell Ashley and Lindsay we love them.

Dollie Wall - 12/11/98 18:34:12
My Email:dw7414@wcu.edu

Brandy, You did such a great job with this, I'm so proud of you!! I love you and think you are a special person.

Melinda Hunt - 12/10/98 23:27:15
My Email:mh9734@WCU.EDU

Brandy, you did a wonderful job lil sis! I am so proud of you. Love you, Melinda

meredith vanderburg - 12/10/98 16:09:00
My Email:mv621@wcu.edu

this is a great web page--i am proud of you brandy! it looks awesome!

Joe Roman - 12/10/98 00:13:42
My Email:jroman@southwest.cc.nc.us

Great page, I especially like the dancing turtle!!!

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