Fernando Vallejo-Siller
Industrial Designer

About me:




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50kbclick to download Curriculum Vitae
Word document. Latest update: Apr. 2005

870kbclick to download
Curriculum Vitae
Pdf file (includes certificates and diplomas). Latest update: Apr. 2005

850kbclick to download
Pdf file. Latest update: Apr. 2005

125kb click to download
Anthropometrics template
Use this excel sheet to calculate anthropometric percentiles. Just fill in the meassurements of your subjects on each column. The second sheet lets you calculate the proportional dimensions of the human body based on overall height. Just fill in the heights of your subjects and let excel calculate the proportional values and percentiles. It is not as accurate as taking the real dimensions, but it is a quick reference if you only have the height data or need quick rough data of a sample.

625kb click to download Design specifications
This is the same analysis matrix I used to show to my students. Basically, for each category that applies to your project (what), the designer has to specify the constraints (why) and generate parameters (specifications) for possible solutions (how). If you have questions about using this matrix, please don't hesitate to e-mail me, I'll be glad to explain how to use it.

There is also a common and normal morphological matrix. Not my invention, but it's good to have that on the same document as the design specs. to evaluate the final design proposal(s).

1.2MB click to download Ergonomic evaluation of products
This is also an excel sheet which evaluates some ergonomic features of products. It was developed by several teams of students at ITESM, each team developed a series of questions for products on their assigned category: static objects, mechanical objects, products powered by lower limbs, products with discrete feedback, etc. Then a score is generated, which indicates if further  adjustments are needed. Sorry, no liability or responsibilty on the results by/or use of this program. Credit goes to the students who developed it... of course , in spanish.

On the News
24kbclick to download The Newspaper PUBLICO published this letter in March 2000 about an art and design manifesto in Guadalajara.

The design magazine O.bjeto from Monterrey published this articles about semiology.
(in spanish)

60kbclick to download Cultura Industrial
60kbclick to download Mensaje estetico
84kbclick to download La insoportable levedad del kitsch
88kbclick to download Here's an english translation of my article on Kitsch, published by O.bjeto in January 2005.

312kbclick to download M.Sc. Thesis
During the renovation of my web site, I found this html files of my master's thesis (in german). So I put them on this pdf file. The project was an industrial alarm system which combines emergency light, smoke detector, emergency button and a "speed dial" menu with 5 emergency numbers. More (nicer) pictures are on the University of Essen section.

The User Centered Design game
Inside this zip file is the stand alone executable of the game that appears on the home page of this site. It's the first game I've made using flash.

Please feel free to download and/or print this files.

© 2000-2008 
 Fernando Vallejo-Siller