Notre Dame Picture Page

"The best of the best pictures of Notre Dame's campus"

One day while cleaning out old files from my computer, I discovered that I had scanned a whole bunch of Notre Dame photographs and not taken the time to put them on my webpage.  I decided I would like to make these photographs available in a really large format, so the details of the pictures would not be lost.  I made the pictures exactly big enough to fit an 800 X 600 pixel monitor (standard), so they could easily be made into desktop wallpaper that actually fit your whole screen!  Just right click the image you like best, and drag down to the option "set as wallpaper".  If you have a slow internet connection, be patient!  the pictures are large!  Please do not put these pictures on your Notre Dame homepage because they are all original photographs by me.  I would be honored to have you link to this page from your own picture page.  Enjoy the pictures.  Please tell me what you think after you've seen them all!   e-mail

Picture of the Golden Dome from the air.  Makes a great wallpaper for you computer (photographer unknown)

One of many views of Notre Dame's gorgeous Basilica

I amazed myself with this view of the Basilica.  It would be hard to find a better picture of it!

Here's the Basilica on a chilly fall Saturday morning.  That's right!  It's the morning of a football game!

This is a good picture of the Grotto that I found at

This is an aerial vew of campus.  It shows many of the new structures on campus (including the new stadium!)

This is a panoramic picture I took of the famous concert on the steps.  Since I'm in the band, the picture has a unique perspective!

This is a photograph of my home-away-from-home, Dillon Hall.  Don't you wish you lived here?  (by Joe Guentert-my roommate)

This is a great view of the Dome on a Fall morning

Another awe-inspiring look at the Basilica

This is a picture of the Grotto in the winter.  It has been altered to look somewhat like a painting. Use it for your computer wallpaper!

This is a view of the inside of the Basilica after its multi-million dollar renovation.  If you ever have a chance, attend a mass here!

This is a picture of one of Notre Dame's two beautiful lakes (by Joe Guentert)

This picture of a ND sunset has been used on many postcards.  Makes great wallpaper.

This is what the grotto looks like at night!  WOW! 

This is the back of the newly renovated stadium.  (by Joe Guentert)

This is the statue of Jesus that is positioned in front of the beautiful Golden Dome.  The inscription means "Come to me, all "


Old photos are still available here:


1.  This is a great shot of the Dome and the lakes from above!  It makes a GREAT background for your computer desktop!

2.  This is another aerial shot that isn't AS good as the one above, but it sort of shows the layout of campus.
3.  This is a beautiful shot of the Golden Dome

Go to my Basilica Picture Page

Go to my Grotto Picture Page

I've got to have a link to the Official Sights and Sounds page!

Here's a link to Mike Milano's Picture Page


A well done picture of the grotto

A super picture of Bond Hall (Architecture)

The God, Country, Notre Dame- Inscription on the Basilica.

An aerial photo of the stadium the year before the construction was finished

A panoramic photo of the inside of the stadium during the first game of the year