Section 68
2000 Feb 5
Lambda Alpha Chapter, East Tennessee State University, is one of ten chapters awarded the Youth Service Grant.
1998 Apr 25
1998 Section 68 Conference attended by two of the three chapters in the section, with guests Jack McKenzie, the National Vice President, and Laura Fowler, Region IV Advisor Liason. The total number of attendees is 60, making this the highest attended conference since we started having them again in 1994. Sectional awards were implemented for the first time at this conference (see the individual awards for a list of recipients). Laura Fowler presented a workshop on Advisors and Iota Alpha presented a workshop on recruiting scouts. Greg Whitfield was reelected as Section 68 Chair, Retha Patton, an Advisor of Lambda Alpha was elected as Section 68 Vice chair and Julie Whitfield was elected as Section 68 Secretary. Lambda Alpha was chosen as the host of the next conference. Overall, it was a fantastic conference!
1997 Dec 6
Iota Alpha Chapter at the University of Tennessee at
Knoxville is rechartered with 23 members.
1997 Nov 23
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville application for
charter is officially approved by the National Board of
1997 Oct 29
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville application for
charter has been approved by the National Membership and
Extension Committee. It has now been submitted to the
Section 68 chapters and the National Board of Directors for
approval. The ballot results will be known by 19 November.
1997 Oct 06
Greg Whitfield met with Joe Sanfilippo, President of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville Petitioning Group.
The progress of the group was reviewed and it looked great.
They are trying to submit their Chartering Kit before 20 Oct
in order to have Iota Alpha Chapter rechartered on 06 Dec.
1997 Apr 28
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville has its initial
Petitioning Ceremony conducted by big brother chapter
Lambda Alpha from East Tennessee State University. Twenty
two members become petitioners. Forms are filled out along
with the application for petitioning status.
1997 Apr 24
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville obtains Interest
Group status.
1997 Mar 22
Both Chapters and the UTK Prospect Group, along with Region IV
Director Mike Nathan attended this year's Section 68 Conference
at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City. The theme
of the conference was "What's Important: FUN" where the FUN
stands for Friendship, Unity, and Nobleness. Three workshops
supporting this topic were presented by ETSU faculty and staff
members, including Lambda Alpha's Advisory Committee Chair,
Retha Patton. The service project was a U.S. Highway 11E
cleanup in Jonesborough (Tennessee's oldest town). Lunch was
at Poor Richard's Deli near the ETSU campus. At the business
meeting, Greg Whitfield was elected to be Section 68 Chair for
the next year and the UTK Prospect Group was elected to host the
next conference on the weekend of March 28, 1998 (with Xi Sigma
acting as the backup location if UTK is unable to do this). Greg
Whitfield was also directed by the chapters to recruit and
appoint a Vice Chair and a Secretary/Treasurer.
1997 Mar 17
Five members of Lambda Alpha Chapter (East Tennessee State
University) and Greg Whitfield visited the UTK Prospect Group
in order to do the Pre-Petitioning Group Orientation. Many
members of the UTK ProG attended.
1997 Feb 12
Greg and Julie Whitfield met with Johnny Fontan and nine other prospectives at Reese Hall
on the campus of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Greg explained the
steps required to charter a chapter and both answered questions about Alpha Phi
Omega. The group still needs a sponsor in the Knoxville area, but it looks like
they are eager to get started with the required tasks.
1997 Jan 29
The Section 68 Conference date has been finalized as March 22, 1997. Mike Nathan,
Region IV Directory will be attending. This is the first time in recorded history
(at least since 1989) that a Region IV Director has attended the Section 68
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