There is too MUCH CRAP.

I am tired of reading about miracle diets, and penis pumps, and how the youngest girls ever in my area want to date me. I am tired of junk mail, paid advertisements, incompetent fast food workers, voice mail systems, politicians, actors (which aren't they the same when you think about it), and repeating myself. With that there are plenty of things that make me happy.

I have just added a new link from a friend I haven't seen in many moons. Please check out SANTEs site. Its way cooler than mine, because of course he is pretty much way cooler than I am.


Latest news

Holidays. Very busy.
We have been jumping through our butts to get the house squared away. Very some to work to do so I am off.

It's almost over. I leave
in a week for sunny Florida. I am a homeowner? Added some links. New tracks coming soon.......

Just got off of vacation. I went to the Waterfalls near Lake Yojoa with the MRS... She liked alot. I have pictures. I have also added some new tracks.

HAHA!! I posted a new website.
Look at me. I am flunking out of school and ignoring my hygiene.

I am nearly done
getting this crap to look the way I want it too. I am hoping to upload some additional tracks here in the not too distant future