NAMSAN is between Chung-Gu and Yong-San-Gu,it has 262m height and 1,029,000m2 area.It was called "Mok-Myuk-San", "Ma-Moiy"
( This is NAMSAN's ancest name), "In-Kyung-San".Granite is main rock of Namsan. It is located east of Naksan, west of Inwangsan, north of Bukhansan.It enclose central Seoul.when Teajo ruled Chosun, He made the wall for defense along these mountains lines,but now,it is left partial of wall.
there are a several of facilities such as resting
area, labrary and public buildings. The area of Namsan
is 2.97 km2 and designated a public park for citizen.
in the 1910, It was desiganted a public park for
citizen for the first time and there is the stone
,which is written "the park for citizen" by Kojong who
was one of kings in ancient Korea(Chosun dynasty),
next to the gorvernment building of the unification of South and North Korean.
There are the Kuksadan which used to do ceremony in
Spring and Fall in the Chosun dynasty and the
Bongsudae which used to communicate news with each
province in the top of the Namsan.
The Seoul tower, which is located in the top of theNamsan, is
236,7m tall and kind of the tower of transmission. it
has the obsevatory which offers us to look around the
area 50 km far from itself and various facilities.
There are also the arbor which was taken after the
arbor in the park of Topgol. Because it is preserved
very well, there are pretty much mountain animals such
as squirrel, pheasant even though it is centeral of
city. I'm gonna tell you main facilities in Namsanfrom bottom of the Namsan.
At first, there is play ground, which is 0.83km2 area,
in the lowest area of the namsan.
and then in the next lower area, there are the statue
of Beakbum Kimgu and the agora of Beakbum. There is a
fountain in above this agora fountain. Around
fountain, there are a sveral of buildings and
statues such as Namsan library, the statue of
Anjunggun Eisa, statues of Lee hwang and Jungyakyongand plant building.
In thhe east side of Namsan, there are natoinal
theater, the park of JangChungdan, Ibukodochung and
Dongkuk univ. In the park of JangChungdan, there are
Supyu bridge which was moved when the river of the
Chungge was covered, athletic facilities such as a
ground of baseball and a ground of tennis. In front of
it, there are the gymnasium of Janchung and the hotelof Sila.
In the north of the this mountain, there is the schoolof Sungei.