October Project is the GREATEST BAND THAT HAS EVER EXISTED. I've never heard that they are Christian, but their lyrics reflect what could be Christian background - their secular, but I LOVE them anyways. Here I have some pics and some sounds to listen to. If you like them then you better jet to you nearest music store to buy the CD's. A few years ago, Sony dropped them from their record lable. Soon after the lable drop, the band broke up - I cried. The point is, the CD's are hard to come by, but not impossible - if you ask your local CD vendor to order it for you, I'm sure he/she will. Enjoy.
Where you see athen you can click on it to listen to a piece of the song.
Here are some songs from the self-titled debut album.
- Bury My Lovely
- Ariel
- Where You Are
- A Lonely Voice
- Eyes Of Mercy
- Take Me As I Am
Here are some tunes from their second, and sadly last, album FALLING FURTHER IN
- Deep As You Go
- Johnny
- Funeral In His Heart
- Dark Time
- If I Could
From Here you can click on the pictures to get a bigger picture.
- Dark Times: October Project Disabandoned- band info and pics.
- Dez's October Project Page- pictures, links, info, interview, and more.
- Paths of Desire- the vacant beauty of the wind leading w/swift longing toward October Project
- The Second Veil -Good NEW October Project Homepage
- The Sony October Project Homepage
- The Unofficial October Project Homepage
- The Muse October Project Homepage hosted by Valnet
- Leave the Shadows Dancing - The Unofficial October Project Homepage
- Milwaukee Concert Review from December 95 Music Revue Magazine
- Concert Preview from April 96 Sites & Sounds Magazine
- Madison Concert Review from April 96 Maximum Ink Magazine
Yoshi's Main Page/Ministry and Prophecy Page/Misc. Pics and Info About Yoshi/ Music, Sounds Page/Yoshi's October Project Page/Christian Music, Sounds, and Pics.Guest Book