Where to Go



History of the Christian Church

Apostolic Christianity
First Century Pressure
Potentates and Pressures
The Apologists
Clergy, Creed, and Canon
Christ and Culture
Third Century Tribulations
Gerrymandering an Empire
Unparalleled Growth
Constantine and the Christian State
Of Monks and Men
Outstanding Churchmen
Barbarian Breakthrough
Growth of Papal Power
The Church Moves West
The Iconoclastic Controversy
Struggle Between Sword and See
The Medieval Papacy
Schism Between East and West
Popes and the "Prophet"
Renewed Monastic Vigor
The Avignon Papacy
Medieval Learning -- Scholasticism
Social Problems Facing the Church
Congressional Christianity
Growth of the Mystical Spirit
The Eastern Church
Christian Humanism
The Renaissance Papacy
Later Medieval and Renaissance Reform
Backgrounds of the Reformation
Reform in Germany
The Zwinglian Revolt
Reform in French Switzerland
The Essence of Calvinism
The English Revolt
The Spread of Calvinism
The Counter Reformation
The Continuing English Reformation
Religious Currents in England
Colonization of the New World
Anglicanism in America
The Puritan Scene
The Expanding Religious Scene
Social Pressure and Witchcraft
Other Religious Groups
The Great Awakening
The Enlightenment
The Age of Revolution
The Benevolent Empire
The Roman Catholics
Reactions to Christianity I
Reactions to Christianity II
Slavery and the Churches
The Cities and D.L. Moody
Black Churches
Protestant Liberalism
Evangelicals and the Social Gospel
Fundamentalism and Billy Sunday
World War I and Neo-Orthodoxy
Religious Americanism

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