Amnesty International's 1996 Annual Report covers 146 countries from all areas of the world and
all points of the political spectrum. The protection of human rights is a universal
responsibility, transcending the boundaries of nation, race and belief. This the
fundamental principle on which the work of Amnesty International is based. Next question
Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "No one shall be
subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Additionally, 106 countries have signed and/or ratified the International Conventions
Against Torture or to Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
Next question
According to the Amnesty International report, Torture in the 80s, 66 countries show
well documented evidence of systematic use of torture by government agents. Much of this
torture takes place during the first days or weeks after a person is detained, while they
are held "incommunicado," Amnesty International has set up an Urgent Action
Network to respond rapidly to such situations. Please consider joining it!
Next question
On September 11, 1985, Charles Rumbaugh of Texas became the first of nine juvenile
offenders to be executed in the USA since 1964. Of the 38 US states that have the death
penalty, only 9 prohibit the imposition of the death penalty on people aged under 18 at
the time of the offense. This is in clear violation of Article 6(5) of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states: "Sentence of death shall not be
imposed for crimes committed by persons below eighteen years of age..." The US
Government ratified this treaty in June 1993, but made a reservation to this clause of
Article 6. At the end of 1995 at least 44 juvenile offenders were under sentence of death
in 13 states. The only other countries of the world that sentence juveniles to death are
Rwanda, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and Bangladesh.
Next question
A recent study (In Spite of Innocence: Erroneous Convictions in Capital Cases
(1992). Michael L. Radelet, Hugo Adam Bedau & Constance E. Putnam. Northeastern Univ.
Press: Boston, MA.) has produced evidence of 416 US cases in which innocent people were
convicted of offenses punishable by death. These cases -- from 1900 to 1992 -- include 23
who were executed.
Next question
Since South Africa abolished the death penalty in 1995, the US stands alone among
western industrial countries in its use of capital punishment. At least one country a year
has abolished the death penalty since 1975. Of the members of NATO, only the US and Turkey
use the death penalty.
Next question
The death penalty in the US is racially biased. Nearly half the people on death row
are members of racial minorities. But a more significant and subtle aspect of the racism
related tot he race of the murder victim. 90% of the prisoners executed since 1977, and
79% of those now on death row, have been convicted of murdering whites, even though blacks
and whites are victims of homicides in roughly equal numbers. Blacks convicted of
murdering whites are 11 times more likely than whites to be sentenced to death.
Next question
A "disappearance" refers to the taking of a person into custody by
authorities and the subsequent denial of having done so. "Disappearances"
usually result in clandestine imprisonment, torture, and/or "death squad"
killings. Amnesty International is particularly alarmed by the arbitrary nature of
"disappearances," since it is a strategy designed to repress political dissent
and is often used against innocent people.
Next question
Amnesty International works for the release of Prisoners of Conscience. These are
people detained for their beliefs, color, sex, ethnic origin, language or religion who
have not used or advocated violence. It works for fair and prompt trials for all political
Next question
10. TRUE
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