Cheah Wei's Electronic Juice Station
(All about my electronic projects and links to related pages on line)
Site Map



Electronic Projects

Postgraduate Research


My Software

My Stories & LEGO

Fish Keeping


My Baobei


ah jin

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forumone by onecenter

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Photo juice station
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Embedded Microcontroller
Kiwi a Linux PDA complete system
Peter H.Anderson parallel port, microcontroller...etc
epanorama tonnes of links to electronics projects
beyondlogicparlallel port, USB, serial...interfacing
8255 PPI
W.A Steer's Home Built video digitiser
FarPoint Communications' Introduction to the IEEE 1284 Parallel Port Standard
video grabber
Zhahai Stewart
pic-cam fpga based-video grabber
USB Designer Link (forum on electronic ---very good, explore their info links too)
open core IP (FPGA based, contains PCI, USB, etc... great)
IDE project (features PIC based IDE with FAT16 support)
Manta Ray's GPIB faq (nice short description on GPIB)
appnotes on power electronics, motor control


Here's some links to some IC manufacturers who offers free samples of their ICs
Maximvideo, interface, amplifier, AD/DA, power, microcontroller...etc reaching you at light speed, praise them
National Semiconductor selected ICs reach you fast
Texas Instrument good ICs reaching you at quite an acceptable time
Elantecsome really good video ICs, but takes some time to reach you
Analog Device often, your free samples never arrive
Microchip i requested b4, never reach
Agilent Technologies i requested before, never reach
AVX (only passive components):
California Micro Devices:
Catalyst Semiconductor:
Cypress semiconductor:
Steward (ferrites, inductive products etc.)
On Semiconductor
Supertex so said offer free eval kit, but never reach me
Sensirion sensor
Xicor programmable potential meter + capacitor, RTC, nonvolatial memory


Transformer, chokes, inductors for telecom

Embedded Internet / Ethernet

embeddedethernet (contains an embedded ethernet board based on CS8900) -- free schematic + example interfacing with uc
uIP a free tiny TCP/IP stack written in C with source code
Maxim's TINI
lwip lightweight TCP/IP stack
openTCP and open source

ebook (structural text programming)
RunMode (siemens PLC by personal hobbyist)
the learning pit (Allen Bradley logixpro simulation)
forum MPLC (nice forum like elektroda)

PLC misc resources

SC09 diagram (download cable for Mitsubishi PLC)


Minas (communication module over TCP-IP)
Linux Lab Projects


SCM Rtos (port for AVR and TI's MSP430)


experts exchange ask question and gets professionalls around the world answering your question
codeguru comprehensive programming issues site
codeproject  another comprehensive programming site, with good illustration

CNC Machine

Scientific Magazine And Journal

Institute of Physics ( free online journa l)
Elsevier ( free online journal )
Nature magazine  a very good scientific magazine with archive of every issues in pdf format
Science & Technology Review
ACS Chemical Journal
Oak Ridge National Laboratory this research lab has quite some publications in various fields

Photonic Research Group & Lab ---has been moved to research link, under postgraduate research page

Personal & Interest

Yih Miin's homepage
SEL2000 homepage UTM electronic engineering intake 1996-2000 homepage
model making ring
scale model
weiwei's handy code (another of my website with handy codes on Matlab, FEMLAB, C++)
weiwei's photo juice station (my other website with shared photos of my holidays)
weiwei's research (yet another website of mine featuring my electronic research)
LDraw -- virtual LEGO


TV3 online TV
Hogan's scanned e-book ( lots of book free.. .^_^)
listen to Malaysian radion channels online (mix FM, my FM, Opus, Hitz FM...etc)

Industrial Associations (electrical & mechanical) ---orignally get this from Assembly Magazine online

- American National Standards Institute
ANSI is a private, nonprofit organization that coordinates the United States voluntary consensus standards system and approves American national standards. ANSI is the sole U.S. representative and dues-paying member of ISO and IEC.

- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME has 36 technical divisions and four institutes. Each division serves a specific discipline of mechanical engineering. It conducts technical conferences, workshops, exhibitions, research and publishing operations at the local, national and international levels.

- Association for Manufacturing Technology
AMT, serving the manufacturing systems industry, provides information on technical developments, training methods, economic issues, and trade and marketing opportunities.

- Edison Welding Institute
EWI serves the welding and joining needs of industry. It can serve as an extension of a manufacturer's technical staff and can become involved at any stage of an assembly operation.

- European Factory Automation Committee
The European Factory Automation Committee (EFAC) is the European information and communication platform for manufacturers of assembly and handling technology. Members are trade associations of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE's focus is on advancing the theory and practice of electrical, electronics, computer engineering and computer science.

- Institute of Industrial Engineers
IIE, an international, nonprofit association, advances technical and managerial skills of people concerned with improving the productivity of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy.

- IPC--Association Connecting Electronics Industries
IPC is a U.S.-based association dedicated to the electronic interconnection industry, including design, printed wiring board manufacturing and electronics assembly. The association focuses on industry standards, training, market research and public policy advocacy.

- National Association of Manufacturers
NAM represents the largest to the smallest manufacturers. It covers issues ranging from workplace and industrial relations, environment, government regulations, taxation and international trade.

- National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEMA promotes safety in the manufacture and use of electrical products, develops codes and standards, and conducts educational forums.

- National Society of Professional Engineers
NSPE represents professional engineers, student engineers and registered land surveyors. It conducts programs in public relations, employment practices, ethical considerations, education and career guidance.

- Robotics Industries Association
RIA helps exchange technical and trade-related information between robot manufacturers, distributors, users, accessory equipment and systems suppliers, consultants, research groups and international organizations.

- Society of Automotive Engineers
SAE is an educational and scientific organization advancing vehicle technology. SAE members develop technical information on all forms of self-propelled vehicles.

- Society of Manufacturing Engineers
SME advances scientific knowledge in manufacturing engineering. It has many divisions covering such technologies as computer and automated systems, machine vision and rapid prototyping.

Industry Related Sites
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST is a nonregulatory agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration. It helps develop new technologies, devise new measurement methods and provide materials, data and calibrations for quality assurance.

- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
As part of the U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA issues standards and rules for safe and healthful working conditions, tools, equipment, facilities and processes. It inspects workplaces to ensure standards are followed.

Trade Shows
- Assembly Technology Events
Get information about attending the only trade shows in the United States totally dedicated to helping manufacturing companies raise the productivity and profitability of their product assembly operations.

and of course, my e-mail


"I am as happy as i want to be "

Copyright © 2001 - Cheah Wei - Updated 8 August 2003